Relief steroids and fat burners

Relief steroids and fat burners
Relief steroids and fat burners

To give the muscles a relief, you need to get rid of excess body fat. Our tips will help you choose the drugs that will help you burn fat effectively. It is well established that maximum effectiveness in the fight against obesity can be achieved through a combination of a proper nutrition and exercise program. But it is necessary to recall the existence of fat burners, which will be an excellent addition to steroids for relief. Now we will look at the most effective ones.

Combination of caffeine and ephedrine for fat burning

A preparation containing caffeine and ephedrine
A preparation containing caffeine and ephedrine

So far, no more effective means of burning fat has been invented than caffeine and ephedrine. This combination has been successfully used by everyone who wants to lose weight, as well as by athletes to give the muscles a relief, for quite a long time. The drug can be freely purchased, but it should be noted that side effects often occur when used in the recommended amount. This can be avoided by gradually increasing the dosage.

The recommended dose is one tablet three times a day. But it is better to start with half a tablet, taking the drug only once a day. After that, gradually increase the dosage, bringing it as a result to the recommended one.

Recent studies of the effect of the drug on the body have confirmed that with a gradual increase in the dose, the effectiveness of the drug increases, and the likelihood of side effects decreases. There is no time limit for admission, and professionals use caffeine and ephedrine all the time. It should also be remembered that when using the product, you should refuse energy drinks.

Burning fat with guggulsterones

Preparation containing guggulsterones
Preparation containing guggulsterones

In simple terms, guggulsterones are an extract of the plant commiphora muculus, which grows in the tropics. For centuries, this plant has been used as a fat burner. Currently, studies of the effect of the drug on the human body have not been conducted. Experiments on mice have shown a significant acceleration of metabolic processes, including in adipose tissues.

The experimental rodents lost weight, even with the usual diet. The drug is also used by people who do it at their own peril and risk. This also revealed the ability of the agent to lower cholesterol. It should be noted that this is possible only with the use of high dosages, ranging from 50 to 75 milligrams throughout the day.

Green tea is an effective fat burner

A cup of green tea
A cup of green tea

Green tea extract contains the substance epigallocatechin gallate. Studies have shown that it can enhance the effects on the body of norepinephrine, which is a natural fat burner. More specifically, green tea promotes more active fat cell oxidation. Long-term studies have not yet been carried out, but the fact that green tea is an excellent antioxidant gives reason to start drinking it instead of black tea.

Topical fat burning creams

Fat burning cream in a jar
Fat burning cream in a jar

Most creams of this type contain forskolin, yohimbine and aminophilin. These substances have a pronounced thermogenic effect. Fat burning creams gained popularity after two major studies conducted in the United States.

This allowed us to say for sure that the most effective were aminophilin and forskolin. Yohimbine has less effect on adipose tissue by comparison. Scientists suggest that the aforementioned substances heat up the adipose tissue at the site of application of the cream, which contributes to their burning. It should be noted that the demand for drugs is quite large and there are mainly counterfeits on the market. Real fat burning creams are bought from manufacturers by beauty salons.

Chromium Picolinate for Fat Burning

Fat Burner Capsules
Fat Burner Capsules

Great hopes were pinned on this tool, which were not justified. In the course of a number of studies on athletes, it has been proven that chromium picolinate is not suitable for burning fat. The subjects, even with physical exertion, were unable to lose weight. Therefore, he is not able to supplement steroids on the relief to enhance the fat-burning effect.

Fat Burning Garcinia Cambogia Extract

Garcinia Cambodia
Garcinia Cambodia

Everything that has been written about chromium picolinate can be attributed to this drug as well. During the experiment, athletes took 1.5 and 3 grams of the extract, but no positive results were noted.

Effectiveness of carnitine for fat burning

L-carnitine preparation based on carnitine
L-carnitine preparation based on carnitine

It was found long ago that carnitine plays an important role in the oxidation of fat cells. However, this statement is true only for a natural substance. When used additionally as part of various additives, this did not bring any results. This has been confirmed by a large number of studies.

Fat burning with vanadyl sulfate

Fat Burning Workout
Fat Burning Workout

This substance can increase insulin sensitivity in people with type 2 diabetes. This suggested that vanadyl sulfate has a fat burning effect on the body. However, in the course of research, this assumption was refuted. Moreover, at high dosages of the substance, the body is exposed to toxic effects.

Here are all the drugs, the use of which can enhance the effect of fat burning, as well as those that turned out to be completely ineffective. As already noted, it is best to use caffeine and ephedrine in addition to relief steroids. It is not only a highly effective drug, but it is also practically free of side effects. This can be achieved by taking it at first in small dosages, gradually increasing them. In addition, with prolonged use in the body, the balance of harmful and beneficial cholesterols is normalized.

Green tea is also very effective. It is very important that it has no side effects and at the same time is an excellent antioxidant. The only drawback of green tea as a fat burner is the different concentration of the active substance, depending on the type of plant.

An expert tells about fat burners available:
