Babiana flowers - planting and care in the open field

Babiana flowers - planting and care in the open field
Babiana flowers - planting and care in the open field

Description of the babiana plant, advice on care for growing in the open field, recommendations for reproduction, possible diseases and pests, noteworthy for flower growers, species. Babiana (Babiana) belongs to a very large family Iridaceae (Iridaceae) or as it is also called Iris. The native territories in which these flowers can be found in nature belong to the south of the African continent. They prefer to settle there on sandy plains or hills with rocky ground. At this time, botanists have counted up to 60 species, although only one is better known among flower growers - Babiana direct (Babiana stricta Ker-Gawl).

Family name Iris or Iris
Life cycle Perennial
Growth features Herbaceous
Reproduction Seed and vegetative (planting baby tubers)
Landing period in open ground April May
Disembarkation scheme At a distance of 8-12 cm
Substrate Any nutritious and lightweight
Illumination Open area with bright lighting
Moisture indicators Moderate, requires drainage
Special Requirements Unpretentious
Plant height 0.15-0.3 m
Color of flowers Snow white, blue, violet, pink, red, lilac, magenta, yellow or variegated
Type of flowers, inflorescences Racemose
Flowering time May-September
Decorative time Spring-autumn
Place of application Flower beds, rockeries, alpine slides, as a pot culture
USDA zone 5–9

The plant got its scientific name thanks to the tubers, which South African baboon monkeys love to feast on. In those places Babiana is even referred to as "baboon flower".

All babians are the owners of a herbaceous form and a tuberous mischief. The latter can reach 1, 5–2 cm in diameter. The shape of the corm is flattened, the elongated neck is clearly visible. A fibrous coating can be seen at the top. The stem is formed both simple and with branching. It is weak in the inflorescence. The height of the stems (or stem) does not go beyond the range of 15–30 cm. The leaf plates are rigid with ribbed outlines, their surface is characterized by folds. For the most part, the leaves are pubescent, which is provided by whitish villi. Sometimes the contour of the leaf begins to taper towards the petiole. 3-5 leaves unfold on the stem. The color of the foliage is rich green. With its outlines, it often resembles the gladiolus or leaf plates of tigridia.

The flowering process occurs in the spring, which falls at the beginning of the rainy season. The time when the flowers of the "baboon flower" bloom can be extended over a period of three to four weeks. The length of the inflorescence is small, it has from five to seven buds. The shape of the inflorescence is racemose, but sometimes it resembles a bell. Often, funnel-shaped flowers exude a delicate pleasant aroma. The buds are located in the inflorescence, one at a time in the bracts.

Basically, the color of the petals is lilac, but there are varieties in which the flowers are painted in pinkish, red, blue, purple, crimson, yellow or snow-white. But for some, even the middle part has a different shade. At the perianth, the tube is weak, narrowing at the base, while at the apex it expands and divides into lobes. The size of the lobes is almost the same, their shape is oval or oval-lanceolate. There are three stamens inside the flower, which are attached to the inside of the pharynx. The stamens do not exceed (or are much shorter) in length than the perianth lobes. The ovary is a capsule, inside of which multiple seeds are formed. Its shape is rounded.

Although the plant is not very well known among our flower growers, it is not difficult to care for. It is decorated with flower gardens and alpine pots, rockeries and mixborders. But because of the thermophilicity in some areas, cultivation is difficult, so the "baboon flower" is cultivated as a pot plant.

Babiana: planting and care at home and outdoors

Babiana photo
Babiana photo
  1. Landing site in the open field and room. It is important to remember that this flower is afraid of drafts and wind, and also needs a lot of sunlight. If these conditions are not met, Babiana is best grown in a pot. At home, planting and caring for babiana is carried out so that the plant is located at the east or west window. Plants can be planted both directly in open ground and in garden containers in order to move them further after flowering, in addition, if the temperature suddenly drops, you can bring the flowers into the room.
  2. Councils for the choice of soil. When growing babiana in the open field, it all depends on the location of the flower bed. If it is southern, and the soil there has good drainage properties and is able to retain moisture, then nothing needs to be changed. But if the substrate in the area is too compacted, then it is recommended to lay a layer of peat or river sand on the bottom of the hole. When growing in a pot, you can use a substrate of leafy soil, turf and coarse sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1.
  3. Growing temperature. The optimal temperature when leaving will be 22-30 degrees. If the column of the thermometer decreases, then the growth will slow down, but when it rises above the specified range, then the already swollen buds will be reset.
  4. Planting babiana in open ground. The best time for disembarkation will be April-May, with a clear and warm day chosen. The plant loves space, therefore, when planting the bulbs between them, they are kept up to 8–12 cm. The hole is dug up to a depth of about 5–8 cm. After the bulbs are laid in the holes, they are sprinkled with a small layer of soil and watered abundantly. If the corms were stored indoors, then they can change the place of the previous planting and carry it out no earlier than April.
  5. Fertilizers for the "baboon flower". Regular feeding is recommended for successful flowering and growth. They are held weekly. You need to use mineral preparations intended for bulbous plants, such as Plant Eau, (nitrogen (7) -phosphorus (3) -potassium (6)), Giant or MYKE BUL, released in liquid form, in order to dissolve them in water for irrigation. You can use organic matter (for example, a solution of liquid bird droppings), alternating with mineral complexes.
  6. Watering and humidity. The plant must be watered regularly, but in moderation, as soon as the soil dries out from above. Moisture should be especially abundant during the flowering period. It is better, when grown in open ground, to water Babiana in the morning, so that the drops of moisture and the soil have time to dry a little before noon. When leaves begin to form on the planted plants, periodic spraying is recommended, which alternate with watering. Such procedures should be performed every other day. After flowering is completed, the watering is gradually reduced to minimum, and when after about 45 days the upper part of the leaf plates turns yellow, the bulbs are removed from the soil. After the foliage is completely dry, it is removed.
  7. Transfer. When growing babiana both in a pot and in the open field, it is recommended to carry out periodic changes of place. This is also done in order to change the planting depth (the bulb grows). Early spring is suitable for such a procedure. Moreover, such a transplant will facilitate the disclosure of larger flowers with brightly colored petals.
  8. Wintering. The plant, growing in our latitudes in the open field, can survive only covered with a layer of peat or sand, and flower growers organize shelter with spruce branches or fallen leaves. This method is only suitable for areas with mild and snowy winters. As soon as the snow melts, the covering material must be removed so that the corms do not rot. But many, with the arrival of autumn, when the aerial part of Babiana begins to die off, continue to carry out moderate watering, and then the corms are dug up and planted in pots or put to preserve until spring in a cool and dry place. Storage temperature should be 10-12 degrees.

Breeding recommendations for babiana

Babiana grows
Babiana grows

To get such an exotic plant, it is recommended to sow seeds or plant its children (corms).

The seed method is considered the most difficult, since it takes a lot of time and the result may not always be positive. At the same time, the flowering of the received Babiana seedlings can be expected only after a three-year period. But if you want to get new plants with excellent characteristics, then it is worth trying. Seed material can be collected by yourself or purchased at a flower shop. Then it is subjected to stratification - holding in a cold place for a month. The seeds are wrapped in moistened gauze and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

After 30 days have passed, the seeds should be planted in medium-sized pots with a peat-sand mixture. The container can be wrapped in plastic wrap or put a piece of glass on the pot. Put the pots in a warm place. Crop care consists in daily airing, and if the soil from above begins to dry out, then it is sprayed from a spray bottle. When babiana sprouts appear, the shelter can be removed and the pots can be moved to a more illuminated place, but devoid of direct sunlight. Regular watering is recommended. When the seedlings of the "baboon flower" get stronger and grow a little, they are transplanted into a separate pot or to a prepared place, but not earlier than May.

The vegetative method of reproduction with the help of bulbous formations, which are called children, is simpler and faster. If the bulbs were purchased from a flower shop, then they have already undergone pre-planting preparation, but when collecting planting material in your garden, you will have to do this yourself. After the flowering ends, and this time corresponds to the September days, then the corms of the babiana are dug up. Then they are transferred from the room, carefully removed the remnants of the soil and put in a dry, cool and dark place to plant in the fall.

On spring days, as soon as the average daily temperature rises above 20 degrees and the soil at the planting site is sufficiently warmed up, the bulbs can be planted. The landing site is moistened, and at first, shelter from direct sunlight is recommended.

Diseases and pests of babiana when grown in a pot and open field

Flowering babiana
Flowering babiana

When grown in a garden or at home, harmful insects can become a problem:

  • Gladiolus thrips spoils the flowers, sucking their juices, while the leaves begin to turn yellow and the babiana dies. It affects not only peduncles and foliage, but also its larvae spoil the corms. They are used to cure insecticides, for example, deces.
  • The root bulb mite begins to infect that part of the plant that is below the surface of the soil. Its food is organic matter (the remains of fallen leaves or roots). The appearance of the pest is facilitated by high humidity when the soil is flooded or frequent precipitation. For prophylaxis, the bulbs of the "baboon flower" are examined and if a small part of the lesion is noticed, it is recommended to soak them for 12 hours in an insecticidal preparation. But if the bulb has undergone a complete defeat, then it is destroyed so that healthy specimens do not become infected.
  • When grown in an open field or in a pot, aphids, spider mites or mealybug attacks bring trouble. To control pests, they resort to treating plants with insecticides (for example, Aktara or Aktellik).

If you violate the rules for caring for a babiana, the following troubles arise:

  • the roots of the plant begin to rot if the soil is constantly in a waterlogged state (waterlogging during watering, the place for planting was chosen incorrectly or prolonged precipitation);
  • flowering stems do not form when the humidity is low or the light level is insufficient;
  • yellowing of the leaves occurs when there is a lack of moisture or if the flowerpot with the plant is in direct sunlight;
  • growth stops when the column of the thermometer drops below the mark of 15 units, in this case, the flowering process will come later;
  • too windy location also negatively affects flowering, it is recommended to transplant or protect from the wind with a crop with high altitudes.

Notes to flower growers about Babian and a photo of flowers

Babiana blooms
Babiana blooms

It is curious that not only primates are known about the nutritional qualities of babiana corms, the indigenous population of the South African territories did not overlook this feature of the plant and actively uses this part of it in cooking.

It is also interesting that the rulers of European states have long highly valued flowers from the Iris family, and often they wanted to see them on their coats of arms.

Types of babiana

Babiana straight
Babiana straight

Babiana direct (Babiana stricta Ker-Gawl)

The most popular species of the genus. The height of its stems does not exceed 25 cm. The diameter of the corm reaches 1, 5–1, 8 cm. The surface is covered with a fibrous sheath, at the base it can disintegrate into individual fibers. The stem is straight and thin. The leaf plates are very similar in outline to the gladiolus ones, their shape is xiphoid, and pubescence is present. They do not exceed the stem in length. The resulting inflorescence is dense, racemose, consisting of 5-7 flowers.

Funnel-shaped flowers take on a blue, purple, red, snow-white or beige hue. The length of the corolla with the tubule is 3-4 cm. Its length is slightly greater than or equal to the bracts. Their surface is folded and pubescent. The length of the bracts is 3–3, 5 cm. The length of the perianth lobes varies within 2–2, 5 cm, their apex is obtuse. The flowering process occurs during the period from August to September and takes 3-4 weeks. The most valued among florists is a variety of straight babiana, which has star-shaped flowers with a pleasant delicate aroma.

Babiana folded
Babiana folded

Babiana folded (Babiana plicata)

it is distinguished by its short stature. The stem does not exceed 20 cm in height. The leaf plates are straight, with a pointed tip at the top, which resembles peaks. Leaves rise to the inflorescences. The shape of the flower is funnel-shaped with the longest tube among all species, which usually reaches 5 cm in length. The painted flowers can be either monotonous (snow-white, pinkish, lilac or purple), or with spotting (whitish or yellow specks). Sometimes the middle is white or cream. The aroma of flowers is somewhat reminiscent of a clove. Flowering occurs in the spring.

Babiana red-blue
Babiana red-blue

Babiana red-blue (Babiana rubrocyanea)

also does not differ in the height of the stem, which is equal to a maximum of 20 cm. The leaf plates are thin, pubescent with hairs; veins are clearly visible on the surface of the foliage. The sheet can also be wrinkled. Flowering occurs at the end of winter, when the rainy season begins in natural conditions. The color of the petals in flowers is blue, but closer to the central part, a rich purple appears. The mouth of the corolla is already a bright red hue.

Babiana sticking out
Babiana sticking out

Babiana sticking out (Babiana recta)

in comparison with other species, we look the most untidy. It resembles a freesia in its outlines. The veins are clearly visible on the foliage, but also the entire surface with hairy pubescence. Inflorescences with branching, cup-shaped flowers are collected in it. The color of the petals is blue, white, purple, and occasionally cream.

Video about Babian:

Babian's photos:
