Interesting ideas for giving will come in handy if you want to make useful things with your own hands from metal - a smokehouse from a bucket or barrel in 10 minutes, crafts from bicycles, old shovels and a rake.
Over the winter, many have missed their suburban hacienda and are looking forward to spring to work in the garden, in the garden, to make something for the summer cottage. While there is time, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with interesting ideas that will convince you not to throw out old metal things, but to make a lot of useful things out of them for your country estate.
Ideas for a summer cottage made of metal - what to turn an old bike into
If the children have grown up, you still have these vehicles, use them. Over time, bicycles may become unusable, but if desired, they will become indispensable things for a summer residence.
Even if only a part of these mechanical things remains, they will still be used. And you don't have to paint such a rusted half of the bike. It is enough to attach a pots with flowers here, and this art object will turn into an unusual flower bed, which only you will have.

If you wish, sand the rust with sandpaper, then coat the old bike with 2 or 3 coats of metal paint.
But even without painting, such a flower girl looks good, she looks like an old art object.
If you have a lot of metal bicycle wheels, then make very useful devices of this type of metal for giving with your own hands.

- bicycle wheels;
- wooden block;
- stones;
- shovel;
- antiseptic;
- stretch film;
- scissors;
- wire.
Follow these step-by-step instructions:
- Dig a hole in which you could place a piece of wood at one end. To prevent it from rotting, first paint it with several layers of antiseptic. When dry, wrap the edge that will be in the ground with stretch foil in several layers. This will prevent moisture from rotting. It is convenient to do this work together. One will hold this post, while the other will pour small stones here and tamp them. It is convenient to do this with a small piece of wood or a hammer.
- If you have cement, mix it up with water and sand. Pour this mass into this depression. If it is not there, then just cover it with dense soil and compact it well.
- If you have used cement, then give it time to dry. After that, nail the parts of the wheels protruding above the surface of the post, placing them one above the other. Or you can tie them with wire.
- Cucumbers and other plants that like to grow vertically will twist well on such a support. But place the wheels high enough to reach the crop. You can also plant curly beans here, which will braid this support, close it, and you can first admire the beautiful flowers, and then pick a lot of fruits.
Also, an old bike will help to realize the following idea. If you want to make an original wicket and do not know how to fill its inner part, then attach the bike with clamps and wire. Such an idea will surely bring a smile to everyone who comes to your house or just walks by.

If you have a lot of bicycles, then make fences out of them. It is necessary to put these three vehicles vertically and fix them with stakes driven into the ground, it is better to use metal ones. You can pre-paint your old bikes one color or a different color to create a funky fence like this.

The next original thing for a summer residence is also quickly made of metal with your own hands. You will take it from the bike. Fasten the wheels one above the other on a wooden fence, and the cucumbers will grow wonderfully here. After all, they have good support, and the fence will protect the whips from the wind, so your yield will be high. But you need to plant them in a soil well fertilized with organic matter and periodically feed them. And if it gets colder, then you will put the lutrasil on the upper wheel, fix it below with stones on the ground and the cucumbers will be warm.

If you have accumulated a lot of wheels from bicycles and carts, then you can make a fence out of them.

Moreover, the work will be reduced to a minimum, since these blanks do not even need to be painted. The main thing is to arrange them in such a way as to close the space and fasten them together.
Read also how to make furniture from pallets for summer cottages
What to do for giving with your own hands from old buckets, watering cans, cans?
Such goodness also often accumulates in the country. And if you have basins at home, then you probably brought them to your suburban hacienda to use. But over time, they can leak out, so you have to either throw it away, or give the products a second chance. If they are in good condition, then put the drainage down, add soil, plant a spherical plant in a bucket, and flowers in small vessels.

Speaking about what ideas for a summer residence will help you make design objects from metal with your own hands, pay attention to the following.

As you can see, you can not plant flowers in the ground, but put pots of plants here. In this case, the bucket will simultaneously turn into a planter. And it's okay that the paint on the chest of drawers standing next to it has aged in order, because such a landscape will add a unique touch to the street interior. You can also plant flowers in open boxes, paint a metal candlestick, put it next to it.
If you wish, paint a similar dresser to make it look like new. Then between its two parts you can stack firewood and grow flowers in it.

