Recipe: Green Borscht with Frozen Sorrel

Recipe: Green Borscht with Frozen Sorrel
Recipe: Green Borscht with Frozen Sorrel

Green borscht with frozen sorrel is especially relevant in the autumn-winter season. Since sorrel not only has a lot of useful properties, but also dishes with its participation come out quite tasty.

Ready green borsch with frozen sorrel
Ready green borsch with frozen sorrel

Recipe content:

  • How to freeze sorrel?
  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

The season for sorrel and, of course, green borscht begins in late April and lasts until early June. At the same time, housewives also make preparations of sorrel, i.e. frozen or canned to enjoy this product all year round.

How to freeze sorrel?

It is best to harvest sorrel in May – June, when it contains a maximum of vitamins and benefits. So, having bought or plucked fresh sorrel leaves from the garden, they should be sorted out and sluggish and spoiled leaves should be removed. After that, the sorrel is washed well several times under running water and dried. For drying, it is best to lay it out on a dry towel, which will take away excess liquid.

Further, the stalks of the sorrel are cut off, and the leaves are cut, as for borscht. It is better to pack sorrel in portions, i.e. for one cooking of borscht. To do this, a portion of sorrel is placed in a clean and dry bag, the bag is gently pressed so that excess air leaves and is tied to a knot. Such bags are sent to the freezer, and when you cook the borscht, put the frozen sorrel directly from this bag into the pot with borscht. Do not defrost sorrel beforehand.


… I recommend sticking a piece of paper with the words "sorrel" on each bag, so as not to accidentally confuse and cook borsch with dill, parsley or other herbs in winter.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 134 kcal.
  • Servings - 6
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes


  • Pork ribs - 400 g
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Celery root - 50 g
  • Frozen sorrel - 200 g (fresh can be used)
  • Frozen dill - bunch (you can use fresh)
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Allspice peas - 4-5 pcs.
  • Carnation - 1 bud
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Cooking green borscht with frozen sorrel

The meat is cut into pieces and dipped in a cooking pot with onion and spices
The meat is cut into pieces and dipped in a cooking pot with onion and spices

1. Wash the pork ribs and cut into small portions so that a bone remains on each. Put meat, peeled onion and a clove of garlic, bay leaf, clove bud and allspice peas in a 3.5 liter saucepan. Pour everything over with water and simmer the broth over low heat after boiling for about 30 minutes, while removing the resulting foam with a spoon.

Potatoes, peeled and cut into pieces
Potatoes, peeled and cut into pieces

2. While the broth is cooking, peel the potatoes, wash and cut into cubes about 1.5-2 cm in size.

Celery peeled and minced
Celery peeled and minced

3. Cut the necessary part from the celery root, peel and cut into small cubes.

Potatoes are added to the pan to the meat
Potatoes are added to the pan to the meat

4. After half an hour of cooking the broth, put the potatoes and celery root into a saucepan. Then remove the onions with garlic from the pan and discard them. They did their job, gave away the aroma and taste. But if you like frying in borscht, then onions can be sautéed in vegetable oil and added to the borscht after laying the potatoes.

Fresh sorrel washed and chopped
Fresh sorrel washed and chopped

5. Prepare frozen sorrel and dill. If you use fresh herbs, then wash and chop them.

Sorrel added to broth
Sorrel added to broth

6. When the potatoes are half cooked, put the sorrel and dill in a saucepan.

Borscht is being brewed
Borscht is being brewed

7. Season the borsch with salt, black pepper and cook until all products are cooked.

Eggs boiled and cut into 6-8 pieces
Eggs boiled and cut into 6-8 pieces

8. Boil eggs hard-boiled, about 10-15 minutes. Then immerse them in cold water for 10 minutes to make them easy to clean. Cut the peeled eggs into wedges and place them in each plate, serving the borscht to the table. However, many housewives like to lay eggs directly in the pot with borscht. This can also be done, but in this case, let the borscht boil for about 2 minutes.

See also a video recipe on how to make sorrel soup (green cabbage soup).
