Find out the time to consume protein in order to maximize the process of anabolism and minimize the process of catabolism. Protein compounds are the basis of all tissues in our body. However, only one building function inherent in proteins is not enough. It is known that all protein compounds are composed of amines, into which they are broken down in the digestive system.
After that, from free amino acid compounds, the body begins to produce those types of proteins that it needs. These can be, for example, transport proteins. Thus, proteins perform various functions in the body, for example, transport, construction, energy, etc. Scientists have studied all nutrients well and today we know what benefits or harms each of them can bring.
However, a couple of decades ago, no one thought about the question - when and what protein is most effective to use. It is with this approach to the use of protein supplements that you can get maximum results. Let's figure out how to properly take protein.
How to take protein?


Now scientists can say for sure that the required daily dosage of protein compounds for humans is 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. This amount of protein allows the body not to be deficient in amines and it functions normally. At the same time, this will obviously not be enough for athletes, because they need to achieve not only normal body functioning, but also gain weight.
Scientists have also found an answer to this question - the daily dose of protein compounds for athletes is from two to two and a half grams per kilo of body weight. Therefore, the more you weigh, the more you need to consume protein as well. Here I would also like to say that some builders forget that with an increase in body weight (after all, muscles grow), it is necessary to increase the dose of proteins. As a result, they may be in a plateau state.
Type and time of admission

We have already noted that there are different types of protein mixtures, namely complex, fast and slow. Whey proteins are fast proteins, which require a maximum of a couple of tens of minutes to digest. Whey protein is best suited for gaining mass. You need to take it two or three times throughout the day. The first dose should be taken in the morning to stop the catabolic reactions. After that, you will need quick protein supplements before the start of the training (60 minutes), and also after its completion.
Complex protein supplements contain a mixture of several proteins that differ in the speed of absorption. Most often, in addition to whey proteins, they also include egg and casein. In addition, the presence of soy protein is also possible. As a result, after using complex supplements, you quickly supply proteins to the body and maintain the amino acid pool for a long time.
These supplements should be taken a couple of hours before training or between meals. Whey proteins should be preferred after completing a training session. The last type of supplement is casein or slow protein. The body processes this type of protein compound for six to eight hours. The optimal time to take casein is in the evening, closer to sleep. So you can slow down the catabolic processes that begin to actively occur in the body at night.
How to take whey protein correctly?

Whey protein comes in three types: hydrolyzate, concentrate, and isolate. The first type is processed most quickly in the body, but its cost is quite high. For this reason, concentrate and isolate are the most popular among athletes.
The isolate is more thoroughly purified during production and is low in fat and carbohydrates. The concentrate is somewhat inferior in this indicator, but nevertheless it is quite effective and, among other things, its cost is low.
Whey Protein Isolate and Concentrate should be taken 20-30 minutes before the start of the training and at the end of it. The speed of their assimilation does not differ significantly. The hydrolyzate is used mainly by athletes who have problems with the digestive system or are not interested in the cost of the product.
For most athletes, concentrate or isolate is sufficient. These types of protein are quite effective and you can safely limit yourself to them. All types of whey protein compounds have a complete amino acid profile, which is an important fact, since when they are used, the body will not experience a lack of free amines.
How to take protein and keep in great shape, see this video: