Bamboo at home

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Bamboo at home
Bamboo at home

Growing bamboo from seeds at home and care: transplanting, drainage, watering and reproduction. How to twist the stem. The meaning of this plant in feng shui.

Bamboo brings happiness to the home

Amateur flower growers, in whose house the original bamboo plant lives, believe that it brings happiness and good luck to the house. Therefore, they call it the bamboo of happiness. True, there is one more name - bamboo varnishes, which is also directly related to happiness, because in translation it means "happy". But in order to fill the home with positive energy, the bamboo of happiness (the scientific name of Dracaena Sander) also requires proper care.

The content of bamboo happiness at home: tips

Keeping bamboo happiness at home
Keeping bamboo happiness at home

This plant loves abundant watering. It especially needs moisture in the summer, hot period. Leaves need to be removed from dust with a damp cloth, but there is no special need for spraying. In the room, shady places are more suitable for this plant, he does not like direct sunlight. Acceptable temperature - from 18 to 35 degrees Celsius.

You can often see bamboo bouquets for sale - several cut stems are made into an original composition. Admirers of feng shui philosophy use a red ribbon with a themed image to wrap around the stems. Such a bouquet should be constantly in water, which must be changed every 5-7 days. And if you enrich the water with mineral fertilizers, then the care will be even better.

Growing bamboo from seeds at home

Growing bamboo from seeds at home
Growing bamboo from seeds at home

Lucky or bamboo varnishes can be grown at home from seeds. True, the process is time consuming and lengthy:

  1. The seeds must germinate. To do this, they must be placed in a damp cotton cloth and kept at a humidity of 60–80%.
  2. The soil in which the germinated seeds will be planted should consist of sand in one part, drainage should occupy one part (this can be expanded clay), and two parts should be filled with leafy soil.
  3. Bamboo seeds planted in pots should be sprayed daily with water from a spray bottle.
  4. When the first shoots appear, greenhouse conditions must be created. For this, the soil is covered with plastic wrap, while maintaining an abundance of moisture, light and heat.
  5. The greenhouse environment must be ventilated three times a day so that young plants do not start to rot at home.

When the seedlings rise to a height of 5 centimeters, you can transplant into separate pots. Moreover, you need to choose only the strongest bamboo plants, since they have the highest probability of taking root in other soil. Further, caring for bamboo involves already the scheme listed below (see below).

Sometimes a small midge can start in the bamboo. It is difficult to notice it, as it hides in the cracks and folds of the stem. And you can learn about the disease only by yellowed leaves that begin to fall off. In this case, you need to purchase a special solution and spray the plant. Repeat the procedure if necessary. In order not to expose the plant to rotting, which can occur due to excessive humidity and high temperatures (symptoms may include black spots on the leaves and stems), avoid placing bamboo next to radiators or an electric heater.

Rules for caring for indoor bamboo at home: transplanting, watering, reproduction

Rules for caring for indoor bamboo at home
Rules for caring for indoor bamboo at home

So, have you decided to fill your home with happiness and good luck with the help of a lucky plant? Fine. Then stock up on the knowledge of breeding, replanting and fertilizing the soil on which your lucky bamboo stems will grow.


For any plant, transplanting is a rather painful phenomenon. Therefore, you need to choose the most appropriate time for this process. For bamboo, this is April-May.


Drainage is essential. A layer of 2 centimeters will be sufficient. In specialized stores, a substrate intended for dracaena is sold. It is he who needs to be used for planting.

Watering bamboo

Care must be taken that the soil in the flower pot does not dry out completely. It is best to keep the soil moist at all times. Watering the bamboo of happiness should be abundant, but without fanaticism.


If the reproduction of bamboo comes from an adult plant, then you just need to pinch off the shoot from above and put it in the water. When the roots appear, you can plant it in the ground.

You need to know that during transplantation, the addition of any mineral fertilizers is excluded. Top dressing is done only 3 weeks after planting in the ground. This is watering with water with mineral fertilizers dissolved in it (which ones, they will tell you in a specialized store). Nitrogen and phosphorus can also be used to feed the plant. Some growers prefer organic matter - fertilization with horse manure or bird droppings.

These are, perhaps, all the basic rules of care: regular watering, moisturizing the leaves and stems, high-quality feeding. As you can see, the bamboo of happiness is quite simple and unpretentious in its content.

Video about dracaena (bamboo)

Feng Shui about the bamboo of happiness

Bamboo in feng shui
Bamboo in feng shui

According to the science of feng shui, in order to attract one or another element of good luck to the house, bamboo must be placed in the right place, and also its crown must be arranged accordingly.

  1. If you wish emotions and happiness - the varnish bamboo pyramid should have three stems.
  2. A pyramid of five stems will direct financial flows into the house.
  3. Seven twisted stems will promote good health.
  4. If you dream of fulfilling all your desires at once, you definitely need twenty-one stems.
  5. The bamboo of happiness located in the southeast will help attract good health and financial well-being at the same time.
  6. If you want to achieve importance in society: respect and admiration of colleagues, climbing the career ladder - identify the plant on the south side of the apartment.
  7. If bamboo lives in the east of your house, peace and prosperity will envelop your family, and love will be with you everywhere.
  8. To enhance the beneficial effects of the plant, you need to twine red ribbons around the bamboo stalks, hang a picture with the image of a "fu" dog (following the philosophy of feng shui, it protects the peace of the house).

It is believed that no matter how many stems are in the bouquet, it is still endowed with magical properties that will work. Only the number "4" is considered unlucky, so that many stems in a bouquet should be avoided.

How to twist the stem of a plant:

How to spin a bamboo stem
How to spin a bamboo stem
  1. Fresh young shoots need to be bent and wrapped around a straight stem. Secure with wire. When the sprouts become dense, remove the wire.
  2. Plant the sprout vertically into the ground and cover with a box in which to leave a narrow strip - the plants will reach for the light and make their way through the hole.
  3. From time to time, the pot with bamboo needs to be turned in different directions - so the young plant in the process of growth will not acquire a curved shape.

As you can see, the bamboo of happiness is easy to care for. And when you get a cut bouquet, it's even easier. It perfectly decorates the room, stands for a long time and is completely unpretentious. And if you are sure that bamboo will bring even more happiness into your life - let it into your house and be happy.
