How to make a bouquet of flowers

How to make a bouquet of flowers
How to make a bouquet of flowers

If you want to create a wedding bouquet yourself, then choose any of the two proposed methods. Learn about the language of plants, the principles of composing flower compositions. To prevent vampire flowers (such as daffodil) from negatively affecting others, releasing a specific sap, first cut the stems with them, put them in a separate container with water for 2-3 hours, and only then add to the bouquet.

To prevent cut flowers from withering longer, place a sprig of geranium or thuja next to them. At least every other day, prune the stems, rinse them and change the water in the vase to fresh.

Examples of creating compositions from fresh flowers

Bouquet for teacher
Bouquet for teacher

If you do not know how to create a bouquet for a teacher, the one below will be ideal. Indeed, in the language of flowers, hydrangea means "equanimity."

To create such a flower arrangement, you will need the following:

  • blue hydrangea, red lily, solidago, bush white chrysanthemum, greenery;
  • floristic sponge "oasis";
  • thin cardboard;
  • polyethylene film;
  • artificial little apples;
  • coconut fiber sisal;
  • red spray paint;
  • thick aluminum wire;
  • glue gun and silicone glue for it;
  • thin floral wire;
  • knife;
  • nippers;
  • scissors.
Creating a bouquet of hydrangea
Creating a bouquet of hydrangea

Take a piece of cardboard, form a 25 cm high bun out of it. Fix it with glue. Make a small loop of aluminum wire that will hold the other end of the wire when you remove it from the bottom of the bag.

If you are using cardboard, the color of which is combined with sisal fiber, then you do not need to dye. If the shades differ, then cover the outside of the bag with spray paint.

Disassemble sisal or use coconut. Using a glue gun, attach this decor element to the cardboard cone. And at the bottom, wind it around the curl of wire.

Bouquet decor with sisal fibers
Bouquet decor with sisal fibers

Take a floral sponge and dip it into a container of water. To make it soaked in liquid evenly, do not drown it with your hands. After 20 minutes, remove the sponge, cut a blank out of it so that it matches the inner dimensions of the bag. To avoid getting the cardboard wet, wrap the sponge cone in cellophane, leaving only the top free.

We will insert flowers into it. Trim them and stick the shortened stems into the sponge horn. To make a bouquet of flowers, first take a lily, solidago and greenery.

After you put them in the "oasis", stick hydrangea, chrysanthemums there and decorate your creation with artificial apples, stringing them into small pieces of wire. You can use toothpicks instead.

Decorative apples for a bouquet
Decorative apples for a bouquet

Flowers in a bouquet should be close enough, but not overlap. Along with the blossoming lily, its buds also look beautiful.

Bouquet of blue hydrangeas
Bouquet of blue hydrangeas

You can compose such beautiful flower arrangements yourself and present them to a teacher or other respected person.

Jewelry for the bride

Bridal bouquet in a bouquette
Bridal bouquet in a bouquette

Flowers are used not only to decorate the bride's hairstyle, decorate the hall, the festive table, but, of course, to make a bridal bouquet.

Below will be presented 2 master classes on this topic. In the first, flowers for a wedding bouquet will be decorated using a bouquette holder. In the second, no.

The portbouquet holder is a hollow plastic tube expanding towards the top, into which a floral sponge is inserted. It is saturated with a preservative solution or water so that the liquid nourishes the flowers for some time.

A wedding bridal bouquet made using this device will not only look beautiful, but will also be able to stay fresh throughout the holiday.

To create one you need:

  • porter's bouquets "Lady";
  • satin ribbon;
  • a piece of oasis sponge;
  • anchor tape;
  • green tape tape;
  • double sided tape;
  • 4 white and 5 crimson roses;
  • salal leaves;
  • viburnum (viburnum berries);
  • scissors;
  • knife;
  • pliers.

Carefully remove the sponge from the horn by removing the plastic mesh to insert a piece of dry "oasis" into the hollow tube.

Bouquet sponge
Bouquet sponge
How to insert a sponge into a handbag
How to insert a sponge into a handbag

The bride should look perfect both from the front and from the back. Therefore, we decorate the outer upper part of the bouquets with salal leaves, gluing them onto double-sided tape.

Decor of a portbouquet holder with leaves
Decor of a portbouquet holder with leaves

For a better fit, you need to fix these leaves on the ribbed surface with anchor tape.

How to wind anchor tape
How to wind anchor tape

So that it is not visible, we wind a light green tape over it.

How to wind the tape
How to wind the tape

If you have dry Crisal powder, add a little of it to cold water so that the sponge soaked in this solution will nourish the flowers.

