Charm in the form of a horseshoe and brownie: master classes

Charm in the form of a horseshoe and brownie: master classes
Charm in the form of a horseshoe and brownie: master classes

Make a brownie, celebrate his birthday in February and ask him for whatever you have in mind. A strong amulet in the shape of a horseshoe will protect your home. Since ancient times, it has been believed that talismans, amulets, amulets protect their owners from negative influences. Some help to attract love, others are symbols of financial well-being, others give peace, help to harmonize relationships living in the house. The process of making such things is very exciting. Even if you do not believe in their magical effect, you can still make amulets, which are then customary to give. Use natural materials for this.

How to make a talisman?

Horseshoe-amulet painting
Horseshoe-amulet painting

As you can see, the picture shows a horseshoe. This item has long been used as a talisman. It was believed that finding a horseshoe would certainly bring good luck. And this is what this belief is connected with. Popular legend says that in the old days there lived one blacksmith who shod an unclean man, as a result of which an agreement was concluded that the evil spirits do not enter the house where this object hangs, pointing downward with its horns. Therefore, it is in this position that a horseshoe should be in a picture or on another amulet.

To make such a protective picture, you need to take:

  • for the base - a photo frame or a rectangle made of plywood;
  • paper napkins;
  • burlap;
  • furniture stapler;
  • curly or straight wooden glazing beads;
  • bronze black acrylic paint;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue gun;
  • marker;
  • sponge;
  • scissors;
  • brush.
Materials for making a horseshoe
Materials for making a horseshoe

Cut the burlap so that it is 1 cm larger than the dense base on all sides. Attach it to the plywood or to the photo frame, wrap the edges on the wrong side, attach the canvas here using a furniture stapler. Cut the ends of the glazing beads at a 45 ° angle and attach them along the edge of the frame with a glue gun.

Horseshoe base cloth
Horseshoe base cloth

If you do not have curly glazing beads, you can replace them with regular straight ones. If these are also not available, use narrow skirting boards for framing. Here's how to make the amulet further. With your own hands, you will need to cut strips 1-1.5 cm wide from a napkin folded in half, then moisten your palms with water, roll flagella from these blanks.

Blanks from napkins
Blanks from napkins

While these parts are drying, draw a horseshoe on the burlap. If you want it to be perfectly flat, use a template.

Horseshoe pattern
Horseshoe pattern

Lubricating the flagella with PVA glue, or applying it directly to the burlap, line these details first with the contours of the horseshoe, then fill it all.

Attaching the flagella to the base
Attaching the flagella to the base

Use a glue gun to evenly attach the coins to the horseshoe. To further make the amulet yourself or yourself, you will need to go out into the air on the street or on the balcony, since you need to cover your masterpiece with black paint from a spray can.

Black spray paint coating
Black spray paint coating

Give it time to dry completely, after which apply paint in the fresh air, but this time in a bronze color. To do this, slightly dip a sponge into it, blotting out the future masterpiece with dabbing movements.

Applying bronze paint to a horseshoe with a sponge
Applying bronze paint to a horseshoe with a sponge

When the painting is completely dry, the protection amulet is ready.

If you have a vegetable garden, you grow vegetables here, then make a Slavic amulet that promises a rich harvest.

Slavic fruitful amulet
Slavic fruitful amulet

To create it take:

  • burlap;
  • a needle and thread;
  • jute rope;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • paint;
  • tow;
  • seeds of various crops;
  • braid;
  • dostochka;
  • push pins.

Master Class:

  1. Cut the burlap into rectangles. Fold each in half and sew the edges on the wrong side to form pouches. You can decorate them with braid by stitching it on.
  2. Measure and cut the ropes to the same length, and sew each to your bag, bending them in half to form a handle to hang the bag from.
  3. Glue tow on the board. If you have acorns, chestnuts, dry hot pepper pods, you can glue or tie them to the plank to decorate it.
  4. To make a horseshoe, according to the template presented above, cut it out of cardboard and paint. After this composition dries, glue the decorated boards in the center.
  5. On the back, secure the centers of the ropes on which the bags hang, using pushpins or small decorative nails.
  6. Hang the amulet by the central thread (after tying it). Pour dry corn, beans, peas, grains, pumpkin seeds into the bags.
  7. Such a beautiful amulet will delight you with its unusual appearance and promise a rich harvest in the future.

About making a brownie with your own hands

This is also a talisman for the house. The brownie is believed to be guarding the dwelling, so you can make one as well. You can use a wide variety of materials for this. You can sew a brownie or make it out of thread, burlap.

But first, let's find out more about him. After all, not everyone is aware of the following.

The birthday of the brownie is celebrated at night, which lasts from 9 to 10 February. But if you do not have time to congratulate him at this time, then there is an opportunity to do it on any February night. The brownie loves to eat deliciously, so put a treat in a quiet corner, say three times that Father is a brownie, please accept the treat that I offer with respect. If you have any request, voice it. For example, ask to take care of you, home, your house, so that the brownie reflects evil, and the good multiplies.

A sweet bun, pancakes, a glass of milk can serve as a treat. Brownies also love small shiny objects, such as:

  • beads;
  • buttons;
  • balloons.

Everything that you give him, put in a secluded corner cannot be taken away.

If you feel that something is wrong in the house, you cannot find some things, something does not work out, then at 24 hours on Monday night, put a beautiful clay bowl on the edge of the kitchen table, in which you place:

  • a crust of black bread;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • pieces of meat;
  • pickled cucumber.

Over this meal, you must say three times that, dear host, invisible to the eye, accept a treat from me, I offer it with respect. Ask to protect yourself and your family so that you do not burn with fire, do not flood with water, and do not lose wealth.

After that, you need to go to bed, and wake up early in the morning, eat everything that you put in an earthen bowl. Then soon joy and peace will reign in the house.

You probably noticed that when the craftswomen make a new brownie, they stick it on his clothes, or fix it in their hands, put certain objects next to it on a three-dimensional picture. And it's not just that, each of them means something. If you want to make a talisman so that it possesses certain qualities, then familiarize yourself with what different objects and things mean according to legend:

  • legumes and cereals symbolize physical strength, satiety, prosperity;
  • millet will protect from the evil eye;
  • poppy will help fulfill desires;
  • rose hips and mountain ash promise feminine beauty and youth;
  • if you need to support men's health, put pepper in such a talisman;
  • place a brownie near a picture where there is a hut or house so that your family is strong and indestructible;
  • if you want to protect yourself from evil spirits, then use garlic in your work;
  • pumpkin seeds promise fertility;
  • buckwheat, in addition to fertility, will bring prosperity;
  • if you want fame and success, then use bay leaves;
  • so that the house is a full bowl, you can give the house-made jug in his hands or attach it to this object;
  • so that children are healthy, they are filled with solar energy, use sunflower seeds in their work;
  • and for procreation, you can use amulets with corn grains;
  • those wishing to make new acquaintances and friends can be advised to use the weave when creating a house weave, for example, by performing its belt in this technique;
  • if you want to get a rich harvest so that children appear in the family, then you need to make a lark and use it in a talisman;
  • bast shoes on a brownie - a symbol of family happiness and home comfort;
  • to prolong youth, use acorns and nuts in your work;
  • in order for the house to have wealth, you need to make baked goods from papier-mâché, polymer clay or other materials for the amulet;
  • if you want money to always be found in the house, then make a small broom and put it upside down, if you want to sweep the litter out of the hut, place it in the usual way;
  • the bump will help achieve success, hard work;
  • beans symbolize the birth of a new life.

It is not for nothing that amulets, including those of a brownie, are often made of burlap, as this material symbolizes prosperity and abundance. We will also make from it.

How to make a brownie - master class

Homemade brownie
Homemade brownie

This is how cute it will turn out. This requires a little work. Start with the preparation of the necessary, these are:

  • sackcloth;
  • tow;
  • two round cuts from a log;
  • sawdust or other filler;
  • bast brush;
  • corn grains;
  • colored paper;
  • a piece of red mouth felt;
  • colour pencils;
  • natural materials made by hand.
Burlap processing
Burlap processing
  1. First, let's create the body of the brownie. To do this, you need to cut out the burlap, cut out a rectangle of 30x40 cm from it. Fold it in half so that the 40 cm side turns into 20 cm, sew the sides.
  2. Nudge the corners, stitch them too. It will look like a bag. It needs to be filled with sawdust, it would be nice to add aromatic herbs here. If you do not have sawdust, you can use to shape the house groats, for example, buckwheat, cotton wool, in extreme cases, synthetic filler.
  3. Tie this filled bag with thread, glue to its bottom two wooden round blocks that will become the legs of the brownie.
  4. We begin to transform this blank. Take a bast brush, make the character's hair out of it, turn the tow into a beard, which needs to be folded in half, bandage the upper part to make a nose. Hands can be sewn from burlap, but if you want to speed up the process, make them from string.
  5. Cut two circles out of white paper or cardboard of this color. Draw the eyelids and pupils on them with colored pencils. Glue a pink mouth to your beard.

Attach natural materials to the brownie's hair and arms. You will learn how to make them at the end of the review, and now see another option on how to make a brownie.

Two housewives
Two housewives

To make such a charm, take:

  • linen fabric;
  • a needle and thread;
  • paint brush;
  • filler;
  • acrylic paints;
  • glue;
  • to decorate the image - cereals, seeds, dry berries, salted dough, a coin.

Fold the canvas in half, draw a 9 cm square on it, which will soon turn into the body of our character. The diameter of the head is 8 cm, and the neck also needs to be made here.

Brownie pattern on fabric
Brownie pattern on fabric

On the hands or on a typewriter, sew on the seamy side along these outlines, leaving the bottom of the neck not sewn on the head, but on one side of the body. Cut out two parts through these holes, fill them with padding polyester.

The base of the brownie made of fabric
The base of the brownie made of fabric

Insert your neck into the unsewn side of the square and sweep these two pieces together on your arms. His round nose will turn out from a circle of fabric that needs to be collected on a thread, stuffed with filler, then sewn into place.

The base of the brownie filled with filler
The base of the brownie filled with filler

Separate a bun of hair from a paintbrush. Tie them in the middle with a strip from this brush, glue under the nose. To make hair, tie an impressive bunch of a brush with a thread or the same lint, and glue it on your head. Adjust your hair with scissors.

Shaping the face, hair and mustache of the brownie
Shaping the face, hair and mustache of the brownie

We paint eyes and mouth with acrylic paints. If you don't have one at hand, use pieces of cloth or colored paper. Now remember what different seeds and cereals mean (this was discussed above). Sew a small bag, put the ones you have chosen here. Sew it onto the brownie's arm. Leave a few of these elements, glue to his body. Weave a braid from salted dough, bend it in the shape of a roll. Make a horseshoe out of it. The sunflower also needs to be sculpted from salted dough, when the workpiece dries up, it is painted.

Make a broom with a paintbrush. Glue all these attributes, as well as a coin to the body of the brownie, so that harmony always reigns in your home, you do not experience financial difficulties, receive large harvests, and be healthy.

Application with brownie
Application with brownie

How to make pepper, garlic for amulets?

Craft these vegetables, then attach to the brownie or make a wreath of bast, attach them here. Such a talisman will become not only an interesting decoration, but also add a touch of mystery to your home. To do this, you need:

  • bast;
  • thread;
  • scissors;
  • small transparent plastic bags;
  • cotton wool;
  • salty dough;
  • gouache;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brushes;
  • glue gun.
Charm of pepper, garlic and baked
Charm of pepper, garlic and baked

First, weave a braid from a bow, connect its beginning and end, tie here with a thread to match.

Bast base
Bast base

Make a salty dough by mixing equal amounts of salt and flour. Then you need to add water, knead the dough so that it resembles dough for dumplings in consistency. Cover it with a napkin, let it rest for half an hour. Now you can form cone-shaped peppers, children will be happy to help you with this. Let these blanks dry thoroughly at a low temperature in the oven or in the air, after which they can be painted with gouache, and after it dries, with acrylic varnish.

To make garlic, cut plastic bags into squares with a side of 20 cm, tear off a piece of cotton wool, roll it into a ball. Place this lump in the center of a plastic bag, tie it with white thread. Without taking it out, pass it through the head of garlic several times, form it into cloves.

Garlic from a cellophane bag
Garlic from a cellophane bag

Each will contain 6 or 8 pieces. To make the garlic more believable, let's make the place where its roots grow. To do this, first apply a small amount of glue to this part of the garlic, then lower it in a bowl, where buckwheat is poured.

Buckwheat Garlic Roots
Buckwheat Garlic Roots

If you decide to make pepper with garlic, decorate with these attributes of a brownie, attach them to it with a glue gun. If you need to make a wreath-shaped charm, then glue the garlic here with hot glue. Attach the peppers in the same way, after which you can hang the amulet on the door so that it protects you and your family.

Finished craft
Finished craft

This is how interesting it is to create such things with your own hands. You will be convinced of this once again if you watch the video. Check out the brownie making process.

You will make a horseshoe out of cardboard and a bundle, decorate it with elements that will help create the kanzashi technique.
