Malopa: description, planting and care in open ground

Malopa: description, planting and care in open ground
Malopa: description, planting and care in open ground

The characteristic distinctive features of the malopa plant, how to plant and care for it in a personal plot, advice on breeding, combating diseases and pests when leaving, species and varieties.

Malope belongs to the Malvaceae family or, as it is also called, Bombacaceae. The native territories of growth are in the Mediterranean lands and regions of North Africa. There are only three varieties in the genus of botanists.

Family name Malvaceae
Growing period Annual
Vegetation form Herbaceous
Breeding method Seminal
Landing period After the termination of return frosts
Landing rules Distance between seedlings 30-50 cm
Priming Nutritious, good air and water permeability to roots
Soil acidity values, pH 6, 5-7 - neutral
Lighting degree Open location and sunny place
Humidity parameters Watering only young plants or in hot and dry weather, watering adult specimens 3 times a week
Special care rules Timely removal of faded buds
Height values About 0.3-1 m, occasionally up to 1.2 m
Inflorescences or type of flowers Single axillary flowers
Flower color Wild form - red-purple with dark veins, in garden - white, red, pink-purple
Flowering period From July to the first frost
Decorative time Spring-Autumn
Application in landscape design Hedges, mixborders, high phytowalls, shelter for garden buildings
USDA zone 5–8

Although the outlines of flowers and the plant itself have a rather attractive appearance, but among the people it is known under the not very euphonious name "hole" or more beautiful - "summer mallow". The name of the genus comes from the Greek words "malva" and "ore", which in translation mean "like a mallow", since people have long noticed similar forms of flowers.

All plants of the genus are annual representatives of the flora with upright branching stems. The height of the stems varies from 30 cm to almost a meter, but some specimens can reach indicators of 1.2 m in height. The stems themselves are strong, green-colored. Their surface can be either naked or pubescent. The leaf plates on the stems grow alternately and their number is so multiple that the plant forms a beautiful silhouette. The outline of the leaf plate is solid, there may be an indistinct division into 3-5 blades, the edge is jagged. The shape of the leaves or leaf lobes is broadly ovate, with the apex brought together at the tip. The foliage of malopa is painted in a rich herbal or light green shade.

It is the flowers that are of interest, since their size is large, and the color is quite bright. Flower buds form in the leaf axils and flowers grow singly, concentrating in the upper and central part of the stem. It happens that at the same level on the stem several flowers open at once, which "look" in different directions. The buds are surrounded by bracts in the amount of three units, which have a heart-shaped shape. However, while the bud has not yet fully opened, it is enveloped not only by the sepals, but also by the leaves, which are somewhat lower. Already when the bud is in full bloom, these parts will form the base of a strong appearance for the corolla, giving the flower a special tenderness of outlines.

At the same time, the buds, opening up, resemble (like the mallow) the horns of a gramophone. Their size at full disclosure varies within 5-7 cm. The corolla color in wild species includes a reddish-purple hue with veins of a darker color. But in bred forms, the corolla can be white, red or pinkish-purple. The flowering process continues from mid-summer until the first frost.

After the flowers have been pollinated, a large number of fruits will ripen, which in malopa are represented by the head. It is formed from smaller fruitlets, which are arranged in irregular rows and surround a common column (reproductive organ of the plant). This part is also called carpophorus, which is an extension of the pedicel, which over time forms a special formation from which achenes will hang. The size of the seeds is very small, so there can be up to 400 seeds in 1 g, while each of the flowers forms about 50 fruitlets. Seed germination remains high over a 4-year period. Although the fruits are not a spectacular sight, they can ripen even in regions characterized by even harsh winter conditions.

The plant is undemanding to care for, and if you adhere to the simple rules of cultivation, it will delight all summer and part of autumn with bright gramophone flowers.

