Anabolic steroids are widely used by professional bodybuilders. Are they necessary for a novice athlete and how to avoid health problems? All this you will find in this article. Steroids - everyone has heard this name, some even use them on themselves. In fact, this drug is more needed by jocks who earn money in competitions. Athletes affectionately call anabolic steroids - "asteroids", but the principle of action does not change from the name. Correct use of this preparation will allow you to enjoy excellent results. But application errors are fraught with very deplorable results. How to avoid mistakes and not harm your health, you will learn in this article.
Doping reception - effect on the body

Everyone wants to be a winner. However, regular training is not always enough to increase your endurance. The great minds of mankind are actively sorting out chemical formulas to create another anabolic steroid. The first case of doping was recorded in 1865. Already 150 years have passed, and during this time there have been hundreds of deaths from overdoses and illiterate use of prohibited drugs. But such facts do not frighten athletes, often the desire to win drowns out common sense.
Everyone knows that the body's activity is impossible without hormonal balance. Our body is an ideal mechanism in which every little thing is thought out. By making changes in the composition of hormones, a person sometimes gets a fantastic result. To benefit from the use of asteroids, it is necessary to calculate the dose and take into account the reaction of your body.
Today you can find steroids with a variety of activities. Sometimes you have to combine a variety of tools to get the desired result. Combining groups can not only give strength and endurance, but also take your life. An individual approach to each person is important. This is the only way to correctly calculate the dosage that will not harm.
For clarity, consider one example. Before us are two men. The first has more progesterone and estradiol than the second. Therefore, testosterone and nandrolone should not be given to the former without supplementation. But the second can safely use these steroids. But at the same time, the balance of other hormones in the body cannot be ignored. For example, dihydrotestosterone (a powerful male hormone responsible for hair, stamina and sexuality). Deficiency leads to weakness and aversion, while excess will cause an increase in prostate, and lead to baldness. As you can see, in this question the phrase "correct dose" is a non-empty sound.
Understanding hormones
Understanding what this or that hormone is responsible for, you can choose the right steroid correctly. Do not ignore the information, the functionality of your body depends on it. You don't want to become impotent or mentally unbalanced at the age of 30. All in all, a little bit of endocrinology (the science that studies hormones) won't hurt anyone.
Consider the important hormones in the male body, and what asteroids are necessary for their positive work:
- Testosterone - is responsible for the formation of the musculature of your body.
- Estradiol - the main hormone of the female body. It is necessary to normalize the work of testosterone. If the content is low, it is best not to use non-aromatizing steroids. If, nevertheless, you decide to take boldenone, turinabol, trenbolone or oxandralone, then they should be combined with testosterone. Provided that it can aromatize into estradiol. If estradiol is in excess, then the body becomes loose, in which case athletes block aromatization. What kind of guy wants to have feminine sides and breasts of the second size?
- Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) - due to it, during physical activity, endurance and a sense of strength increase. But the excess of the hormone is fraught with problems with the prostate and you can become bald. From here we draw the correct conclusions, everyone who has a low DHT index can safely use stanazolol, masteron, primobolan or proviron.
- Globulin - a protein that allows testosterone to penetrate into certain tissues and organs. On the negative side, this protein blocks free testosterone, and muscle mass stops growing. Stanazolol, insulin or Proviron reduces globulin activity.
- Progesterone - blocks the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Steroids with progestogenic activity are suitable for anyone with elevated DHT levels. If there is enough progesterone, then you do not need drugs containing it.
Steroid "by eye"

Many aspiring athletes, impressed by pictures from magazines and demonstrations by eminent bodybuilders, begin to experiment with steroids. Stop and understand that you are not an experimental animal! To "prescribe" asteroids for yourself, you need to understand what processes will occur inside the body after the drug is injected. In practice, there are often problems of "amateurs" who have ignored such a concept as dosage. After improper use, the body can become effeminate (with a large aromatization in the hormone estrogen) or the nipples become swollen not masculine.
All of these problems will not affect you if you start to inject steroids gradually. But first you have to pass tests to establish your real hormonal readings. Only after analyzing this data, you can start taking doping. Moreover, you will have to pick up a complex of steroids to block some substances. This approach will allow you to achieve the desired result in a short time.
Making friends with steroids

Today the doping market offers a wide range of drugs. It is worth remembering that they are divided into groups and the reception must be made based on the results of your own hormonal analysis.
No need to take the drugs of a friend, brother or matchmaker as a basis! Each person is different - remember, it's like two and two! First, let's look at the main groups of anabolic steroids:
- Flavoring: methane and testosterone.
- Not aromatized: Turinabol, Winstrol, Trenbolone, Primobolan, Boldenone, Anapolone, Proviron, Turinabol, Nandrolone, Masteron and Oxandralone. In this case, nandrolone can independently convert to estradiol.
- Progestogen drugs: anapolone, trenbolone and nandrolone.
- Derivatives: Proviron, Winstrol, Masteron and Primobolan.
Never use several drugs of the same group. Otherwise, you will become impotent at a very young age. It is not recommended to take only non-aromatizing drugs for the preparation of the course. For testosterone to work at the right rhythm, estradiol is needed. Any intake for gaining mass should include testosterone or methane in its composition.
Here are some examples of ideal regimens for gaining muscle mass: methane and trenbolone; testosterone and trenbolone; testosterone and nandrolone; methane and primobolan. It's actually easy to make up groups. Most importantly, do not take two drugs from the same group. Here are examples of bad steroid complexes: trenbolone and anapolone; boldenone and turinabol; oxandralone and nandrolone.
The drugs are administered by injection or oral administration. You cannot choose only oral steroids. If not, plant your liver. But inside injection asteroids can be combined. It's easy to follow these rules. It will be more difficult to correct an illiterate approach to steroid use.
Symptoms and effects of anabolic steroids
Power, strength and endurance are the main components that make an athlete get hooked on asteroids. But before you become a jock, assess the consequences sensibly:
- Infertility is manifested by a decrease in the size of the testicles.
- Pain in the heart and kidneys indicate an increase in blood pressure.
- Uncontrolled aromatization will lead to the formation of a loose layer of skin. The figure becomes effeminate.
- If you stop urinating regularly, your kidneys are suffering.
- The increased activity of progesterone will make the athlete sluggish and antipathy will appear.
- DHT jumps upwards - this will clearly lead to baldness and enlargement of the prostate.
- Unreasonable fatigue, severe headaches, dark urine indicate liver overload. It cannot cope with harmful substances, it is worth stopping the intake of asteroids!
How can you avoid this?
The answer is simple - you need to balance the intake process and the dependence of the hormonal background. To begin with, you will have to spend money on hormonal tests (we do only the necessary ones). Next, we select drugs that will regulate the effect of steroids.
To stop aromatization to estrogen, one phenyl (letrozole) tablet is needed. Reception is done twice a week for 0.5 tablets. One part is drunk at the beginning of the week, and the other at the end. In addition to the fact that the drug reduces estrogen, the active production of its testosterone also occurs.
Oral stanazolol will reduce progestogenic activity. Some people use mifeprestone, but it is worth taking into account that the second drug has been studied in minimal form. Finasteride will suppress excess DHT and keep your beautiful hair from going to waste. It is used no more than 2 mg per day.
Carsil will take care of the liver. In a day, you can drink it 3 times, 1? 3 tablets. Fish oil will block the formation of cholesterol. HCG will not allow you to be left without an heir. Its reception should also be regulated so as not to produce female hormones. Take 500 IU for 10 days.
Never prioritize beauty and health. First of all, a person must be healthy. Only in the background is the construction of muscle tissue due to asteroids. Don't joke with hormones. If taken incorrectly and uncombined, they will not change your life for the better. You need to swing wisely! Video about anabolic steroids for beginners: