Characteristics of the crocus plant, recommendations for growing in the open field, advice on breeding, combating possible diseases and pests, curious notes, species. Colchicum (Colchicum) can be found under the names Autumnal or based on transliteration - Colchicum. The plant belongs to the Colchicaceae family. Basically, all of them are distributed on the territory of European lands, the Mediterranean, Asia Minor and the Caucasus, and can also be found in the Transcaucasia, Iran and central regions of Asia. They feel best in meadows with damp soil. In culture, it is possible to grow in all areas where a temperate climate prevails. According to data taken from the site of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, this genus contains up to a hundred species.
Family name | Colchicaceae |
Life cycle | Perennial |
Growth features | Herbaceous |
Reproduction | Seeds, daughter bulbs or dividing corms |
Landing period in open ground | Bulbs are planted in summer (dormant) |
Disembarkation scheme | Depth 8–20 cm at a distance of 10–20 cm |
Substrate | Any loose and nutritious soil |
Illumination | Open area, brightly lit, south facing |
Moisture indicators | Drought-resistant, in the summer heat can be watered moderately |
Special Requirements | Unpretentious |
Plant height | 0.1-0.5 m |
Color of flowers | From pure white to purple |
Type of flowers, inflorescences | Solitary |
Flowering time | August-October |
Decorative time | Spring-autumn |
Place of application | Landscaping of paths and borders, around water bodies, on lawns, alpine slides, rockeries and rocky gardens, in containers on terraces and balconies |
USDA zone | 4–8 |
This flowering plant got its scientific name based on the natural area of distribution - Colchis (historical area on the Black Sea). Other names such as "autumn color", "autumnal", "crocus" or "timeless color" are explained by the fact that some of the varieties can open their flowers in late autumn, when most of the plants have already grown pepper. With the arrival of spring, when all the greenery is just beginning to develop, at the colchicum fruits ripen from the ovary that has overwintered in the winter, it is a box with seed material. If we rely on information from the Middle Ages, then this plant was called "Filius ante patrem", which translated as "son before father."
All croppers are perennials, with a herbaceous form of growth and multiple shortened erect stems. Their height is 10-50 cm, the surface is bare. Also, these plants are distinguished by a rather short growing season - ephemeroids. The entire surface of the corms is covered with brown sheaths of old foliage (sheaths). From such shells, a tube is formed with a greater or lesser length, which covers the root part of the plant. The outlines of the corms are oblong, the length varies in the range of 3-5 cm. Foliage of "autumn color" with elongated lanceolate or elliptical contours. The size of the leaves is large, can reach 30–40 cm, the surface is bare. Their color is rich green. A root rosette is formed from such leaves.
When blooming, a large bisexual flower blooms. The perianth has spliced leaves, funnel-bell-shaped outlines, there is an elongated tube in the form of a cylinder, which has a bend with six divisions. The flower can be up to 20-25 cm long. The color of the petals usually ranges from pure white to purple. The length of the stamens is shorter than the tepals, with three inner ones being longer than the three outer ones. The stamens are attached to the perianth pharynx. The single pistil has three columns that are loosely arranged and have threadlike outlines. The stigma is clavate, ovary with three nests. Some species have a pleasant aroma.
The flowering process occurs in late summer or autumn, and can continue until its middle. Usually, during this period, which takes 2-3 weeks, flowers can be pollinated by bees and flies, and then they wither, and the ovaries will spend the winter under the snow.
The fruit of the autumn tree is a box, which is characterized by a pyramidal, ovate-spherical or ovoid-oblong shape and three nests. When fully ripe, the fruit opens into three folds. It is in the middle of the leaves. After ripening, the stem with leaves bends towards the soil, and large reddish-brown seeds spill out onto it.
The biggest difference between colchicum is that when its buds open, the foliage has not yet unfolded. Leaf plates and fruits are formed only with the arrival of the next spring, usually immediately after the snow cover has melted. Then, in May-June, the autumn seed box will ripen.
Recommendations for growing crocus - planting and care in the open field

- Choosing a landing site. All Colchicum are unpretentious, but a place with good lighting is suitable for them. They can grow on the selected flower bed for a rather long period. It is important that the location is south, even if the colchicum is planted next to bush plantings or tall herbaceous flora.
- Selection of soil for crocus. The plant prefers a loose and light, organic-rich substrate. Any garden soil can be suitable, with the addition of nutrients (peat or compost) and for the friability of river sand. The acidity should be neutral or slightly acidic.
- Planting kolchikum. Planting of crocus is carried out in the summer. The depth of the hole will depend directly on the size of the corms - within 8–20 cm. The holes are placed at a distance of 10–20 cm from each other.
- Fertilizers for crocus. It is recommended to feed the soil for normal growth in March, when foliage develops or with the beginning of the rest period (summer). The plant responds well to any organic matter - humus, diluted mullein, and the like. You can also sprinkle the surface of the soil with superphosphate and apply mineral preparations (like Kemir-Universal), released in dry or liquid form. In the first case, it is recommended to distribute the agent over the soil surface, the second can be added to the water for irrigation. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizing is used to build up green mass - ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate (ammonium sulfate).
- Watering. The plant does not show any demands on soil moisture, but during the period when vegetative activity begins or there is a severe drought in summer, moderate watering is recommended.
- The use of the autumn garden in landscape design. "Timeless color" can decorate any garden, as it blooms in autumn, but the problem arises when in summer it begins a period of rest and the flower bed is bare. Therefore, it is recommended to place next to representatives of flora with creeping shoots, or plants for the coastal zone, for example, tenacious or periwinkle.
You can decorate lawns and flower beds with autumn crocus, create group plantings next to perennials growing in rock gardens or stone gardens. Planting curbs or planting along garden paths or on the banks of natural or artificial reservoirs. If colchicum is contained in a pot or garden container, then it can be used to decorate balconies, terraces or streets, the plant also looks good in a home interior.
In order for the planting of the autumn garden to look neat, dried leaves (in early summer) and flowers (in autumn) are cut off. If white varieties are grown or with double flowers, then for the winter you need shelter with spruce branches or foliage.
Colchicum breeding tips

To get new plants of colchicum, it is recommended to sow seeds, plant daughter bulbs or divide corms.
With daughter bulbs, the reproduction of the crocus is simpler. A large number of such children are formed in the autumn garden, if nothing is done, then the plants may stop blooming altogether. It is necessary to transplant the bushes every 5-6 years in order to separate the daughter bulbs. Since the planted plants are at a depth of 30–35 cm, they are carefully removed from the soil in the middle of summer. Then, most of the substrate and the remaining old foliage are separated. It is important not to damage the scales! The bulbs are washed, pickled in potassium permanganate and dried in the open air. In early August, they are planted in a prepared place in the garden.
Since the crocus bulb is forming several stems, during the summer vacation it is dug up and divided into parts. Each of the divisions must contain its own escape. The cut sections are sprinkled with crushed charcoal and dried in shade. After 3-5 days, the parts can be planted to a depth of 12-18 cm.
During seed propagation, they wait until the seed pod darkens and before it opens, it is cut off to dry it in the shade. The seeds should not turn black during drying, otherwise they will be able to germinate only after 2-3 years. Seeds are sown in the autumn. A light fertile soil is used, mixed with peat, sand and deciduous soil. The soil mixture is poured into a seedling box and seeds are sown in it. The germination temperature is maintained at 0-12 degrees. In a few weeks, root development will take place, and with the arrival of spring, aerial stems will form. The foliage of such colchicum will unfold annually, but they begin to bloom only when seven years have passed. Two-year-old young autumn plants can be planted in open ground.
Fight against possible diseases and pests of the crocus

The plant is quite resistant to harmful insects and diseases, but if the soil is constantly in a waterlogged state, then gray rot is possible. If this disease has spoiled insignificant parts of the plant, then fungicide treatment with drugs such as Topaz, Cuproxat or Champion can be carried out. In case of severe damage, it is recommended to remove and burn the entire autumn garden, so as not to expose other plantings to the disease.
Since the foliage and corms of the columbus are quite juicy, snails and slugs like to spoil them. To combat them, flower growers scatter crushed eggshells or wood ash around the plants. From chemical preparations "MetaGroza" or metaldehyde (methiocarb) can be useful.
Curious notes about the crocus flower

If you believe the legends, then the plant was given rise to the shed blood of Prometheus, a hero who wanted to give fire to mankind. On the territory of ancient Russia, the plant bore the name of autumn women, wintering, timeless flowers. On the lands of Europe, Kalhikum was called meadow saffron, and the inhabitants of Foggy Albion gave it the name "Naked Lady" due to the fact that when the flowers open, the plant is devoid of foliage.
Important to remember
The toxicity of any part of the plant is very high. All work with the crocus must be carried out with gloves, since by damaging the corm, you can get a burn on the skin of the hands. The reason for this is the alkaloid colchicine, which is secreted by autumn bulbs. But the stems, leaves and flowers are also saturated with different alkaloids. If even a minimal amount is ingested, the body is provoked after a couple of hours a strong burning sensation in the throat, nausea and dizziness, gradually turning into colic, followed by paralysis and collapse. The water in which the crocus flowers were placed acquires poisonous qualities. However, despite the toxicity, colchicum has found application in folk medicine, since it contains not only alkaloids, but also various resins, tannins, sugars and lipids. Its seeds are used, which become material for the manufacture of tinctures, decoctions and ointments. All such drugs have analgesic, antiemetic properties, can have a diuretic and laxative effect. Ointments are used to treat gout, arthritis, rheumatism and sciatica.
The alkaloids in the autumnal bulb can help lower blood pressure and reduce the development of cancerous tumors.
Types and varieties of crocus

The colchicum is magnificent (Colchicum speciosum). With the arrival of spring time, a bare stem is formed, approaching half a meter in length. It is covered by opposite large leaf plates measuring 30–35 cm in length and up to 6 cm in width. The edge of the leaf is wavy. At the beginning of summer, the foliage dries out, and with the arrival of autumn, large flowers open, the petals in which have a lilac or pink color. The most popular varieties are:
- Huxley when the flowers are young, their petals are colored mauve, which turns purple over time;
- Premier flowers begin to open in late autumn, while they have a bright purple color;
- Waterlily has flowers of a double structure with bright pink petals;
- Violet Queen quite a beautiful variety, with flowers of a rich purple color;
- Roseum plemum differs in double flowers with a pink tint of petals;
- Bacons field the size of the flowers in this variety is large, the color is pinkish-purple;
- White can form up to six individual buds, which open up to show petals of a snow-white color and a yellow core;
- Terry the size of a flower in such plants in height reaches 12 cm with a diameter of 5 cm. It is made up of several rows of narrowed purple petals.

Colchicum (Colchicum laetum) is also found under the name Colchicum bright. The native area falls on the lands of the Ciscaucasia, capturing areas of the lower reaches of the Volga and Don rivers. An endemic plant of these places, that is, it is not found anywhere else in nature. Prefers to settle in lush meadows or steppes. The shape of the bulb is ovoid, its size is rather large in diameter, reaching 3 cm. The sheaths, which cover it with leathery, black-brown color, converge into an elongated thin tube.
There are four leaf plates, their outlines are ligulate, the color is pale greenish. The shape of the lower leaf is obtuse; it surpasses all the others in width. The tops of other leaves are pointed. When flowering, large flowers are formed, of which there are 1-3 pieces. The color of the leaves is lavender or crimson. The shape of the tepals is lanceolate or elliptical. In length, they are up to 4 cm, their top is blunt. The flowering process falls on the time of August-September. The fruit, which ripens in April, looks like an egg-shaped capsule, not exceeding 2 cm in length. Its leg is very shortened. The capsule is obtuse at the base, there is a sharpening at the top.

Colchicum agrippinum. The height of the stems is 15 cm. It has flowers of a pinkish clair with crimson specks.

Colchicum variegated (Colchicum variegatum). It resembles the previous species, sometimes they are even combined. The color of the petals in the flowers is pinkish-lilac, there is a pattern on the surface of veins of a darker shade.

Colchicum yellow (Colchicum luteum). With a height not exceeding 10 cm. The color of the petals in the buds of a rich yellow color.

Colchicum byzantinum (Colchicum byzantinum). The stem can only reach 0.1 m. The opening flowers are distinguished by a rich mauve tone.
Video about the crocus:

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