If you do not have enough space to store such things, then put them in a pile, and to decorate, put containers with flowers in the upper metal boxes. Then you will ennoble this place, and you will be able to store such items in order to use them if possible.

Whenever you wish, take out these items so that you can make a cute composition of this type of metal with your own hands for a summer residence. If the children have grown up a long time ago, and the metal bath with legs remains, place it next to the fence. Place the washboard on the side. Such a rarity will surely be appreciated by grandchildren, because many young people do not know that this is a washboard. Such a composition will also help to refine the basin.

You will explain to the kids that before the linen was boiled in such metal tanks, although some people still achieve cleanliness in exactly these ways. But this is already a rarity, since washing machines have a boiling function. But do not throw away the rusted tank, but hang it by the handle on a metal hook, place a blooming petunia inside.

With the help of reliable glue, metal pins and fasteners, you can connect old buckets in such an interesting position. Place them in a basin that also contains flowering plants.

If you made a new gutter, the elements remained from the old, then you can use them. Place the funnel-shaped portion at the top by sticking it into the bucket of dirt. It will stand in a metal basin.

Look, even time-worn things look good when you plant flowers in them. You may not need to paint these metal objects; with your own hands to give a summer residence, make such a composition from them. Such a support is easy to find on sale, but you can make it yourself from a rebar rod, having previously painted it.

But in such containers, the earth dries up a lot, especially in the heat. Therefore, you need to water these flowers almost every day. To make it easier for yourself, develop a self-watering system.

To do this, take:
- kettle;
- flat stones;
- basin;
- small pump;
- hose;
- metal containers;
- soil;
- flowers.
Provide a water supply system. If it is difficult to deal with it, then use a regular indoor fountain that is on sale. Place it below the kettle. Water will be poured into the basin, and then, using the mechanism, will be poured back into the kettle. Plants will grow in an area with a good microclimate, thus they will be moistened. See how such a model works to make it easier for you to make it.

As you can see, it is better to take a metal kettle, from below, into a pre-made hole, an iron pipe is brought to it, then it is installed on the bottom of the platform. With the help of the water supply system, the liquid rises to the top, the kettle, when it overflows, the water pours from its spout. Flowers growing nearby are in a wonderful microclimate.
And you can make such a watering system that it will turn on at a certain time and water the flowers. To do this, you need to install a time relay.
You can place a similar composition near the column, and the water will be sold directly from there.

And if you place flowers on the lower tier, then spray of water will periodically moisten the ground, you will have more time to rest.

Perhaps you will be interested in new ideas for the garden or crafts from plastic bottles
DIY gardening tools
If a shovel and a rake have rusted from time to time, and make a funny composition out of them. Then you will need an old wooden cart or a fragment of a fence or board. If it is a cart, then place it on the wheels and secure it in such an upright position. If you are using part of a fence or board, then fix them vertically as well.

Now you will need to attach gardening tools to this base, you can also decorate such a voluminous panel with willow branches rolled into a ring, an old lantern. Use nails to attach it all to a wooden base. We decorate the composition with flowers.
You can make a base from wooden blocks in the form of a rectangle. Attach unnecessary gardening tools here, also paint them. This can be a panel or a gate to enter the garden.

You can see another version of such a gate in the next photo. Place two shovels and a rake so that they fill the space evenly. You can also attach a hoe here, also a sickle. But it is better not to use such cutting objects as a rake and a sickle for such panels, so that no one can get hurt with them.
See what interesting crafts you can make from old shovels. Such ideas for giving will allow you to make original objects from metal with your own hands.

To craft this spider, take:
- shovel;
- scarlet and black paint;
- plastic bottle;
- brush;
- metal fittings or dense wire;
- scissors.
Step-by-step master class:
- Remove the handle from the shovel; you won't need it. But you can also use a shovel that has already fallen into disrepair, and the handle does not hold on to it. Paint it scarlet, then use stencils to apply black circles. You can also paint reinforcement or wire with black paint.
- Make legs and a base for the body out of four identical fragments, put it on top.
- Cut the top out of the bottle, which will become the face. Add the necessary features here. Place a rubber / plastic rim between the bottle cap and this face. Then the top will turn into such a beautiful hat. Also cover it with scarlet paint. You can attach artificial flowers to the side.
See also interesting ideas for summer cottages and houses.
And if you don't want to waste time and paint, then take an old rusty shovel, attach not new metal rods to it and a workpiece made of this material, which will become a nose. Make two symmetrical holes, put artificial stones or parts of glass bottles inside. Weld this shovel to two metal rods that will become the legs of the original flower girl.

You can also make an original woodpecker from a shovel. Cut the lower part into 3, cut the tip of each into 4 identical rectangles. They will be bird feathers. The two outermost fragments will become wings, and the lower one will turn into a tail. Attach a piece to the top of the bird so that it becomes a tuft.

A shovel will also work. Turn her into a Cow. Weld metal rods as legs and the forks will become horns.

Further, similar ideas for giving will help you make such interesting masks from metal with your own hands. But for this you need special equipment that will help heat the metal. Then this pliable piece is leaned against the template of the face to obtain such an original mask.

You can make a whole poultry house by making such storks on thin legs. Rakes, common and fan rakes, will become wings and tails. The shovels will turn into a body. Attach the armature so that part of it becomes legs and another part becomes metal necks, heads and beaks.

You can also make an amazing flower out of old shovels. To do this, you also do not have to paint them, but you will need a welding machine that will allow you to assemble these parts, as well as attach them to the armature and turn it into a stem.

Also, interesting birds will turn out from old shovels. It is immediately clear that these are owls. The base will be shovels, and the beak will be the working parts of the metal carving scissors. Turn round blanks into eyes, fittings into thick eyebrows and paws of birds.

You can also make a voluminous owl. This will require 3 shovels. From one you will make the front part, and two will turn into wings. You can install and fix by welding this owl on a metal workpiece.

Even if the shovel is completely rusted, you shouldn't throw it away if you love tinkering. The material has already become very malleable, so you can almost effortlessly cut various patterns on the metal with a construction knife, this will be an unusual piece of decoration for a country interior.

If you have not only an old shovel, but also garden shears, which practically do not work, then combine these two items. Such an interesting find for a summer residence will help you make a heron out of metal with your own hands. Bend the armature almost in the middle to make its legs, and weld two metal eyes up. Many thrifty owners have such details.

If you do not have a welding machine, then you can glue these blanks. Have fun with yourself and your neighbors with a funny face. Round old washers can also be found on the farm, and the wire tied in a bundle will become a mustache. Such a metal figurine will now flaunt on your site.

If you have not only an unnecessary shovel, but also a hoe, then connect these two elements and attach them with a metal rod, you get another heron. You can paint this design element to make it look like new.

And you can make more than one funny face. Since the shovels have a semicircular shape, they will be well attached to the wall with the concave side outward. Add the missing elements and the fun trio is done.

If you have unnecessary adjustable wrenches on your farm, you will make a crab out of two of these tools. The adjustable wrenches will turn into 2 front claws, the rest of the legs can be made from other metal unnecessary things. Attach the shovel by flipping it over. Apply a drawing here to get this kind of sculpture for the garden.

If you polish an old shovel, attach metal plates cut in a certain way to it, you will get, if not a golden, then a shiny fish.

If you wish, you can make a comfortable chair out of two of these blanks. In this case, you will sit on a shovel, and lean on an ordinary bayonet. Broken cuttings will become legs. You just need to shorten them so that they are the same length.

If you want to make a sculpture for a garden that is colorful, then paint the metal elements. Such a crane will become a bright accent of your suburban area.

Old metal things in the country can turn not only into aesthetic objects, but also into very useful units.
Read also where and how to beautifully plant flowers in the country
What to do for a summer cottage made of metal - a smokehouse from a bucket, pan, tank, barrel
All of these items are metal, so they are great for the next idea.

As you can see, the smokehouse is quite expensive in the store. You can buy a 12L enamel bucket, which is much cheaper. And if you have a similar thing on the farm, use it. First, you will need to bend the bucket ears with pliers so that the lid lies flat.

Then you need to install a grate at the bottom, but if you don't have one, then skewers will do. Take three pieces, bend them so that they resemble the letter P. At the same time, bend the ends of the skewers on one and the other side of the bucket so that they hold well.

Now pour alder chips down, moisten them with some water so that it does not quickly burn out, and you can put the bucket on the fire. But first put meat or fish inside, and cover this container with a lid on top.

It will be enough to place the wings in this brazier for 40 minutes, after which you will get some very tasty pieces.

Great idea for a smokehouse. After all, in the country you can make it with your own hands from metal, which is an old or new bucket, and this is not difficult at all. If you also have unnecessary skewers, when in just 10 minutes you will make a smokehouse, for which you would have given a lot of money in the store.

If you have an old tank for boiling linen at your dacha, it will also be used. Check out the following workshop to help you make a smokehouse out of it.

The smokehouse scheme is very simple. As you can see, two round nets need to be placed horizontally inside if you want to cook two servings of food at once. Alder chips are poured into the bottom of the tank and juniper is placed. The device is closed with a lid. If you are making a bucket smoker, then it has a metal handle that you can use to hold it to remove or install this cooking appliance.
Do not use a galvanized tank or bucket, as these metals can release very harmful substances when heated, which will be absorbed into food.
If you have an old refrigerator in your dacha that does not work, remove the grate before throwing it away or putting it into operation. It will come in handy for the device section of the smokehouse. Make two holes in the prepared container opposite each other, stick a metal pin here, on which you will then tie up food. Make a cross from a metal profile, on which you will put in a bowl to collect fat.

Other metal components can be used about the quality of such a stand. For smoked meats to taste better, take wood chips from old fruit trees. It is also good to use alder. You can take other wood as well.
Do not use pine, otherwise it will spoil the taste of the product. Also, do not use birch, which releases tar when burned.
Another tip is to take wood without bark. And if the chips are wet, that's even good. If it is dry, then you need to soak it in water first. After such preparations, pour these large sawdust into the bottom of the container 2 cm high. Then place the cross on which you place the bowl to collect the fat.

When smoking fish, you do not need to use a bowl, but for chicken or meat it is desirable. Otherwise, grease that gets on the smoldering sawdust can spoil the taste of the product. Pierce the meat with a thick wire, fix it on the prepared pin. Cover the smoker with a lid and put on fire.

A fire pit can be quickly made by fencing it with bricks in two rows. Then a fire will burn below, and smoke will come out through the holes in the bricks. If you don't have them, you can do without it. Place the selected container on 2 stable logs, let the contents smoke gradually. To open the lid, it will be enough to thread a stick into it.

You can also make a smoker from an old pot. If you want, install it on 2 bricks, which are placed on the sidewalls and are in a metal container for cooking kebabs.

See how beautifully meat is baked in such a facility. But first you will need to place it on a metal hook in order to then hang it on top of the smokehouse. You can also make such a device from a barrel.
But it is better to take not very high, so that you do not need to use a lot of wood chips. If you want to get a lot of hot smoked products at once, then you need to install several grates in the barrel and put the raw products to smoke on them. But it is better not to use more than 2-3 layers of the grate, otherwise the upper pieces may not have time to cook.

A schematic of a metal smokehouse is shown in this photo. As you can see, inside you need to put small dry firewood, alder branches down. A tray for fat is installed a little higher, and almost at the top there is a grate on which you will put fish or meat. You can also hang these products. Such a smokehouse is installed on the firebox, the fire is ignited. From above you need to cover the smoker with a metal sheet so that the heat remains inside. Excess smoke will leave through the cracks.

If you used to make dumplings, and then took the metal dumplings to the dacha and safely forgot about it, now is the time to get this thing from the bins of the Motherland. After all, it is this item that will make it possible to make a smokehouse of the following type. Take:
- a saucepan, bucket or tank;
- metal dumplings or grates made of this material;
- container lid;
- metal screws with nuts;
- drill or thick nail with a hammer.
This idea for a summer residence will help you make another smokehouse from metal with your own hands. Drill holes in a circle at the same level at the top of the pot or tank or bucket. Insert the bolts into them with the nuts inward. Now it will be possible to put a lattice on this base, and it will hold. But first, pour the prepared chips down. Now install the wire rack, place meat or fish products on top. Cover your creation with a lid and put it on fire.

See how to make a smokehouse in 10 minutes, the manufacturing process of which was described above.

And what can be made of old iron for a summer residence, you will learn from the following video.