General description, origin of the name, appearance of the Cornish Rex breed, character, diseases, care, breeding, hypoallergenicity, place of purchase and pricing policy. Cornish rex (Cornish rex) - a breed of cats that can not leave anyone indifferent. The appearance of the animal is so unusual that people are either completely delighted with it, or vice versa - they are horrified. Looking at the Rex, many conclude that he looks a lot like a guest from another planet, such a “velvet alien”. This cat seemed to have descended from the wall paintings of the Egyptian pyramids, becoming their living embodiment. And if not everyone is ready to appreciate such an exquisite appearance, then the unique character and affectionate disposition will win the heart of everyone.
Rex is a breed of domestic cats. To date, several varieties of this breed have been bred, each of which is described in detail. The exteriors of each species are united by a dense curly wool cover. The fur is extremely velvety and shiny like silk that the hands involuntarily reach out to it. What makes it so special is the absence of guard hair.
It is not for nothing that the Cornish Rex is called the "royal" breed. Thin skeleton, slenderness, long legs, graceful movements, straight profile and expressive eyes - all this is so harmoniously combined with the embossed coat that the appearance of the animal really acquires "aristocratic" features.
The origin of the name Cornish Rex

According to the official version, the selection of the Cornish Rex began in 1950. In Cornwell County, England, such a curly cat was born for the first time. The first part of the name of the breed comes precisely from the name of the county. The prefix rex ("royal") is used to name all kitten breeds with wavy hair. Since the first representative of the breed was born on a rabbit farm, this part of the name was borrowed precisely because of the similarity with rabbits that had wavy fur.
Historical facts about the Cornish Rex

The history of this type of cat dates back to 1950. Then, at the rabbit farm of Miss Nina Ennismore, in the town of Bodmin Moore, Cornwell County, UK, the cat Serena gave birth to five kittens. The color of one was white and red, and the coat was curly. He became the progenitor of the Cornish Rex breed.
Miss Ennismore showed the kitten to the veterinarian - he was absolutely healthy, and the cause of the wavy hair was a gene mutation. The cat was named Kalibunker, abbreviated Callie, it was he who became the ancestor of the breed. Geneticist A. S Jude, with whom Nina contacted a little later, recommended that Callie should be crossed with his mother. Nina listened to the advice, and in 1952 six wonderful kittens were born: four smooth-haired girls and two boys with curly wool. Unfortunately, one of the boys died at the age of seven months, but the second continued to mate and produce offspring.
A recessive gene is responsible for the curly hair of the "Cornish". In order to avoid possible problems that may arise due to the crossing of closely related individuals, breeders crossed the Rex with domestic and Siamese cat breeds, as well as Burmese and British Shorthair. The last two were eventually excluded from the selection.
The Cornish Rex found recognition in Europe and England in 1967. In 1983, the final breed standard, generally accepted in all felinological associations of the world, was approved. Now it is a generally recognized, elite and expensive cat breed known all over the world.
Appearance and standards of the Cornish Rex

The appearance of a thoroughbred representative of this species must necessarily comply with the generally accepted breed standard WCF.
- Head. The head of the Cornish is small. The shape of the skull is pointed, wedge-like. The ears are set high, large in size, widened at the base and slightly rounded towards the top. Thanks to these ears, our mustachioed friend is like a bat. The forehead is rounded and low. The eyebrows and antennae of the breed are curly. The eyes are expressive, almond-shaped, of medium size, set slightly obliquely. The eye color is bright: green, green-golden or light honey; but a representative with a Siamese coloring must have blue eyes. The nose is Roman - with a slight bulge. Its length is one third of the length of the animal's head. The cheeks are flat, the cheekbones are high. Rex's chin is well developed.
- Body type. The size of the rex is small to medium. The average weight of the female is up to three kilograms, the male is up to five kilograms. The animal has a slender and muscular build. The skeleton is thin. The neck is high. The forearms are slightly wider than the thighs. The legs are long and lean with rounded feet. The tail is elongated, whip-like.
- Wool. The Cornish Rex has a thick, short and wavy coat. Due to the lack of guard hair, it is very shiny and silky. The length of the coat varies from individual to individual. Ears are covered with fine hairs. Hair on the chin, chest and abdomen is shorter and less frequent than on other parts of the body.
- Color. The color of the cat can be very diverse, including colorpoint. Asymmetric white spots are included in almost all color combinations, and monochromatic options are also possible. Rex with a Siamese color, the same colorpoint, is called a C-Rex. This is the only representative whose color does not allow white spots.
Exotic cat personality

The Cornish Rex is a very playful, curious and extremely intelligent cat. His character is so original that this representative of the feline family looks more like a dog in a feline body. It is the breeder who will be able to appreciate the nature of this breed.
First of all, when starting a Rex, it is worth remembering: this cat does not tolerate loneliness and not on its own, like most of its relatives. Such a cat is very attached to its owner and is ready to give him boundless love and affection every day. Meeting you after separation, a curly pet may even wag its tail with happiness. It is simply impossible to resist his charm, especially when he wants to "talk".
The Cornish's curiosity is boundless and it is especially interesting for him to get into exactly where it is impossible. Such a cat has something to do with everything. He is very active and playful. Be prepared, my floor, that your purr will hang on the mop, arranging merry games. It doesn't matter what you do - your pet will be interested in watching you and even interfere a little, in the good sense of the word. In addition, the royal Cornish is very fond of basking and basking on the handles.
All Rexes are easy to train, so it will not be difficult for the owner to train them to use the litter box, walk on a leash, or even bring a ball like a dog. These cats behave calmly in crowded places, showing no fear or panic.
Cornish Rex is the owner of noble manners. He does not mark territory, does not allow himself to steal food from the table and is very clean. Such a mustachioed friend will make an excellent family member. He is not vindictive, not vengeful, or aggressive.
Cornish Rex health and disease

Despite the external fragility of the Cornish Rex, it has extremely good health. Individuals of this breed rarely get sick. The average life span of a rex is fifteen years, but with the right diet and constant physical activity, it can live for more than twenty years. The cat remains very active and agile throughout its life, and its coat does not shed, constantly retaining its beauty and silkiness.
The body temperature of the Rex is slightly higher than that of cats of other breeds, perhaps this is the reason for their good health and high immune resistance. These cats are not whimsical to food and can easily overeat, which in old age can lead to overweight. Skin problems are possible. Rexes are not susceptible to hereditary diseases.
Pet care and breeding

Cornish Rex is an exclusively domestic cat. It is unpretentious and easy to maintain. Here are a few aspects that need to be paid special attention to in caring for a root.
Due to the pet's tendency to overeat, the owner should keep it on a diet and not be given the cute look of a hungry "cat from Shrek".
The coat of individuals of this breed is short, so they do not like cold and drafts. Moreover, starting a Rex, already from the age of sixteen weeks, one should accustom him to regular bathing. This is due to the fact that the animal's skin secretions are not absorbed by the woolly cover in sufficient quantities and this can be the cause of skin diseases. The regularity of bathing is determined individually, depending on the individual. Due to the size of the foot, the Cornish cannot completely hide the claws. You need to monitor your pet's claws and trim them regularly. A scratching post is required. Cornish Rex is an early development breed. Reproduction can begin after the first year of the pet's life. Cats have temperaments and give birth easily. They differ in fertility, the number of kittens in a litter usually varies from three to six.
Females become wonderful mothers - they feed their offspring for a long time, they are very caring and attentive.
Allergy to cats

Is the Cornish Rex a hypoallergenic breed? In most cases, representatives of this breed do not cause allergies. They hardly shed or sweat like bald cats. People with mild allergies usually do not experience any of the allergic manifestations at all when dealing with Cornish Rex. But you should be careful, because some allergy sufferers react painfully even to kitten saliva or particles of dead skin of cats.
Price when buying a Cornish Rex

Buying Rexik, especially for breeding purposes, is definitely better in a nursery. You can buy a thoroughbred Cornish Rex from the nursery, with a package of all documents, for approximately $ 300-500 - it all depends on the color, quality of wool, and so on. Undoubtedly, the better the kitten is and the higher its compliance with a strict standard, the higher its price. The price of such a kitten can rise by about $ 50-100 if it has been necessarily vaccinated with the appropriate vaccines.
Learn more about the Cornish Rex breed from this video:
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