Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

Anabolic Androgenic Steroids
Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

What are Anabolic Androgenic Steroids? Why and why should they be used? You will receive the most reliable information on this score from our article. Most people believe that anabolic steroids are only used by athletes to improve their athletic performance. First of all, this opinion is based on the results of statistics, which says that about 90% of athletes involved in sports professionally use this type of drugs. This mainly applies to strength types in which muscle mass is of paramount importance. This could be powerlifting, bodybuilding, or weightlifting.

The statistics are also relentless to the guys who visit the gyms. About 60% of them have used steroids at least once. The federations of all sports are waging an implacable war against the illegal sale of anabolic steroids. Very often in the media you can read about the terrible consequences of the use of anabolic androgenic steroids. In some countries, illegal distribution of steroids is even criminalized.

But at the same time, everyone forgets one, and an important detail: anabolic steroids are drugs. Now is the time to understand this issue more thoroughly. Today we are breaking stereotypes about anabolic androgenic steroids and telling the truth about these drugs.

Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

Anabolic Androgenic Steroids
Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

The discussion should start with the question of the origin of anabolic steroids. The word "anabolic" originates from "anabolism", meaning the process of formation, or synthesis. With regard to the human body, this concerns the formation of new cells and, as a consequence, tissues.

Based on this, we can say that the group of steroids includes a large number of drugs that differ in their structure and origin of ingredients. However, they all have the same task - to strengthen the process of synthesis of protein compounds in the body.

Various groups of substances have anabolic effect. These can be hormones, herbal adaptogens, amino acids, and even some vitamins. However, steroids have the most pronounced anabolic effect, and for this reason their use to improve protein synthesis is most effective. It has already been said above that anabolic drugs are medical drugs, and they are actively used in the treatment of a large number of diseases. Their appointment is always based on the mechanism of their action. They are most widely used as drugs used in the treatment of catabolic diseases. This usually happens after the introduction of additional protein compounds into the body does not give the desired results.

Among the indications for use should be highlighted cachexia associated with cancer and HIV, after radiation therapy, which lasted a long time, as well as after some serious operations.


Also, steroids can be used in the treatment of diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver in combination with other drugs, etc. In addition, there is a positive experience in the treatment of Werdnig-Hoffmann disease. Until more effective treatments were available, steroids were used with success in the treatment of anemia and breast cancer in women.

How anabolic androgenic steroids came to be

For the first time, the connection between male sex hormones and muscle growth was noticed back in 1895. Research in this direction was continued in 1935, when scientists were able to discover the relationship of the hormone testosterone with the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, as well as an increase in the content of protein compounds in the body. Eleven years later, methandrostenol was created.

Work on the creation of anabolic drugs began in the early 40s of the last century. These studies were completed a decade later, when androgens were artificially synthesized. At that time, scientists set themselves the task of creating a drug that would have less androgenic effects on the body in comparison with testosterone.

Properties of anabolic androgenic steroids

The very term "anabolic" itself reflects the main essence of the action of drugs of this type: improving the synthesis of protein compounds in the body, maintaining the balance of nitrogen in the body and increasing its mass.

The ability to accelerate protein synthesis is directly related to the effect of steroids on cells. And this happens at the genetic level. The active substances contained in the preparations are able to penetrate into the very nucleus of the cell and block the process of the depressor gene in the synthesis of protein compounds. Also, cell membranes begin to better absorb amino acids, carbohydrates and trace elements.

The action of anabolic steroids

Anabolic Androgenic Steroids
Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

This is the main function of anabolic androgenic steroids, but it is far from the only one. Drugs of this type improve the absorption of calcium by the body, which is necessary in the treatment of osteoporosis. Due to their effect on bone tissue, the activity of alkaline phosphatase increases.

Steroids are no less effective in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. They affect glycogen synthesis. This substance significantly enhances the action of insulin, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in blood sugar. Improves steroids and lipid metabolism, which leads to a decrease in cholesterol. During research, it was found that the use of anabolic drugs leads to a slowdown in the development of plaques in the vessels.

When steroids are taken, repair processes are activated in the surface skin and epithelium of the glandular type, the synthesis of erythropoietin is stimulated, the absorption of amino acids in the intestine is improved, which increases the nitrogen content.

When taking steroids, you must always remember that the body begins to consume significantly more protein during the course of treatment. Under normal conditions, for adequate nutrition, an adult should consume about 100 grams of protein compounds. And when taking steroids, this threshold can increase threefold. For this reason, protein-rich foods should be added to the diet during steroid therapy, while reducing the daily intake of carbohydrates and fats. It has been experimentally proven that with a lack of protein in the diet, treatment with anabolic drugs will not give the desired effect.

It is also impossible not to touch upon the topic of dosage. Almost all of the described side effects occur precisely because of the use of an unreasonable amount of drugs. Only an overdose can lead to undesirable consequences. Thus, steroids should be taken for a long period, but in small doses, having previously coordinated them with specialists.


Now the media often focuses on the negative effects of anabolic steroids on male sexual function. But such statements are not true. It was experimentally found that when taking strictly established doses, steroids have a positive effect on libido and improve the morphological state of the gonads. Several anabolic drugs are officially used in the treatment of male impotence.

Like any medication, steroids have some contraindications. Do not use drugs of this type for prostate cancer, cancer of the female mammary glands, nephrotic syndrome, during pregnancy and lactation. There are no other restrictions. However, again I would like to remind you about the dosage of drugs. This can have some of the side effects that the media are so fond of writing about. But they always forget to indicate that all side effects are directly related to the excess of the therapeutic dose of the drug.

Thus, from all of the above, it follows that the stereotypes about anabolic androgenic steroids are formed incorrectly. In most cases, they are characterized only from the negative side, forgetting to mention the beneficial properties of this group of drugs.

If, before undergoing a course of steroid therapy, you consult a specialist and follow his recommendations, then the side effects will not be scary.

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