How to make a bridal bouquet with your own hands step by step

How to make a bridal bouquet with your own hands step by step
How to make a bridal bouquet with your own hands step by step

Those who know how to make a bridal bouquet will be able to make it from wild flowers, garden flowers, satin ribbons, as well as paper and brooches.

Wedding ? a significant event for every girl. Preparing for this day, she must think about what kind of flower arrangement she will hold in her hands. Knowing how to make a bridal bouquet, the future wife and her bridesmaids will create it.

How to make a bridal bouquet with your own hands from wildflowers?

Bridal bouquet of various wildflowers
Bridal bouquet of various wildflowers

To create such a gentle touching composition for the bride with your own hands, you will need:

  • wildflowers;
  • a pin with a bead at the end;
  • floristic tape tape;
  • satin ribbon;
  • scissors.
Tools for creating a bridal bouquet from wildflowers
Tools for creating a bridal bouquet from wildflowers

Here's how to make a bridal bouquet. First, with your own hands, you will need to remove the leaves from the bottom of the flower stems. These plants should be 30 cm tall, you will bare their stems in half.

Flowers with a clean stem
Flowers with a clean stem

Take the three main flowers, fold them together and glue them just above the middle with a type tape. Wrap the stems, not reaching the end of 2 cm.

Three flowers are attached to each other
Three flowers are attached to each other

Add other flowers to these main plants. The elements of the composition are also fastened using a floral tape.

Many wildflowers are held together in one bouquet
Many wildflowers are held together in one bouquet

Wrap the handle of the bouquet, wrapping it with satin ribbon. Secure the tip of the toy by tying it with a bow or securing it with a pin.

The process of creating a lush bouquet of wildflowers
The process of creating a lush bouquet of wildflowers

See what a wonderful bouquet it turned out. Based on what type of wedding you have chosen, what color the bride's dress is, you can make a suitable composition. Watch the next master class.

Bridal bouquet for eco wedding - step by step master class

If the newlyweds want to spend their holiday in this style, then a bouquet of natural materials will do. It is quite possible to create such one yourself and not spend money on acquisition. And the bride will proudly wear such a composition and say that she made a bouquet with her own hands. To create it, take:

  • natural materials (cones, rowan branches, nuts, rose hips);
  • paper flowers;
  • artificial leaves;
  • teip tape;
  • thin wire;
  • round nose pliers;
  • nippers.
Materials for creating an eco bouquet
Materials for creating an eco bouquet

To make a natural style wedding bridal bouquet, you first need to attach wire to the selected elements. See how to attach it to a bump.

The wire is attached to the bump
The wire is attached to the bump

Thus, combine the three cones with each other. Now around them are fixed branches of mountain ash, wild rose, nuts on a wire, paper flowers and other elements.

Bonding the elements of an eco bouquet
Bonding the elements of an eco bouquet

Secure all the stems by rewinding them with tape. To make the handle of the bouquet more dense, you can wrap it with a wide braid or a strip of light fabric.

What does a ready-made bouquet for an eco wedding look like?
What does a ready-made bouquet for an eco wedding look like?

Here is a bridal bouquet you can make with your own hands. If you like any particular flowers, then check out how to create the next masterpiece from them.

Diy peony bridal bouquet

It is suitable for a summer wedding, because this is when these flowers bloom.

They have a wide variety of colors, so you can choose exactly those that will dominate your holiday. If you are having a Scarlet Sails wedding, then red peonies will do.

Wedding bouquet of peonies close up
Wedding bouquet of peonies close up

You can include only them in the composition or complement with other colors.

Wedding bouquet of peonies lies on the table
Wedding bouquet of peonies lies on the table

To make such a composition, it is necessary to insert a foam rubber sponge moistened with water into the open portaulette, and the upper part of this device from the outside must be decorated with leaves. They are glued to double-sided tape. Decorate the handle of the bouquet by wrapping it with ribbon. You can sew beads and rhinestones here.

If you need a delicate bouquet for the bride, then choose peonies in pink and white tones. Roses of the same color will be perfectly combined with them.

