Abyssinian cat: growing at home

Abyssinian cat: growing at home
Abyssinian cat: growing at home

The history of the origin of the Abyssinian cat, behavioral features, external standard, animal care and health. The nuances of purchasing kittens and pricing policy. The Abyssinian cat, bred in the vastness of Britain, will not sit on the couch, or look out the window. Be sure that if an Abyssinian kitten appears in the house, you will definitely not be bored. This breed as a devoted dog will accompany you everywhere. For her mind and endurance she is called the shepherd of the feline world. Friendly, smart and energetic and of course beautiful.

History of the origin of the Abyssinian cat

Abyssinian cat lies
Abyssinian cat lies

The breed received its development in England, where the first Zulu cat was brought, which is the progenitor of all Abyssinians. The origin of these cats goes down in history for many thousands of years. According to one of the versions, the parents of the Zulu cat were brought from Abyssinia - present-day Ethiopia. It is from there that the name of the breed comes - the Abyssinian cat.

Not everyone agrees with this theory, but cat owners are happy to adhere to this theory. It was these cats that were allowed to lie on the lap of the pharaohs. They inspired the Egyptians to create the image of the goddess Bastet. If you compare them, they are very similar. This assumption is a confirmation that the Abyssinians were exported from Africa and not Southeast Asia.

Abyssinian cat is a short-haired breed of medium size and solid color. It is characterized by large ears and eyes, an elegant build, long front and hind legs. Such a very sporty look without being overly integrated.

Breed is manifested not so much in some pretentiousness of features, but in balance and natural beauty. The idea of this cat when creating the breed was to breed an animal that meets natural standards for the splendor of wild animals, but at the same time domestic and with a good character.

When you see a representative of the feline world at an exhibition, you fall in love with the appearance, not knowing his character - this is wrong. Anyone who wants to buy an Abyssinian cat needs to pay attention to the temperament, because this is one of the most active cats in the world.

Characteristic features of the behavior of cats of the Abyssinian breed

Carrying Abyssinian cat and a ball of thread
Carrying Abyssinian cat and a ball of thread

In view of their aristocratic past, they require a special attitude towards themselves. They cannot be ignored - they must be the jewel in the house. One of the oldest breeds, the descendant of the wild African cat. This is a devoted pet, and just a beauty. They say that after meeting her, even those who were indifferent to them begin to love cats.

There are many reasons for this. Firstly, the Abyssinians are attracted by the appearance: royal become, graceful, proportionally folded body and unusual color. Secondly, I like their extraordinary character. The house where the cat lives is always fun, and it will never be lonely.

The breed is characterized by sociability. Very good friends when handled correctly. Claws do not release - this is not their goal. Sanguine cats are a balanced type of higher nervous activity. They respond adequately to external stimuli. They are not prone to exaltation, wrong and surprising actions.

She is interested in the affairs of the owner, and looks so closely into the eyes that it is simply impossible to refuse to communicate with her. The Abyssinian cat is very mobile. She has an active life position, ready to share any degree of employment with her owner. It would be wrong to say that this breed is not suitable for lazy people. Abyssinians would rather agree with the lifestyle of the owner, and naturally this will be postponed on her character too. To some extent copy the behavior of the owner. Their human orientation makes them different from many cat breeds. They get used to the owner more than to the habitat.

The society of a person is very much appreciated. In no case should this species be kept in cages, locked rooms - they cannot stand loneliness. They cannot live without the presence of the owner - they need communication. They are waiting for the owners from work. Upon arrival, it is imperative to devote at least fifteen minutes of personal time to your beloved Abyssinian. The cat will be happy and grateful.

Representatives of the breed are obedient, they always come to the call. If you called an Abyssinian cat, then she will definitely come - they respond perfectly to the name. Many owners love to train Abyssinians and they lend themselves well to training. Commands: sit, fetch, bring, are executed at one, two, three. Very smart animals. They quickly learn the rules of conduct in the house.

They are pleasant for their positivity, communication with them always raises the mood. It is not for nothing that they are called the sunny breed - because of their sparkling color, and features of a pleasant character, which gives a lot of joy. Absolutely playful at any age. The means of entertainment are different. To avoid things gnawed and taken away in different corners, you need to maintain order in the house.

They are always on the heights - these are their crown observation points. Curious - they will notice something, they need everything right there. If the Abyssinian cat is not allowed to satisfy its interest, they will not insist, and the owner's comments will be easily accepted. They help with the housework - they are happy to participate in all household chores. You will always be under her close supervision: whether you wash the dishes or eat.

Gentle purrs - love affection, but at the same time be in the company. Rather, the Abyssinian will sit next to you, allowing you to admire herself, and at the same time stroke herself, than is on your knees. A fairly freedom-loving and mobile creature. Animals are completely devoid of aggressiveness. As a rule, Abyssinian owners walk without scratches. Even cats with uncut claws, very rarely use them in relation to people.

Infinitely patient with children. It was noted that for children from the age of six, Abyssinian cats become companions in everything. One breeder said that her daughter studied ballet. An Abyssinian girl-friend did with her such "batman" that even ballerinas could not dream of. At the same time, it was impossible to pull her away from the child by the ears. Doggy in their behavior is still present.

Felines of the Abyssinian breed love travel. If you teach them to do this from their young claws, they will be happy to accompany you on any trips, including exotic countries, and whatever. Another distinguishing feature of these cats is that they are silent. Moreover, even during the mating season, when it is possible to vocalize, they make very melodic and quiet sounds. Neighbors will not turn to you with the question: "Why are you torturing an animal?"

Live well with other pets, such as dogs. They have wonderful contact, of course, not without their own separate relationships - sometimes the dog crossed the line, then the kitty became a little insolent. Relationships are like in any family. When Abyssinian cats are kept with dogs in the same house, to reduce the risk of contracting viral diseases, the animals should be vaccinated. They have common infectious diseases, but a small number. If your animals are vaccinated, the risk of infection is minimal. And even being infected, they endure this condition much easier.

Physical injury may occur if kept together. All responsibility for such care for diverse animals lies with the owner. He must watch the pets, and strictly control everything. In the cattery, the Abyssinians have a typical relationship for feline prides. There is always the main one - a cat or a cat.

External standard of Abyssinian cats

Abyssinian cat in the house
Abyssinian cat in the house
  1. Body. Small cat. Graceful and graceful, with well-formed muscles.
  2. Extremities. Long front and hind legs. Rounded feet.
  3. Tail. Elongated, and thin towards the end.
  4. Head. Small, with a wedge-shaped muzzle. Medium spout.
  5. Eyes. Expressive, as if drawn with a black pencil. They are almond-shaped, and shade from light honey to nutty. Less common are cats with green eyes.
  6. Ears. Wide, large, rounded at the top, slightly distant from each other.
  7. Wool and color. The visiting card of the Abyssinian cat breed is a short, smooth, with iridescence, thick wool with a slight undercoat - it fits snugly to the skin. The unusual color is immediately visible. The hair is striped horizontally - called ticking. This assumes a hair color of two colors, for example: red and brown. On the back, tip of the tail, and paws, the ticking is darker.

Four colors are recognized in the breed. There are only two central colors - wild and sorel. Wild - when the cat is genetically black. Sorel - color of a shade of cinnamon. There are variations based on them, in lighter colors - blue and fawn. The most rare is the faun.

Breeders did not want to settle for such a narrow variety of colors, and are trying to get others. Silver, golden, chocolate, lilac, and even tortoiseshell, which, in principle, negates the essence of the Abyssinian color - a single whole, with smooth transitions from light to dark. The pads and the tip of the nose correspond to the basic color.

Abyssinian cat care

Abyssinian cat eating
Abyssinian cat eating

Wool. The Abyssinian has a very insignificant undercoat, which saves the owners from frequent combing out of the pet's clothes. This procedure is useful and easy, but in order not to become an unpleasant surprise, it should be practiced from the childhood of the animal. The main thing is to monitor the molting period so that the cat does not spoil your favorite sofa, leaving its old fur coat on it.

When the coat change has begun, it is easy to check. If you run your hand over the wool, it will fall out. Help the Abyssinian cat to fade faster. Comb it with a brush or a special mitten. If you want more, buy a furminator comb for her, which combs and cuts part of the hair, aligning it in length. Pick up a branded mitten from some expensive pet store, and you will realize that you have done everything for your pet in this regard.

The animal does not require frequent bathing, but loves water procedures. So washing the clothes of an Abyssinian cat will not give you any problems. Ears, claws. The auricles are wide enough to be inspected and cleaned frequently. Cleaning products are available from specialist stores or veterinary pharmacies. If you do not cut the claws of your Abyssinian, then you need to equip a special place where the cat will grind them.

Feeding, teeth. In food, animals are not picky, but there are several reasons to prefer dry food. The Abyssinian cat has a weak point - these are the teeth. Since they have a special structure of the skull, they are characterized by the appearance of dental plaque. Subsequently, it is converted into tartar. Removing it with ultrasound is a rather complicated procedure. Some cats, before the session, have to do immobilizing injections - this is a psychological trauma for the animal. It is a good idea to use food with coarse granules, which, when absorbed, will be a good prevention of plaque on the teeth.

If you prefer to feed your Abyssinian cat with a natural diet, then it should be balanced taking into account the needs of the animal. In this case, these are: veal and chicken meat, offal (heart, lungs, liver). In small quantities, vegetables, and some cereals. Sometimes, to balance iodine in the body, you can pamper your animal with fish or shrimp. For the prevention of dental plaque, buy fortified bones. You can clean your teeth with special edible pastes.

Walking. Abyssinian cats are very attached to the owner and love to always be with him, even when traveling. Therefore, to be taken out to the dacha, into the yard, etc. it is better to accustom the animal little by little from small claws.

Abyssinian breed health

Abyssinian cat drinks tap water
Abyssinian cat drinks tap water

Abyssinian cats are in good health, but there is still a predisposition to some diseases. Are prone to psychogenic alopecia, and progressive retinal atrophy. Has a slight genetic tendency to ameloidosis - the disease arises from the deposition of a special type of protein. Moreover, it is most likely in blue cats. The genetic appearance of the disease has not been fully understood. Breeders try to take into account the likelihood of its occurrence. Cats with this diagnosis are removed from reproduction, which significantly reduces its spread.

The Abyssinian cat loves warmth. In countries with cold climates, it is often located near heating devices - this is not safe. Owners often go to the veterinarian with burns to the pets' paws. Breeders recommend using special hammocks for batteries or bedding to prevent such a nuisance. These cats have a special structure of the skull and nose, so they should be protected from drafts, hypothermia in order to prevent a number of respiratory diseases. Due to the unusual structure of the skull, the teeth of the animal suffer, so they need to be regularly examined and cleaned.

The nuances of purchasing and the price of an Abyssinian kitten

Abyssinian kitten
Abyssinian kitten

If you love active cats, and not those who will sit in their arms all the time, then feel free to buy a cheerful representative of the Abyssinian breed. To purchase an animal, you need to contact the nurseries. This is not a shelter for animals, but a place where they are professionally breeding.

There you will be given the most complete advice on keeping an animal, and a kitten will be sold that meets the standard of this breed. It will be professionally grown, on good feed, with vaccinations, and anthelmintic procedures.

We all want to get a "little twink" in the palm of our hand, but the fact is that the kitten must be properly raised and raised. Before three months, the breeder will not give you the baby. An Abyssinian kitten must learn the correct feline manners from peers and mothers - this will form a good character and a healthy psyche. A month old kitten is not the best purchase. At this early age, he will have a ton of psychological problems.

Abyssinians are very late developing cats. If the breeder does not give you a kitten before the age of four months, then believe me, not because he wanted to play with him. Everything is done in the best interest of the animal. When you have made a purchase, you need to think about the safety of the "imp" - since the animal is very active. Abyssinian cats have no fear of heights. Screens for windows and balconies are required. Do not open windows in the transom ventilation position, because it is not safe.

Maintain contact with the breeder. He will give you the necessary advice on feeding, sterilization, and will just be glad to hear how his pupil is doing.

Kitten prices: from 8,000 to 30,000 rubles ($ 125-$ 466). The variation in prices depends on the exterior, sex of the animal, with or without documents of the KSU, for which the kitten is purchased (for breeding or as a pet).

So, if you are ready to get a funny Abyssinian cat, then let us remind once again about the exceptional features of the breed:

  • always ready for fun;
  • easy to educate;
  • each hair has a double color;
  • a thermophilic animal should be protected from colds;
  • timely cleaning of ears, and clipping of claws;
  • needs a balanced diet;
  • prevention of dental calculus.

More information about the Abyssinian cat breed in this video:

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