Planting malopa and care in the open field

Malopa blooms
Malopa blooms
  1. Place for planting holes it is necessary to choose with a good level of lighting, since only in this case it will be possible to enjoy the lush flowering. In shading, summer mallow will grow, but its stems will stretch out strongly, there will be few flowers and their size grinds. You should not plant this summer in those places where groundwater is nearby. It is also possible to note the cold resistance of this representative of the flora, so if by chance after planting in the spring the last frosts occur in the garden, then the plant will survive.
  2. Soil for malopa are selected with special care, since the growth and splendor of flowering will directly depend on its composition. The substrate should be nutritious and friable, as well as good moisture permeability. The acidic reaction of the soil is preferable neutral, with indicators in the range of pH 6, 5-7. However, summer mallow can take root on any garden soil, but this will affect its flowering, it will become scarce.
  3. Landing malopa. Mostly seedlings are planted, since the plant is an annual. But before planting, it is recommended to carry out pre-planting work - for this, the soil should be improved. It is necessary to add organic fertilizing, compost or rotted manure to the soil. Also, before planting, the soil for the hole must be carefully dug up and all remnants of roots, stones and too large earthen breasts must be broken. Summer mallow seedlings are planted in late April or early May, but still this period directly depends on whether the return frosts have ended. Since the seedlings of malopa have already been dived into peat pots, planting will not be a problem. A hole is dug, the size of which will be slightly larger than the earthen coma of the plant. Then a seedling is placed in the hole and filled with soil mixture on the sides. The distance between the plants should be maintained at 30–50 m. If rows are formed from the hole, then the row spacing should also not be less than 30 cm. After planting, watering with warm water is required. It is advisable to use a watering can with a sprinkler head so as not to wash out the soil.
  4. Watering summer mallow it is recommended to carry out only when the plant is still very young - this will stimulate active growth, and will also contribute to early adaptation. Subsequently, if the amount of precipitation is normal, then it is not required to moisten the soil. Otherwise (in case of heat and dryness), watering is performed once a week, or even more often, focusing on the condition of the soil as soon as its upper part dries up.
  5. Fertilizers for malopa will be necessary only if the planting was carried out in a poor substrate. Flowering, as mentioned above, will only be in fertile soil. It is recommended to maintain stable indicators of the nutrient value of the substrate during the entire flowering period of summer mallow. If you do not make additional fertilizing, then the flowering will be lush, but its duration will be greatly reduced. Fertilizers for the hole should be applied 1-2 times a month. It is better to use complex mineral preparations like Fertika or Kemira-Universal. But organic fertilizing is possible only when planting, otherwise the growth of deciduous mass will begin to the detriment of flowering.
  6. General advice on care. Like all plants in the garden, malope also needs loosening of the soil after watering and rainfall, weeding. But it is noticed that if the buds that have grown pepper are removed in time, then the flowering process will be practically continuous. If this is not done, then the buds will open in waves, which will reduce the decorative effect of summer mallow. Since the stems are powerful, they successfully resist gusts of wind and do not need a garter.
  7. Pruning. This representative of the flora is great for pruning, which is necessary for the formation of an attractive appearance of the bushes. If you cut off the stems with open flowers, then they will look great in a bouquet.
  8. The use of malopa in landscape design. Since the tall shoots of summer mallow adorn large flowers all summer long, the plant is successfully used for attractiveness in flower beds, with their help, ridges and borders are landscaped (varieties with low stems are used here). You can form a picturesque living hedge by planting holes or hide a not-too-beautiful garden structure (a barn, a country bathroom or a cellar) with such plantings. With the help of malopa, you can form a spectacular group planting, while it is preferable to place it next to the same summer or perennial representatives of the flora. It is recommended to select plants in such groups, both with a similar shade of petals in flowers, and with a contrasting color scheme. Good neighbors for summer mallow will be rose bushes, calendula and nasturtium; irises, phloxes, as well as delicate and bright asters will also serve as beneficial shades. Florists recommended a number of plantations of decorative flax and scented tobacco, Iberis, Nivnyak and snapdragon. If a variety or form with low stem parameters, then such malopes are perfect for planting in flowerpots, which are then installed on terraces, verandas or balconies. The hole also behaves well in bouquets, therefore it can be used in cutting.

Read also about Nigella planting and outdoor care.

Tips for breeding Malopa flowers on a personal plot

Malopa in the ground
Malopa in the ground

Since summer mallow is an annual, reproduction takes place by sowing seed material. The seeds can be placed directly in the prepared place on the breast, or you can grow seedlings.

Reproduction of malopa by seedling method

Sowing of seeds is carried out in accordance with the climatic conditions of the region, where the cultivation of the hole will be planned. The seeds can be harvested on their own and stored until sowing, since their germination capacity remains high for 4 years from the moment of ripening. Sowing is carried out in seedling boxes filled with nutritious soil or a soil mixture of peat and sand, which are taken in equal proportions (you can purchase a special substrate for seedlings) at the beginning of March. Since the seeds are very small, they are simply pressed slightly into the soil, but they are not sprinkled with soil.

Crops are carefully sprayed with warm water from a fine-dispersed spray bottle and then the container is covered with a transparent plastic wrap or a piece of glass is placed on top. Then the seedling box is placed in a warm and well-lit place. This will help create conditions for a mini-greenhouse with high humidity and room temperature (approximately 20-24 degrees). You can periodically remove the shelter to remove condensation from it or to check if the soil is dry. In the latter case, it is lightly sprayed again.

It is possible to completely free the crops from the shelter only if the sprouts of malopa appear. Further care in itself will include moderate moisture of the substrate and a good level of lighting, but it is important that shading is provided at noon hours. If this is not done, then the rays of the sun can simply burn the fragile leaves. At the stage when the seedlings acquire 2-3 true leaf plates, they are dived into separate peat pots using the same soil mixture.

When in the period of April-May (depending on the growing region) the return frosts completely recede, then the seedlings of summer mallow are planted in the flower bed. At the same time, it is important that the maximum distance between plants is maintained at 0.5 m.

Propagation of malopa by seeds

Sowing the seeds of a hole directly into the ground is carried out only during the period of April-May, when return frosts will not be able to destroy delicate plants. To do this, shallow grooves are formed at the chosen place (the depth should not exceed 5-10 cm), in which the seeds are placed, maintaining a distance between them of at least 30 cm. It is not recommended to put the seeds very close, since growing, the stems can clog each other … The seeds are sown in grooves and lightly powdered into the soil. Then watering is carried out by sprinkling (you can use a watering can with a nozzle).

After a few weeks, you can see the first sprouts of malopa, which, as they grow, it is recommended to thin out, leaving only the strongest seedlings and between them not less than the specified distance.

Fight against diseases and pests of malopa when growing in the garden

Malopa leaves
Malopa leaves

Although summer mallow is a fairly persistent plant among summer plants grown in the garden, if the above rules of agricultural technology are constantly violated, then diseases and pest attacks can begin.

If the weather is very hot and dry, then the hole becomes a victim of the following harmful insects:

  1. Spider mite. A pest that sucks nutritious juices from the leaves, as a result of which the foliage turns yellow, its surface is deformed, and then the leaves fly around. You can see that a thin, whitish cobweb is formed on the leaf plates and stems of the affected plant, which, over time, can wrap up the entire malopa. Also, harmful insects contribute to the appearance of honeydew - the products of their vital activity. A sticky substance that, over time, leads to the occurrence of a disease such as black fungus. At the first signs of appearance, it is recommended to spray with insecticidal preparations of a wide spectrum of action, such as Fitoverm or Actellik.
  2. Aphid, which manifests itself in the form of green small bugs, also feeding on plant juices, sucking them out from all accessible aerial parts, leading to oppression of stems and foliage. In addition, the appearance of a honeydew is possible. The above-described insecticide treatment is recommended for control.
  3. Nematodes - small worms that harm the root system of the summer malopa. It is necessary to carry out the treatment with the following drugs - Zoolek Capisol, Nemagon or Karbofos. It is also recommended to perform crop rotation of crops - not to sow the same plants in the same place for several years in a row, pre-planting soil treatment and planting marigold or calendula bushes between the rows of holes, the smell of which scares off pests.