Wedding bouquet of pink peonies
Wedding bouquet of pink peonies

If the bride wants not only her dress, but also the bouquet to be made in white, then, in addition to light peonies, use astilbe and calla lilies.

Bouquet of white flowers in the hand of the bride
Bouquet of white flowers in the hand of the bride

Rewind the flower stems with tape and satin ribbon. For a spring wedding, you can make a bridal bouquet of peonies, made in white and lilac tones and complemented by greenery.

White and lilac bridal bouquet close up
White and lilac bridal bouquet close up

For such a bridal bouquet use

  • white peonies;
  • White roses;
  • white and lilac freesia;
  • lilac.

Purple lilacs wonderfully combine with white peonies, such a bouquet is very advantageous.

Bridal bouquet of purple lilac and white peonies
Bridal bouquet of purple lilac and white peonies

You can leave it that way or add a few succulent leaves.

Wedding bouquet of lilac, white peonies and succulent leaves
Wedding bouquet of lilac, white peonies and succulent leaves

This is how a bridal bouquet of peonies can be. If you like spring flowers, then we suggest using the following.

How to make a tulip composition step by step?


  • 25 tulips;
  • glue "Oasis";
  • a foam ball with a diameter of 10 cm;
  • wooden skewer;
  • 20 cm of wire;
  • a glass or vase with a diameter of 8 cm;
  • adhesive tape decorated with rhinestones;
  • 4 sheets of A4 paper;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue gun.

Put the flowers in water for a day, let them soak well with it. For such a composition, you will need only one flower, others will need to be disassembled into petals. Arrange them to size on damp sheets of paper. Cover the top with another layer of paper dampened with water.

Such a bouquet of tulips will be inexpensive. After all, you can use petals for it.

Bouquets of tulips
Bouquets of tulips

Use a utility knife on the styrofoam ball, making the bottom straighter. Stick a skewer here to make a small indentation. Bend the wire so that a ring is formed in the center, the diameter of which is 5 cm. And the leg of the wire is 4 cm. Stick this workpiece with a sharp edge into the foam and fix it with glue.

The foam blank is fixed on the wire
The foam blank is fixed on the wire

Lubricate parts of the stem of a whole flower with glue and stick it into the groove made with a skewer on the foam ball.

The flower is stuck in a foam ball
The flower is stuck in a foam ball

Put this blank in a glass and start gluing petals around the whole bud. Closer to it are smaller, and further - larger.

Covering the foam ball with tulips
Covering the foam ball with tulips

When almost the entire ball is covered in this way, you will need to remove it from the glass and glue the petals below. And the junction of the metal ring with the foam must be decorated with a pretty silver adhesive tape.

Finished styrofoam ball and tulip decoration
Finished styrofoam ball and tulip decoration

Undoubtedly, the rose is the queen of flowers. See how you can make a wonderful composition out of this plant.

Bouquet for the bride of roses - master class

Wedding bouquet of roses of different colors
Wedding bouquet of roses of different colors

To make such a composition, take:

  • 20 roses;
  • three gypsophila;
  • 70 cm satin ribbon;
  • ordinary scotch tape;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • floristic wire;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • a bouquet-holder with an oasis.

Using a knife, you need to clean the stems from leaves and thorns. Cut them in such a way that they are equal in length to the handle of the bouquette holder.

Cut stems of roses
Cut stems of roses

Stick double-sided tape on the handle of the bouquet and attach the stems here. Spread the next row of stems on the table and fix them in this position with ordinary tape.

Fixing the stems of roses with tape
Fixing the stems of roses with tape

Glue the upper part of the bouquet with double-sided tape, glue the roses here, placing the next row in a checkerboard pattern.

Bonding rose leaves
Bonding rose leaves

Now attach the prepared stems to the "leg" of this device and glue them here with tape.

Bouquet decoration with stems and leaves of roses
Bouquet decoration with stems and leaves of roses

Wrap the resulting leg with a wide satin ribbon and tie a bow.

The bouquet holder is decorated with a satin ribbon bow
The bouquet holder is decorated with a satin ribbon bow

Dip a floral sponge, called an oasis, in water to soak this element. Now you can insert the sponge into the hole prepared for it and cover it with a plastic semicircle from above.

Floral sponge inserted into the bouquet
Floral sponge inserted into the bouquet

Cut the buds, leaving a 5 cm long stem on each. Stick them into the oasis, starting in the middle.

Rosebuds are inserted into a floral sponge
Rosebuds are inserted into a floral sponge

When there are enough roses, stick gypsophila into the sponge.

Gypsophila inserted into the floral sponge
Gypsophila inserted into the floral sponge

Here is what a beautiful bridal bouquet, created with your own hands, can turn out.

Ready-made bouquet for the bride of roses
Ready-made bouquet for the bride of roses

Ranunculus look like small roses, so these flowers are wonderfully combined. See how to make this type of bridal bouquet.

Wedding bouquet created using ranunculus
Wedding bouquet created using ranunculus


  • 15 ranunculus;
  • three matthiols;
  • 15 roses;
  • three sprigs of rhododendron;
  • three branches of eucalyptus;
  • secateurs;
  • two large vases;
  • teip tape;
  • wire;
  • 5 pins with beads;
  • satin ribbons;
  • lace braid.

For now, we only need the blossoming ranunculus buds. They need to be put in water so that they are still nourished with it.

Do not throw the stems away, string them on the wire.

Step by step work with ranunculi
Step by step work with ranunculi

Take a eucalyptus branch, attach a rhododendron and a whole ranunculus flower to it. Attach three roses to this base. Then add the rest of the flowers. Wrap the tape with tape, attach a decorative tape on top of it and fix its ends with pins.

Formation of a bouquet of eucalyptus, rhododendron, ranunculus and roses
Formation of a bouquet of eucalyptus, rhododendron, ranunculus and roses

You will get a wonderful bouquet for the bride from roses and other flowers.

Ready-made bridal bouquet of roses, ranunculus, eucalyptus and rhododendron
Ready-made bridal bouquet of roses, ranunculus, eucalyptus and rhododendron

Speaking about how to make a bouquet for a bride from peonies, it should be noted that there are varieties of roses similar to these flowers. See how the next bouquet looks harmonious for the bride.

Bridal bouquet of roses similar to peonies
Bridal bouquet of roses similar to peonies

You can make it your own if you take:

  • peonies;
  • roses;
  • carnations;
  • satin ribbons to match;
  • scissors;
  • secateurs.

Place smaller flowers between the larger ones and shape the bouquet into a ball shape. Trim the stems, trim off any excess, and wrap lace up around them. Tie a satin bow over it.

Such a bouquet for the newlywed will look great together with the groom's boutonniere if these compositions are performed in the same style. You will make a boutonniere if you combine a large peony and rose bud. Tie a beautiful ribbon around the stems of these plants.

Boutonniere of large peony and roses
Boutonniere of large peony and roses

If you like the tenderness of an orchid, then see how to make a composition out of them.


  • 5 orchids;
  • three ostrich feathers;
  • three branches of salal;
  • teip tape;
  • lace fabric;
  • five elongated floristic flasks;
  • thin wire;
  • coconut fiber;
  • six skewers;
  • scissors;
  • floristic plastic tape;
  • secateurs;
  • stapler;
  • knife.

Fill the flasks with water and cover them. Wrap the outside of these containers with coconut fiber and secure with wire.

Floristic flask wrapped in coconut fiber
Floristic flask wrapped in coconut fiber

Cut the orchids and place them in the flasks.

Orchids are inserted into floristic flasks
Orchids are inserted into floristic flasks

Also, trim off excess ostrich feathers and use tape tape to glue them onto the skewers.

Ostrich feathers are attached to a skewer
Ostrich feathers are attached to a skewer

Cut the plastic tape in half to make two half a meter long. Attach the trimmed feathers to the edges of the plastic bands using wire.

The nib is attached to a plastic tape
The nib is attached to a plastic tape

Now combine them with the cooked orchids and attach the salal branches to this base. Fasten the composition with tape.

Orchids and ostrich feathers combine into one bouquet
Orchids and ostrich feathers combine into one bouquet

Additionally, fix the stems with plastic tape.

Stems are held together with plastic tape
Stems are held together with plastic tape

Take a rectangle of lace, wrap the resulting composition with it and rewind it with a ribbon. Your masterpiece will have a light, airy, delicate look.

The bouquet is covered with lace fabric
The bouquet is covered with lace fabric

And if you want to make a bouquet so that it does not wither, then check out another master class.

DIY paper bouquet for the bride

Paper wedding bouquet close up
Paper wedding bouquet close up

To do this, you need to take a stamp with the image of a butterfly. Dip it in ink and make prints on scrapbooking paper. Cut out these blanks and grease the back side with glue. Now you need to cut off about 30 cm of wire with wire cutters and put it on the back surface of the butterfly, and attach a piece of paper on top. Then the junction will be hidden.

Making a blank in the form of a butterfly for a bouquet
Making a blank in the form of a butterfly for a bouquet

Glue decorative elements here, such as rhinestones, beads, ribbons, organza. Make some butterflies. Take the wire with which they are attached and insert it into the tube, and tuck the ends of the wire and secure with tape. Wrap the tape around the straw so that the handle of the bouquet is as thick as intended.

Combining butterflies into one bouquet
Combining butterflies into one bouquet

The next bouquet will never wither either. To do it, you need:

  • artificial flowers;
  • tape tape;
  • satin ribbon;
  • wire;
  • hot glue gun;
  • 80 different brooches;
  • pliers.

If the brooches are not new, they must first be cleaned and rinsed, then dried. Such products will be well cleaned with a toothbrush and soap.

You need to attach a wire to the brooches, which will become the stem.

Brooches for creating a bouquet
Brooches for creating a bouquet

Now you need to work on each stem, wrap it with tape.

Disassemble the artificial flowers, remove the petals from them. Apply two small amounts of glue and stick to the brooch. Attach a pair of petals to each brooch in the same way. Now take five of these blanks and fold them together, and then rewind with tape. Then again you need to apply the following similar blanks, you can put paper flowers here, which have wire legs. The bouquet should be semicircular. Now trim the stems so they are the same length.

What does a bouquet of artificial flowers and brooches look like?
What does a bouquet of artificial flowers and brooches look like?

Wrap a satin ribbon around the common stem to decorate this part. You fix the tip with decorative pins. You can also use a glue gun and decorate the bouquet with beads.

Artificial bouquet wrapped in satin ribbon
Artificial bouquet wrapped in satin ribbon

A satin ribbon bridal bouquet will also stay fresh throughout the evening. And if the fun lasts for several days, such a composition will be simply irreplaceable.

You will create it if you take:

  • satin ribbons;
  • canvas or canvas;
  • pen;
  • foam ball of the required diameter;
  • lace ribbons;
  • beads;
  • beads;
  • artificial flowers;
  • threads.

Take a compass and draw a circle on the selected canvas.

The circle is drawn on the canvas
The circle is drawn on the canvas

Fold over the edge of the satin ribbon and sew it into the middle of the cone. Then lay the tape, turning it 45 degrees, and secure with threads.

Satin ribbon is sewn to the cone
Satin ribbon is sewn to the cone

In the same way, when bending the ribbon, cover the canvas or other thick fabric further with a satin ribbon.

The fabric base is covered with a satin ribbon
The fabric base is covered with a satin ribbon

When the entire base is closed, trim off the excess from the ribbon, wrap its edge and sew it on. Make a few roses, glue them on a foam ball, and fill the space between these elements with beads and other decorative items.

If you are fascinated by this topic, then you can further expand your knowledge in this area by looking at how to make a bouquet for the bride with your own hands.

If you love peonies, then the first story is for you:

If you want to make a bouquet of satin ribbons in blue, then the second story is for you. Such a composition is suitable, for example, for a nautical wedding.
