Find out what injuries plague professional bodybuilders at the end of their athletic careers and how to avoid serious injuries. Many people believe that bodybuilding is not a contact sport and therefore injuries are rare. But this is a misconception because it involves contact and struggle. Only instead of a human rival, you have to fight with an iron that will not forgive mistakes.
You should try to keep the risk of injury to a minimum. Although it will not work to insure against them. Even the smallest injury can significantly slow down progress. If you compete, then all your plans can be thwarted due to damage. Not only beginners, but also experienced builders can get injured. Today we will help you look at bodybuilding as a dangerous sport.
The main causes of injuries in bodybuilding

Incorrect teaching methodology

Lack of discipline and training schemes, an incorrectly drawn up training program are some of the main causes of possible injury. Try to train under the supervision of an experienced trainer. If in the hall you visit, the instructor is not able to give accurate answers to your questions, then it is better to change the place of the training. If you have started mastering a new movement, then always start with a weight of a projectile with which you can perform at least 20 repetitions in one set. First, you need to thoroughly master the technique and only then begin to progress the weight.
Violations of training methods

If you neglect the principle of consistency in the progression of loads, then it is very likely that you will get damaged. According to available statistics, for this reason, athletes receive 40-70 percent of injuries. You should strictly adhere to the chosen training plan and not rush from side to side. When composing a training program, it is very important to take into account a large number of different factors, for example, age, size of the bone structure, level of technical and physical fitness, etc. This group should also include the lack of warm-up. Thanks to her, you prepare the body for the upcoming powerful work, and very often it is the lack of warm-up that causes the injuries. In this case, general and special warm-up should be performed. In the first case, performing various swinging movements, bends, jumps, etc., you prepare the whole body for the subsequent training. If the warm-up was of good quality, then you will have a slight perspiration and increase the blood flow rate.
A special warm-up is performed before each basic movement that is part of your program. Do one or two sets with 50 percent of your max and max reps. Often, athletes are confident that warm-up only takes away time from them, which can be devoted to basic training. But the worse your warm-up was, the greater the risk of injury, which can take significantly more time and money to heal.
Violation of safety measures in the hall

About 20 percent of the injuries suffered by athletes are associated with these reasons. Before visiting the gym, you should make sure that all equipment and sports equipment in it are in good technical condition. When starting to work on the block, always check the quality of the cables and the reliability of the stoppers. When doing squats, use special shoes and a weightlifting belt.
Gradually, you will begin to work with large weights, in which case you should consider using bandages. At the same time, you should not wear bandages or a belt throughout the training, as they constrict blood vessels and impair blood flow. It is also necessary to maintain the simplest order in the hall. It is pancakes scattered on the ground that very often cause injuries.
Lack of educational work with athletes

The percentage of injuries sustained for these reasons ranges from 8 to 15. Now the conversation is primarily about the lack of discipline. You came here to study, not talk. You can also communicate in the dressing room after the training. The trainer must constantly instill etiquette in visitors to avoid injury.
Learn more about injury prevention in bodybuilding in this video:
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