Of the diseases that constitute a problem in the cultivation of malopa, there are:

  1. Powdery mildew, which is also called ashes or linen, arising from too frequent and strong waterlogging of the soil, as well as low temperatures. The foliage of the affected plant takes on a whitish hue due to plaque, begins to curl. You can use both traditional methods and chemical ones. Decoctions and infusions on onion peels, garlic gruel, tomato or carrot tops are popular. Chemical - fungicidal preparations Fundazol, Topaz.
  2. Rust can form in too rainy and cold summers. When on the leaves on the reverse side, you can notice marks in the form of spots of a reddish brown or yellow hue. The outer side of the foliage in these places has a light greenish tone. If the disease is noticed at an early stage, then a solution of Bordeaux liquid, copper oxychloride at a concentration of 0.6% or Oxychoma with a 0.2% working mixture can be used for treatment. If the disease has spread too much, then all affected parts of summer mallow are recommended to be removed and burned, if necessary, even completely destroy the plant. It is better not to plant a hole in this place for a couple of years.

See also methods of controlling diseases and pests of aubrieta.

Types and varieties of malopa

The genus contains the following species:

  • Malope anatolica;
  • Malope trifida (Malope trifida);
  • Malope malacoides.
In the photo Malopa three-cut
In the photo Malopa three-cut

However, in floriculture, only the variety is mainly used Malopi three-incision … The native growing area is the western Mediterranean. The plant has strong stems with good branching. The color of the stems is greenish brown. Plant height can vary from 40 to 90 cm. Stems are covered with numerous large leaves. The foliage, in turn, is also a rich green or slightly greenish hue. The sheet plates are characterized by a division into three blades, a serrated edge. The outlines of the leaf lobes are ovoid, while at the apex of each lobe there is a sharpening.

Long flowering stems, originating in the leaf axils, from the central part of the shoots to their apex, are decorated with bright flowers. When fully opened, the flower can reach 9 cm. A funnel is formed from the petals, painted in snow-white, lilac, different shades of pink, crimson, violet-pink or scarlet color. From a dark base, along the petals, forming a pattern, there are streaks of a dark tone. One large and central ovary is clearly visible inside the corolla.

Today, thanks to the labors of breeders, a large number of varietal forms have been bred, among which the following, the most popular, can be distinguished:

  • Diamond rose can grow up to 0.9 m in height. It is characterized by abundant flowering and large flowers. Their petals have a graduated color, in which the base of a burgundy or cherry tone smoothly turns into a snow-white edge.
  • Purpurea whose stems do not exceed 90 cm in height. The variety got its name because of its crimson or carmine color, velvety-looking petals in the corolla. Their surface is glossy, with a pattern of burgundy veins.
  • Belyana. The bush, of course, during the flowering period, flaunts with flowers of a snow-white color scheme, which, due to their large size, literally resemble snowballs.
  • Purple characterized by high stems, which can reach a height of 1, 2 m. Flowers are striking in size, since in the opening their diameter will be 10–12 cm. The funnel formed by petals is painted in a uniform pink shade, while the base is darker in color.
  • White Queen or White Queen the owner of flowers of a white shade and a little smaller.
  • Vulcan it is characterized by powerful shoots with a maximum height of 1–1, 2 m. The color of the flowers is very effective, crimson shade, when opening the corolla can measure 8 cm.
  • Capri is a white-blood-red (white-carmine) mixture.
  • Pretty is a variegated mixture of varieties.

There are garden forms that flower growers prefer to grow today:

  1. Large-flowered (Grandiflora) or Grandiflora … Shoots can reach a height of up to a meter. The foliage is heart-shaped, the leaves are arranged alternately, crowning the cuttings. The size of the opening of the flowers is 9-10 cm. The color is varied, but always bright and spectacular.
  2. Praecox characterized by early flowering and large flowers. The buds begin to open from the first summer days to the beginning of autumn. Blooms are not as impressive as many varieties, though. But the number of flowers is very large. However, the height of the stems will never exceed 360 cm. It has been cultivated since 1861 and is often called "summer mallow".

Video about growing malopa in the garden:

Photos of malopa:
