What to do if geranium leaves turn yellow, turn red or fall off, if the plant does not bloom well? You will learn not only about this, but also about the types of geraniums, use in folk medicine, its maintenance at home and in the garden from this article. Content:
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- Why grow geranium
- Application in traditional medicine
- Growing and caring
- Formation and reproduction
- Diseases and pests
- Common problems
- Growing in the country
- Videos and photos
The geranium family includes more than 400 species, including the well-known pelargonium. Geranium, or, as it is also called in the USA and England, the crane (Cranesbill), can take the form of grasses, dwarf shrubs. The fruits of geraniums are similar to the beak of a crane. Therefore, even in ancient times, the plant in Greek was christened geranion, which means "crane".
Geranium species

As mentioned above, the family has about four hundred species. Among them is the crane:
- Marsh, it is distinguished by purple inflorescences;
- meadow, which has light purple flowers;
- bloody lives up to its name, since the flowers of this plant are bright red.
These types of geraniums grow in the wild. So, the blood crane can be found on the edge, in meadow steppes, on open slopes. Limestones and steppe forests are especially fond of this type of geranium.
These are the cultural types of geraniums cultivated at home and in personal plots. This is a crane:
- Central European (Geranium phaeum L.) - dark purple flowers;
- Italian or large-rooted (Geranium macrorrhizum L.) - pink-purple flowers;
- Pyrenean (Geranium cinereum Cuv.) - white flowers;
- southern European (Geranium tuberosum L.) - pink flowers.
In suburban areas, geraniums with double flowers are very popular, these are varieties such as:
- sanguineum - blood crane;
- pratense - meadow;
- ibericum - Georgian geranium.
As a cultivated plant, geranium was developed in Europe in the 17th century. It appeared in Russia only in the 18th century. At the beginning of the XIX century. the active study of the flora of the Caucasus by botanists began. On the basis of wild plants, cultivars were developed.
Why grow geraniums

Now this plant is often called pelargonium. Many people associate the word "geranium" with a houseplant. There are many reasons why it is worth keeping this flower in your home.
- The plant is unpretentious, even without feeding it will bloom beautifully. But, of course, top dressing, proper care will make it more magnificent.
- If in the summer you grow geraniums in the country, then this will help get rid of some garden pests.
- The plant has medicinal properties. You can dwell on this point in more detail.
The use of geranium in traditional medicine
The smell of pelargonium is useful to inhale with neuroses, hypertension, insomnia. It will calm, improve the mood of people who have a habit of changing often. The person becomes calmer, softer. Feeling unwell, it is necessary to approach pelargonium, inhale its smell for 1–2 minutes.
For people suffering from various fears, depression, geranium should be in the bedroom. Within a week, such people feel noticeably better.
Geranium leaf compresses relieve pain and inflammation. To prepare such a compress, you need to knead the leaves of pelargonium, mix them with camphor alcohol and rye flour. A runny nose can be cured by dripping 1–2 drops of juice squeezed from the leaves of the plant into each nostril at a time. Usually this is done 3 times a day, and soon the person feels relief.
Geranium owners noticed that people are less likely to get colds next to the flower. And all because the leaves of this plant contain a special substance that can kill bacteria. In addition, geranium leaves and flowers are rich in copper, gallic acid, pectin, tannins, which is also adopted by traditional medicine. In perfumery, oils obtained from geraniums are used: mint, apple, lemon.
Growing geraniums at home and care

In order for the plant to have rich shades of leaves, it bloomed luxuriantly and profusely, it is necessary to create the right conditions for it.
Place it on a sunny windowsill where midday partial shade is possible. The air temperature must be at least +12 ° С. At lower temperatures, the plant stops blooming. If you notice that the edges of the leaves turn red in winter, this is because they are cold or they are touching a frosty window, move the plant away from it.
Water the geranium in moderation. When waterlogged, the leaves may begin to wilt and then rot. First, the root collar suffers, it is quite delicate in this plant and can begin to rot from waterlogging. Then the same fate befell the leaves. It is hardly possible to save such a plant. But you can cut off a still healthy branch and put it in water. Geranium takes root especially well in spring. This is one of the few plants that does not need to be sprayed. When it comes to lighting, it should be good. Geranium is photophilous, so provide it with a sunny window sill, placing it on the south side. When growing in the country, you need to choose a place protected from the winds, it should be sunny, but light partial shade is also possible. If there is not enough light, then the stems of the geranium may be exposed.
Formation, reproduction of geranium
In the fall, geraniums need to be cut off, while leaving short stumps 5 × 7 centimeters high. This contributes to good branching, the formation of a squat crown. If you haven't cut your flower in the fall, do this in early spring. Then you do not need to trim so short, only shorten the top of the refined shoots.
For better branching, you can periodically pinch young shoots. Do not throw out semi-lignified branches, put them in water to speed up. Geranium can be propagated not only in this way, but also by dividing the bush.
Diseases and pests of geranium

Of the most common geranium diseases, root rot and root rot can be distinguished. As mentioned above, this happens due to excessive waterlogging of the soil, and it will not be possible to save such plants.
Eavesdropping on the soil will help with gray mold on the leaves. If you notice this disease in your plant, stop watering, remove any moldy leaves, and spray the geranium with an antifungal agent. Pelargonium itself must be placed in the sun.

Pests do not very often annoy the crane. Sometimes you can see a whitefly on the back of the leaf (see the photo above). An insect, similar to a white butterfly, settles on the underside of the leaves, and sucks the juice out of them. The whitefly reproduces rapidly, if not taken measures, it can destroy the plant. Seeing this insect on a geranium, collect it by hand and destroy it. If the whitefly has managed to multiply, then you need to buy the appropriate drug and spray pelargonium according to the instructions.
An insecticide aimed at destroying this insect will also help from aphids on geraniums.
Common geranium problems
By the appearance of the geranium, you can determine what it does not like. If the plant's leaves turn yellow and fall off, increase the watering. If the leaves rot and then fall off, then the watering is, on the contrary, excessive. Stop moistening the soil for a while, and the pelargonium will come to life again.
This can also lead to watery pads on the leaves. In this case, you should also reduce or temporarily stop watering.
Are the edges of the geranium leaves reddened? Most likely, the plant is cold, move it away from the window. The lack of flowering with an overall excellent appearance of pelargonium may be due to too hot air. Place the flower pot on a windowsill where the air temperature is + 16 ° C - + 25 ° C.
If the bottom of the stem has darkened, then such a plant is likely to die. Remember if you were too waterlogged and where you got the soil, since contaminated soil can lead to this result.
Pelargonium in the country: the nuances of growing

If you have the opportunity to plant geraniums for the summer in open ground, then cut off branches 10 × 15 cm long from the plant and put them in water. It is better to do this in March, but you can also do it in the fall. If you are propagating plants in the forewinter, when they take root, plant them in a separate pot, and plant them outdoors at the end of May. If your plants are rooting in the spring, then they do not need to be planted in separate containers, but can be immediately planted in a permanent place in the open air.
For better rooting when planting, squeeze the ground around the geranium with your hands so that there are no voids. With the onset of frost, the plant must be dug up and transplanted into pots. You can not plant pelargonium in open ground, but take it out in the garden directly in pots for the summer. Then, soon you will not recognize your plants - the leaves will acquire rich shades, the flowering will be abundant, the geranium will look great.
Video how to propagate and care for pelargonium:

Other photos of the flower: