What flowers purify the air

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What flowers purify the air
What flowers purify the air

Why and from what should the air in the apartment be cleaned. How Plants Fight Household Pollutants. What flowers most effectively neutralize bacteria, fungi, chemical compounds. Air-purifying flowers are various indoor plants that have the ability to filter the surrounding air and eliminate toxic compounds, which include benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, and others. There are several basic "purifiers" recommended by NASA for filtering air in spaceships and stations. They are also suitable for home use.

The need for air purification

Polluted air in the apartment
Polluted air in the apartment

In the late 80s of the last century, the American space agency conducted large-scale research, the purpose of which was to identify the best houseplants for purifying the air of toxic compounds. It was planned to use these flowers on space stations for additional filtration and saturation with phytoncides. The research results have become useful for household needs as well.

The air in living quarters almost always contains particles of various chemical compounds that cause significant harm to human health. To eliminate them, some plants are used that can filter out about 80% of pollutants.

Typically, indoor air contains the following pollutants:

  1. Formaldehyde … The main sources of this substance are furniture made from plywood, fibreboard, carpets, upholstery, cigarette smoke, household plastic, gas. The compound can provoke the development of allergies, irritate mucous membranes, cause asthma and dermatological diseases.
  2. Trichlorethylene … It is found in household cleaners for carpets, fabrics, tap water, varnishes and paints. This substance is a powerful carcinogen that irritates the skin and eyes, negatively affects the liver and kidneys, and provokes nervous and mental agitation.
  3. Benzene … Sources include cigarette smoke, cleaning products, soaps, varnishes, paints, and rubber. It is also a strong carcinogen that can lead to leukemia. It accumulates in human fat cells and has a detrimental effect on the nervous system, can cause shortness of breath, convulsions, and lower blood pressure.
  4. Ammonia … Most of all it is in computer technology, cigarette smoke, detergents. Can provoke dry cough, sore throat, sternum pain. In large quantities, it causes edema of the lungs and larynx.
  5. Xylene … It is a part of various plastics, varnishes, paints, adhesives, leather products, cigarette smoke. It can provoke skin rashes, irritation, swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system and organs of vision.

Flowers that purify the air in the room and are able to neutralize the above substances are called phytoncidoactive. Phytoncides are special volatile compounds that are secreted by plants. They contain organic substances, amino acids, alkaloids, essential oils. They are capable of destroying some types of bacteria, fungi, protozoa.

What flowers purify the air in the apartment

Today there are many varieties of plants that are able to effectively clean the air from harmful impurities. However, when choosing a home flower, it should be borne in mind that some of them may be allergens, and also produce poisonous juice. It is not recommended to grow such plants in homes where children, pets and allergy sufferers live.


Chlorophytum for air purification from harmful compounds
Chlorophytum for air purification from harmful compounds

It is a perennial houseplant that has hanging leaves and tendrils of white-green color. It can grow in any soil and under different lighting conditions. Chlorophytum is an unpretentious plant that can rarely be watered. In case of a lack of moisture, it will feed on the available root reserves. With good watering, it grows well. This flower is popularly called "spider" for its specific appearance.

Despite its modest appearance and size, chlorophytum holds the record for natural air purifiers. Several potted plants can completely filter the air in a 20 square meter room per day. The flower can neutralize harmful compounds such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, ammonia, acetone, carbon monoxide, xylene, benzene. In addition, chlorophytum fights some types of pathogenic microorganisms.

Another advantage of this plant is its hypoallergenicity. This is an absolutely non-poisonous and harmless flower that can be grown in apartments where children and animals live.

To enhance the cleansing functions of chlorophytum, crushed activated carbon is placed in a pot with it.


Aglaonema for air purification in the apartment
Aglaonema for air purification in the apartment

This is a small bush no more than 50-80 centimeters high. Originally from the evergreen forests of Asia. It has long or heart-shaped dense leaves in various shades of green. Agalonema can grow in the shade, loves cool and humid air. From time to time it produces fruits in the form of red berries.

It is a poisonous plant that should be grown with care in apartments with small children or pets. The poison is contained in the juice and berries of the flower.

However, despite this fact, aglaonema perfectly neutralizes such airborne household toxins as trichlorethylene, benzene, formaldehyde. The flower makes the air much cleaner and fresher. In addition, it effectively fights streptococci.

Curly ivy

Climbing ivy to purify the air
Climbing ivy to purify the air

A spectacular flower with a high content of phytoncides can often be found in apartments. This is a small shrub that perfectly adapts to life in indoor conditions - low light and high dustiness. The plant looks good in a pots in a suspended form. Loves dampness and abundant watering.

It is recommended to install ivy in rooms where people smoke, as it is able to neutralize cigarette smoke. It also cleans the air from mold spores, trichlorethylene, benzene, carbon monoxide. Thus, the plant helps to reduce the manifestation of allergies to household fungi.


Dracaena marginate for air purification
Dracaena marginate for air purification

There are several types that are equally good at cleaning the air in the apartment. If you want to filter the air with high quality, opt for these: dracaena marginata, fragrant, deremskaya, Janet Craig, varneki.

All of these indoor flowers that purify the air come in different sizes and shapes. Dracaena marginata is most common. It reaches 3 m and looks like a small palm tree. Fragrant dracaena is also popular. Its size is about 1.5 m, and the leaves have yellow stripes.

Different types of dracaena react differently to direct sunlight. However, high humidity is destructive for all plants of this genus.

Dracaena perfectly removes xylene, trichlorethylene, formaldehyde from the air. It freshens well the indoor climate. However, it can be dangerous for domestic cats, since the leaves of some species contain toxic substances.


Ficus rubber for air purification
Ficus rubber for air purification

These are not only fairly common house plants, but also useful flowers for the apartment, purifying the air. The most popular species grown in apartments are rubber ficus, Benjamin ficus, lyre ficus, Bengal ficus and dwarf ficus. All these types require different approaches to care, but in general they are unpretentious.

Ficus leaves are dark green, dense and wide, sometimes variegated. Grow well in diffused light and moderate watering. Some types of flower can grow to a height of 1, 3-1, 5 meters and look like a small tree. Therefore, it is important to transplant the plant in a suitable size pot on time.

Rubbery ficus holds the record for removing formaldehyde from the air. Ficus Benjamin attracts household dust, benzene. Other types of domestic ficuses also neutralize ammonia. With good care, a plant can purify indoor air for decades.


Geranium to purify the air in the house
Geranium to purify the air in the house

Geranium is otherwise called pelargonium. The plant has a specific pronounced aroma, which is not to everyone's liking. Allergy sufferers are especially sensitive to the smell of geranium. However, the essential oils that make up the flower are soothing and bactericidal. The plant requires abundant watering and good bright light.

Pelargonium destroys pathogenic anaerobic microorganisms indoors, and also ionizes and disinfects the air, kills staphylococci, which cause damage to the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, bones, muscles and skin. Also for many it is a kind of medicine for headaches and chronic fatigue.

It is good to put pots with geraniums in the bedroom, as the flower helps to sleep well and soundly, has a calming effect on the nervous system.


Dieffenbachia for purifying the air in the apartment
Dieffenbachia for purifying the air in the apartment

The flower has bright mottled broad leaves that contain poison that can be dangerous to pets. You should also be careful with the sap of the plant. Sometimes, when it comes into contact with exposed skin, it can cause allergies.

However, the plant perfectly eliminates harmful substances contained in exhaust gases, and therefore is considered an indispensable flower for apartments overlooking large transport interchanges and highways.

In addition, dieffenbachia neutralizes compounds such as benzene, xylene, formaldehyde. Phytoncides purify the air, refresh it and ionize it, improve its chemical composition, and destroy staphylococcus aureus. The flower reduces the amount of household dust.

Wallis Spathiphyllum

Wallis spathiphyllum for air purification
Wallis spathiphyllum for air purification

The second name of the spathiphyllum is the lily of the world. It is a beautiful houseplant with attractive white flowers with yellow arrows in the form of miniature corn cobs. Dislikes direct sunlight and dryness. Prefers moist soil and shade.

When blooming, spathiphyllum releases pollen into the air, which is an allergen, so people suffering from allergies should not breed this plant. However, everyone else can safely grow it, as it cleans the air of mold spores, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, xylene, ammonia, benzene.

In order for the plant to effectively maintain the microclimate in the room, its leaves should be regularly cleaned of dust with a damp cloth.

Tips for placing air-purifying flowers in your apartment

How to dust off leaves
How to dust off leaves

For indoor plants to be of maximum benefit, they should be placed according to specific rules. Consider some useful tips for growing these flowers:

  1. At least one plant should be placed in the room for every 10 m2.
  2. The diameter of the flower pot should not be less than 15 cm.
  3. To effectively neutralize harmful particles and improve the microclimate, it is necessary to regularly remove dust from the leaves of the plant. It is enough to wipe them once a week with a damp cloth or have a light shower.
  4. It is recommended to introduce soil filters so that the plant can purify the air with maximum efficiency. For example, shredded activated carbon can be added to the pot.
  5. If an allergic person lives in the house, then be sure to consult a doctor before thinking about which flower cleans the air well, and start a particular plant. Firstly, the flower can be an allergen, and secondly, mold can grow in the soil, which also aggravates the course of the allergy.
  6. It is advisable to place indoor flowers in one place, and not scattered around the room. So they will more effectively fight harmful microorganisms and compounds.

What house flowers purify the air - look at the video:

Indoor flowers can perform not only an aesthetic function, decorating a room, but also improve the microclimate in an apartment. Many plants are able to purify the air from harmful bacteria, fungi, dust, and various chemical toxic compounds. A range of indoor flowers can ionize and freshen the air in a room.