Beloperone - growing indoor hops

Beloperone - growing indoor hops
Beloperone - growing indoor hops

General information about beloperone and the place of growth, growing conditions, recommendations for transplanting and reproduction, diseases and pests, interesting facts, species. We have long known such a plant as hops, its properties and appearance. But how interesting it is to grow a bush on your windowsill, the flowers of which, at least separated, resemble fragrant hop cones. Yes, nature is very diverse and it happens that her creations resemble each other so much, although they belong to different genera and even species of flora and fauna. This is what happened with the White Perone. Let's take a closer look at this plant.

Beloperone is a member of the Acanthaceae family, which also includes up to 60 species of the planet's flora. The native habitat falls on the territory of the American continent, where the tropical and subtropical climate prevails - these are the lands of Mexico.

In many literary sources, beloperone is called justice and belongs to its genus, but if you look closer at the plants, you can clearly see their differences in the shape and structure of inflorescences. It is precisely because of these inflorescence groups that the anther flowers so resemble the Mulberry family, which is why the people called it "indoor hop". The plant got its name from the fusion of two Greek beginnings "belos", which translates as an arrow and "perone", meaning a point, that is, "an arrowhead". Naturally, in order to obtain such a name, inflorescences also played a role, which apparently to the ancient Greeks resembled what is closer to them, the tips of their arrows. It is also funny that some compare these flower formations with shrimps, focusing not only on the appearance, but also on the color of the petals.

Beloperone is a shrub or semi-shrub plant. Erect shoots, sometimes curving under the weight of inflorescences. They do not lignify over time, their surface can be either bare or slightly pubescent. Sizes range from 70-80 cm in height (sometimes up to a meter). Indoors, the plant has many shoots, which are decorated with inflorescences at the tops.

On leaf blades, as well as on twigs, slight pubescence may or may not be present. The shape of the leaves can be ovoid, elongated-lanceolate or lanceolate, there is a sharpening to the apex, the edge is solid. The size is medium-sized, reaching up to 10 cm in length and they are located throughout the plant. Their color is deep green, the surface is matte.

The flowering process of beloperone stretches over a period of 8 to 10 months (sometimes from May to early autumn). From the leaf sinuses, semi-umbellate inflorescences begin to appear, collected from flowers, the petals of which take on shades of yellow, orange, red, and sometimes pinkish and whitish tint. Flowers can grow singly, and inflorescences are located at the ends of the stems. It is these inflorescences that are the real pride of the bush, attracting the eye with their originality - its base is represented by bracts, which initially cast a pale green color scheme, which eventually changes to a reddish tone. Between these bracts, graceful flowers with a two-lipped corolla begin to twist of a whitish tone of a tubular shape. The throat of the corolla (which is represented by an elongated lower lip) is decorated with a purple spot.

"Indoor hop" looks incredibly decorative in the rays of the sun. The flowers themselves are not beautiful. Their petals are compared to the white feathers of birds, decorated with lilac specks. And they originate from the elongated cuff of the bracts. Flowers stay on the bush for only a few days.

Usually the plant is grown in rooms with cool temperatures and good lighting. If you adhere to the necessary conditions during cultivation, then flower growers achieve fairly rapid growth and almost continuous flowering of "indoor hops".

Agrotechnics for the cultivation of beloperone, care

Beloperone in a pot
Beloperone in a pot
  • Lighting. The plant loves bright diffused light, which occurs on the windowsills of windows with an east or west orientation. Direct sunlight can cause sunburn, so when growing on a southern windowsill, you will need to hang curtains or curtains made of light translucent fabrics. In the northern direction of the windows, there will not be enough light and the beloperone can stretch out strongly with its shoots and lose its decorative effect - additional lighting with lamps will be required. With the arrival of spring warmth and until autumn, you can take the pot out into the garden, placing it in the openwork shade of the trees.
  • Content temperature. For beloperone, moderate heat values in the range of 18–20 degrees in the spring and summer period are suitable. With the arrival of autumn, the thermometer should drop to 12-16 degrees and not lower. Since the "room hops" from the unseasoned temperature may begin to fall off the leaves.
  • Air humidity. In principle, beloperone normally tolerates the air of living quarters, but when the humidity drops, it can be affected by harmful insects. Therefore, for prevention, it will be necessary to spray the plant with soft water. They also put a pot with a plant in a deep container, at the bottom of which a layer of moisture-retaining material is poured and a little water is poured. The main thing is that the bottom of the flowerpot does not touch the level of the liquid, as this can lead to decay of the root system of the flower.
  • Watering. In the spring-summer period, humidification is needed abundant, but not frequent - the top layer of soil in the pot should dry out. Waterlogging and overdrying are harmful to the beloperone.
  • Fertilizers "Indoor hops" are introduced during the period of spring-summer growth activity several times a month, and with the arrival of autumn, the frequency decreases to twice every 3 months. A full mineral complex of preparations is used. If the temperature of the content is 18 degrees, then it will be necessary to feed the beloperone once a month. The plant also reacts well to organic matter (for example, slurry), which is introduced, alternating every 2 weeks.
  • Transplantation and selection of a substrate. If the root system of the beloperone has mastered all the soil provided to it and completely filled the entire pot, then a plant transplant will need to be carried out. The time is selected in the period from March to April. It is recommended for a young plant to change the pot and soil annually, but sometimes the growth rate of "indoor hops" is so high that this procedure is performed twice more during the summer months. It is better to carry out transshipment so that the root system does not suffer much. In the bottom of the pot, it is important to make holes for the drainage of liquid that has not been absorbed by the roots and you will also need to lay a layer of 2 cm of drainage. When replanting, the soil should be with an acidity of pH 5, 5–6. The substrate is usually made up of leafy soil, sod, peat soil, humus substrate and river sand (in proportions of 2: 2: 1: 1: 1). You can also mix a little bone meal there.

Reproduction of beloperone at home

Vases with beloperone
Vases with beloperone

A new bush of beloperone is obtained by sowing seed material or by cuttings.

Seeds are best sown in February or early spring. The planting substrate is mixed on the basis of river sand and leafy soil. For better and faster germination, bottom heating will be required, and covering the container with a planting with a piece of glass or a plastic bag - this will create conditions for a mini-greenhouse with high humidity. The temperature during seed germination is maintained within the range of 20-22 degrees. It is necessary to regularly ventilate crops and sprinkle dried soil. As soon as sprouts appear and a pair of real leaves develop, then young plants can be dived (planted) in separate containers with a diameter of up to 9 cm. The substrate for this transplant should consist of leafy soil, turf and sand. With the gradual growth of beloperone, it will be necessary to regularly pinch the tops of the shoots, which will ensure subsequent branching.

When propagating using cuttings, the operation is carried out from mid-winter to the end of summer days. The time is chosen depending on when the grower wants to get the "indoor hop" bloom. If the time for rooting is chosen in the region of August-September, then a new bush can bloom already next spring. And when the cuttings are rooted in the January days, then the beloperone will delight with flowering only at the beginning of the summer season.

For cutting twigs, annual shoots (non-lignified) with a length of at least 10-15 cm and the presence of at least two leaves are used. The cut must be treated with any rooting stimulant. Cuttings will need to be planted in a sand-peat mixture of 3 pieces, in pots with a diameter of 6-7 cm and covered with a glass cap or plastic wrap. Best of all, when the bottom heating of the soil is also used in this case, the thermometer values are maintained in the range of 20-25 degrees. It is necessary to carry out daily airing of the planting and spraying the soil when it dries. Rooting occurs in 2-3 weeks, and then you can plant the strengthened young beloperone in separate pots with a diameter of up to 9 cm. The soil is made up of leafy soil, humus and peat substrate taken in equal proportions. A small amount of river sand is also mixed there. As soon as the plants take root and the branches begin to grow, their tops must be pinched to enhance branching. After six months, another transplant is carried out by transferring it into pots with a diameter of 11 cm. Horn shavings and complete mineral fertilizer can already be added to the substrate.

Diseases and pests when growing indoor hops

Beloperone with yellowed leaves
Beloperone with yellowed leaves

Most often, problems in the cultivation of white perone are associated with a violation of agricultural technology, they include:

  • yellowing and falling of foliage happens due to the fact that in the autumn-winter period the flower does not have enough lighting and there is high humidity, or there was a flood of soil;
  • leaf plates may turn yellow if, on the contrary, the humidity has dropped very much, and the temperature is too high;
  • when dirty rusty spots appear on the leaves, and they lose their color, then this is a direct consequence of sunburn, you will need to shade the white perone or move the pot to a shady place;
  • if the potted substrate is very dry, the leaves and flowers of the "indoor hop" will begin to crumble;
  • in low light in the room, the shoots and internodes of the bush will begin to lengthen and thin out;
  • wilting of leaves indicates a lack or stagnation of liquid in the pot, poor drainage or an excess of heat (you will need to dry the substrate and move the plant to a colder room);
  • when the lignification of the shoots has begun, this is a signal that there are increased heat indicators in the room, or insufficiently high level of lighting;
  • every 2, 5 years, you will need to rejuvenate the bush, as it tends to grow.

Of the harmful insects that can annoy the beloperone, spider mites, whiteflies and aphids can be distinguished.

If aphids attack the shrub, then the leaf plates begin to curl and turn pale, and the young branches acquire curved outlines. In this case, treatment is carried out with soap (based on laundry soap diluted in water) or with the preparation Pyrethrum. If the lesion is very strong, then the bush is treated with insecticides (for example, Aktellik or Phosbecid).

When attacked by a spider mite not whiteperone, the following symptoms will appear: drooping leaf plates, their yellowing, the formation of a light silvery cobweb on the underside of the leaf. To combat the pest, you will need to regularly spray the leaves with water at room temperature. The affected leaf plates must be removed, and treated with Aktellik (15 drops of the drug are diluted per 1 liter of water).

If white dots are visible on the leaf plates on the back side, and multiple white small midges appear, then this is a symptom of a whitefly lesion. These midges rise above the beloperone bush, if you just touch it with your hand. It will be necessary to reduce watering to destroy the pest, and add fertilizers. In case of severe damage, treatment with Actellik or Decis is carried out.

Interesting facts about whiteperon

Indoor hop flowering
Indoor hop flowering

If you grow "indoor hops" indoors, then the microclimate in it will significantly improve. The air will be well enriched with oxygen, and naturally, the amount of carbon dioxide will decrease. Saturation with ozone and a large number of aerons will occur, the humidity level will increase.

Beloperone actively contributes to the absorption of strong sounds, thus creating a healthy electrostatics.

Often used to highlight a green spot in a room with a bright accent, it creates an increased sense of comfort and coziness.

If you take a closer look at the inflorescences of the beloperone, then they, of course, can be compared not with justice, but with a close relative of the pachistachis. But in cultivation, "indoor hops" are not so demanding.

Types of beloperone

Beloperone flowers
Beloperone flowers
  1. Beloperone drip (Beloperone guttata) or as it is also customary to call her the Mexican beauty. From the name it is clear that the native territories of growth fall on the Mexican lands, climbing to an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level. This shrub is up to a meter high and has evergreen leaves. The plant also has good branching. The leaf plates are distinguished by an ovoid or oval shape, their location is opposite, there is a narrowing in the hairstyle and a sharpness at the apex, the edge is all-edged. Above and below the surface has pubescence with short hairs. Leaves measure 2, 5-7 cm in length. Inflorescences are located at the tops of the shoots. They are shaped like dense drooping spikelets with a whitish color. Their length reaches 20 cm. Flowers grow from the axils of the bracts (bractelium), 3 cm in length, the bracts are slightly pubescent. Their color varies within yellow, red or yellow-green colors. Old bushes are not allowed to grow even to a height of 90 cm; they are removed when they reach approximately 45-50 cm.
  2. Variable Beloperone (Beloperone guttata var.purpurea) is a variation of the previous variety. A semi-shrub plant, reaching a height of 80 cm. Thin shoots branch well and abundantly, slightly drooping to the soil. Green leaf plates have a slight hairy pubescence. They are oval in shape with a sharp point at the top. Bract petals are cast in a red tone, and the flowers are snow-white. The flowering process is year-round.
  3. Beloperone plumbaginifolia or as it is called in the literature Beloperone lead-like. The native habitat is in Brazil. In height, this shrub representative of the flora grows up to one and a half meters. Shoots are upright, slightly branched. The leaf plates are devoid of pubescence. Their surface is naked, leathery, lanceolate outlines, and a slight sharpening at the apex.

The flowers have a reddish-purple hue and are measured in lengths of 5–6 cm. They originate in axillary inflorescences formed by the bracts. The shape of the stipules and bracts is generally lanceolate. Inflorescences are located at the tops of the branches.

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