Barbell Jumping Exercise

Barbell Jumping Exercise
Barbell Jumping Exercise

Exercise develops the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Great for gaining mass and increasing speed and strength indicators. This exercise belongs to the plyometric group and is aimed at pumping the quadriceps and gluteus maximus muscle. In addition to this jumps with a barbell, the back of the thigh and foreseeing muscles are used. The movements are quite complex and should only be performed by experienced athletes. Beginners can do it without a sports equipment.

Barbell Jumping Technique

Doing the warm-up before the barbell jump
Doing the warm-up before the barbell jump

The legs should be about shoulder-width apart and the back straight. While squatting, inhale and lower yourself to parallel with the ground. If you go lower, then it is important to monitor the sensations and avoid discomfort. Exhaling air, push off powerfully with your heels and jump up.

Try to jump out as high as possible, “springing” your hips as much as possible. When your heels touch the ground again, immediately start a new squat. During landing, your feet should touch the ground at the same time. Bend your knees slightly to soften the landing. It is also worth using soft shoes, the sole of which should be well cushioned. You should also drive on a soft surface, avoiding asphalt or concrete.

Using weights while performing a barbell jump increases the risk of injury. On the other hand, this will help you work your muscles better, but you need to be very careful when landing.

Benefits of Barbell Jumping

Yuri Spasokukotsky performs a jump with a barbell on his shoulders
Yuri Spasokukotsky performs a jump with a barbell on his shoulders

First of all, barbell jumps contribute to the development of explosive strength. It also requires a lot of energy to complete the movement, and you can use it in your training program while fighting fat. Most often, the movement is used in such sports disciplines as volleyball, football, etc. However, professional builders also often use it.

Remember that before starting the exercise, you need to warm up well, since a large load will affect the ligaments and joints. If the movement is used by you to train the muscles of the legs, then do it at the beginning of the session.

Tips for Athletes When Performing Barbell Jumps

Schematic representation of a barbell jump
Schematic representation of a barbell jump

To avoid injury, you must ensure that your legs are not extended when landing. Always bend your knee joints slightly. It also needs to be cushioned with your legs to reduce stress on your knees. As soon as your feet hit the ground, immediately begin a new squat. The exercise should always be done in a dynamic style, and this requires experience.

Amateurs, when performing a jump with a barbell, should choose such a weight of the projectile so that they can perform from 6 to 10 repetitions. It is also important that the last reps of each set are done with difficulty. Men and girls should perform 3 or 4 sets, and we have already talked about the number of repetitions. Remember that the exercise is very difficult from a technical point of view and you should pay special attention to the technique. Start mastering it without using weights.

As we said, this movement is plyometric. In some sports, they are very popular, as they allow you to develop the explosive strength of the muscles. The main thing is to monitor the technique so as not to receive damage that can take you out of the "game" for a long time. In many respects, the safety of the exercise is facilitated by a high-quality warm-up. Never ignore her.

Check out the barbell jump technique in this video:
