The factors that are destroying your progress are in front of you. Learn how to avoid bodybuilding catabolism and the vicious circle of treading water. The attitude of a person to business, both to bodybuilding and to any other, is a kind of lens through which the perception of the world occurs. Attitude is a mental perception and it certainly has a powerful effect on life on the physical plane. A bad attitude can ruin the most perfect training or nutrition program.
Among the destructive causes of exercise and nutrition in bodybuilding, attitude can be a real problem. People can change their lives only if they change their attitude towards it. So, what forms can the wrong attitude to the training process take?
Reason # 1: Time is sorely lacking

People often assure themselves that their schedule is very busy, and it is absolutely impossible to find half an hour or an hour in it for training. In this case, you shouldn't do it. They think that everything will change the moment they find the right time for training.
But this does not happen, since the schedule is always full and there is always not enough time. But if you want, you can always find time. If you want to accomplish something, then you need to give it maximum priority and find the time. Of course, for this you will have to sacrifice other matters that are not so important to you.
If you’re watching a show and say you don’t have enough time to train, it’s all about misplaced priorities. It should also be understood that any physical exercise is defined better than none. Today, programs of shortened workouts have been created, and at the same time get tangible results.
You may not be able to conduct a full-fledged training, but at the same time, you can do a good job in the gym. You need to rethink your priority scale.
Reason # 2: Health problems prevent you from visiting the gym

People may have certain orthopedic problems, but want to improve their health and exercise. However, they feel that physically it is not possible. However, if you cannot accomplish everything, then you can certainly do something.
Some injuries or illnesses can be very serious and in this case, consultation with a specialist is necessary. However, most injuries are local in nature, such as a damaged knee joint. In this case, the rest of the body is fully functional, and you can exercise.
But people often think that if their knee hurts and they have difficulty walking, then there is no point in doing anything. But you can train the upper body. It can be even worse when the medical prohibition applies to all exercises and the person begins to think that until he is allowed to exercise at full strength, then there is no need to strictly follow the nutrition program. But if you don't have the opportunity to exercise, proper nutrition becomes even more valuable to you. You should always eat healthily using healthy foods. That being said, you need to maintain a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight. No organic products can help with this.
However, for most people, there is a positive point in this matter as well. When you select the calorie content of the diet you need and, having calculated the amount of necessary substances, you can use any of your favorite foods, within the limits of calorie content, and even in this case, continue to lose weight.
Reason # 3: If the nutrition program is violated in one meal or a day, the whole diet collapses

A comparison with driving a car is very appropriate here. In the event that you left the track, you can return to it again. If you have violated your diet with one meal, then you should not punish yourself, for example, additional training.
Things can be even worse when violations were recorded not in one meal, but throughout the day. Of course, this is not very good, but every day starts all over again and this is an excuse to return to using your nutrition program. You do not need to wait for the beginning of the next week for this.
Start a new day with the right breakfast, thus setting the tone for the whole day and after that return to the track again. Very often people begin to believe that if they have failed one meal, a day or a whole week, then the whole nutrition program will be ruined after that.
This is just another reason to give up everything halfway and often the effect has not even been obtained yet. The reason for this lies in the subconscious, and no matter how much time until the moment of the violation of the diet they did everything right, the slightest violation may seem to them the collapse of the whole business.
Reason # 4: The goal was not achieved because I am a failure

This is the most dangerous of all of the above. People tend to regard a single mistake as a global failure and then extend its consequences throughout life. You need to understand that failure is, in fact, integral to success.
When a person fails, then there is a response and that life experience, which in the future must be used wisely. All failure should not be considered a failure. You need to think of them as bad experiences and use your mistakes in the future in order not to repeat them again.
If you did not achieve the goal for a certain period of time, which you took for yourself, then this is not a failure, but an error in timing. You just need to postpone the date and make every effort to achieve the goal. You should write your goals on a piece of paper in ink, and put down the dates in pencil.
One great coach, after a match lost by his team, said great words: "We were not defeated, we just did not have enough time." Treat your failures from this perspective, and you will be surprised how much easier it will be for you to achieve your goals.
For more on the causes that ruin nutrition and exercise, see here: