Ficus: home care

Ficus: home care
Ficus: home care

An informative article for those who decided to have a plant at home - Ficus. Everything about caring for him at home: what kind of lighting you need, how to water and spray, when and how often to transplant Ficus. If you decide to grow ficus (Ficus in English), it must be remembered that this plant is very picky, so before bringing the plant or its offshoot into the apartment, decide in advance on the place for its placement. Otherwise, by constantly changing the location of the plant, you will ensure that it gets sick and withers.

The best option for growing ficus is a loggia or balcony. If you want the plant to delight you with its beauty in the room, then in the summer, be sure to take it out onto the balcony. This is necessary so that the ficus can enjoy the rays of the sun useful for it.

Plant species and required light

Ficus - plant species and light required
Ficus - plant species and light required

There are many varieties of ficus. If you have chosen a plant with hard and dense leaves, you can place it directly in direct sunlight. Ficuses with delicate leaves require special care and attention. For plants of this type, diffused light is considered the best option. Dark green ficus leaves are able to easily tolerate a lack of light. A plant with variegated leaves should not be kept in the dark to avoid wilting. By the color of the leaves of the ficus, you can determine how poorly it tolerates an insufficient amount of light: tarnished leaves are the first sign that the location for the plant needs to be changed.

Ficuses react very strongly to changing lighting conditions. In winter, they need additional lighting, which can be achieved with the help of special lamps. The need for sunlight depends on the type of plant. The optimal additional lighting is 1000-3000 lumen lamps. In order for the plant to grow quickly, you need 5000-20,000 lumen bulbs. For ficus to bloom in winter, it needs 40,000 lumens or more lighting.

Ficus care: how to water and temperature for a plant

Ficus care
Ficus care

In winter time temperature for ficus should be approximately 20 degrees. In summer, the temperature can be raised to 30 degrees. Remember that ficuses will survive the winter most easily if you provide the plant with additional lighting. Also at this time of year, ficuses need regular daily spraying of their leaves with water. Please note that the higher the temperature in the room, the more water the ficus needs. Also, make sure that the room in which the plant is located is well ventilated. The most important thing is to avoid drafts.

Watering ficus at home

necessary based on plant age, season, soil composition and room temperature. To determine when a plant needs to be watered, dip your finger a few centimeters into the ground. If there are particles of moist soil on the finger, there is no need to water the plant. You will need room temperature water to water the plant. Watering the plant must be completed by waiting for the liquid to seep through the pan. After half an hour, the water from the pan must be drained.

Transplant ficus

necessary in spring or summer. A plant that is more than four years old should be transplanted once every 3-4 years. To do this, pick up a flower pot several centimeters larger than the previous one.