If not, then place the semicircular piece of "oasis" that you took out of the horn in the beginning into the water. Do not forget, he must drown in it himself, without your help, then it will be saturated with moisture evenly.

A piece of oasis in the water
A piece of oasis in the water

After this happens, take out the sponge, put it in place in the bouquets and fix it by closing it with a net. Moreover, the latter should snap into place on the white part of the horn.

How to place a sponge in a handbag
How to place a sponge in a handbag

Next, we form a bridal bouquet with our own hands, or by calling on assistants. Let's move on to decorating the handle of the horn, as the composition should look amazing from all sides. Starting from the bottom of the bouquette holder, glue its narrow part with double-sided tape, place a white satin ribbon on top of it. Attach the tip with a glue gun.

How to stick double-sided tape
How to stick double-sided tape
Satin ribbon for bouquet
Satin ribbon for bouquet

Now decorate the lateral expanding part of the horn with leaves. Cut them off at an angle and immediately poke them with a sponge.

Decor for the side of the horn
Decor for the side of the horn

So that the water flowing down from the sponge does not wet the handle of the bouquette maker, we put a dry piece of "oasis" into its hollow part. It will take in excess moisture, thereby leaving the bottom of the bouquet dry and the bride's hands clean.

We begin to decorate the bouquet for the wedding with flowers. Trim the brighter roses at an angle first, spreading 3 on one side and 2 on the other side of the sponge. Then stick in white flowers, and fill the spaces between the roses with viburnum and leaves. After that, the composition for the bride of roses, leaves and unripe viburnum berries is ready.

Bouquet of roses and viburnum berries
Bouquet of roses and viburnum berries

Another bridal bouquet

Bridal bouquet of roses
Bridal bouquet of roses

If you do not have special devices, then you can perform the composition in a different technique. Not only the bridal bouquet consists of such roses, it can be made and presented, timed to coincide with another event. This is what the final composition looks like.

For her, we have prepared:

  • 10 single-headed roses;
  • 20 spray roses;
  • greens for decorating the cuff;
  • tape.

First, you need to cut off all the leaves from the stem and divide the bush rose into inflorescences. For greens, remove excess from the stems. Now you can start the main stage of work.

To make a beautiful bouquet, start by placing 5 flowers parallel to each other. Their height should be the same. Place the next, sixth rose at a slight angle. Place the seventh also obliquely.

How to make a bouquet of roses
How to make a bouquet of roses

Gradually, slightly turning the bouquet to one side, arrange all the roses in this way. As a result of using this spiral technique, you will get a beautiful hemispherical shape. Tie it up with anchor tape or tape, twisting it several times, tie it, cut off the excess.

Bouquet of roses step by step
Bouquet of roses step by step

To create a cuff, also spiral around the bouquet around the outer circle with greenery. Then tie the composition again, this time with herbs.

Trim the ends of the petioles with sharp scissors or pruning shears so that they are the same height and the cuts are perpendicular. When holding the composition, the remaining stems should be slightly longer than the palm of your hand. Now you know how to make a bridal bouquet in another way.

Wedding bouquet of roses
Wedding bouquet of roses

Gift for your girlfriend

Bouquet of carnations in the shape of a heart
Bouquet of carnations in the shape of a heart

Flowers, decorated in the form of a heart, will touch any representative of the fair sex. And if you make a bouquet with sweets, you will like such a gift even more. To compile such an original presentation, little is needed, namely:

  • red carnations;
  • floristic anchor tape;
  • ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • wide green teip tape;
  • jewelry in the form of butterflies on a wire;
  • pink or scarlet silk ribbon;
  • thick floral colored aluminum wire;
  • Rafaello sweets or other wrapped candies.

These are the stages of work awaiting you. Keeping the same distance between the stems of the carnations, carefully string each flower onto the floral wire using a spiral technique. Then bend it into a heart shape. Tie up the stems with floral tape.

Now decorate the stems with a wide decorative ribbon, and tie a scarlet bow on top of it.

How to make a heart-shaped bouquet
How to make a heart-shaped bouquet

Wrap the inner space of the heart made of carnations with a thin textile ribbon. To do this, pass it between colors in different directions. Fill the resulting bowl with sweets and decorate the bouquet with butterflies. Then you can give a beautiful, fragrant, delicious gift.

There are many more ideas that are bestowed by both fresh and dried flowers, as well as house plants. You can familiarize yourself with them in the following articles. In the meantime, we suggest you watch interesting videos that will help you better master the presented technique of creating bouquets:
