Frozen green onions - a step by step recipe with a photo

Frozen green onions - a step by step recipe with a photo
Frozen green onions - a step by step recipe with a photo

Having collected a generous harvest of green onions, you need to take care of winter supplies, freezing some of the feathers for future use. All the details of the preparation in the freezer, a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Ready frozen green onions
Ready frozen green onions

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • How to make frozen strawberry puree step by step
  • Video recipe

Many people ask the question - "Is it possible to freeze green onions for the winter?" The answer is yes. And we will show this in our article in detail with photos and tips. In the summer, when there is a lot of greenery, why not prepare it for the winter. Even though it can be bought in the store in winter, it contains significantly less vitamins and minerals than frozen. Greens grown under artificial lighting and with growth accelerators will never be beneficial. Therefore, far-sighted housewives, anticipating the lack of vitamins in winter, harvest greens in all available ways. If you have a lot of green grass in your beds in the summer, then you definitely need to harvest it for future use.

Today we will focus on harvesting green onions. This is a great product that is used for preparing first and second courses, pickling and marinade, it gives a unique taste to salads, sandwiches, cold appetizers, sauces, fried meat, fish. You can grow it in the country, in the garden, in the garden or at home on the windowsill and balcony. Green onions are dried, salted and frozen. Let's talk about the latter. There are several ways to freeze green onions using a freezer for the winter. But we will consider the simplest and most basic recipe for freezing greens in their original form. Wash frozen green onions can be thrown into a saucepan with soup, added to salads or minced meat, and enjoy a pleasant taste.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 20 kcal.
  • Servings - Any Amount
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes of active work


Green onions - any quantity

Step by step preparation of frozen green onions, recipe with photo:

Onions washed and dried
Onions washed and dried

1. Use freshly cut feathers to freeze onions. They should be dark green, juicy, free from rot and disease. Sort the collected onions, choosing healthy and whole feathers. If there are faded ends, then remove them. Trim the roots and rinse the onion well in cold running water. Pat it dry with a paper towel, then place it on a cotton towel and air dry. Only completely dried onions are ready for further processing. A well-dried onion retains all the nutrients, does not merge into a single lump and can be easily removed from the container.

Onions finely chopped
Onions finely chopped

2. Finely chop the carefully dried feathers.

Chopped onions are folded into a plastic container for freezing
Chopped onions are folded into a plastic container for freezing

3. Place the chopped feathers in a plastic container, close the lid and send to the freezer. Use frozen green onions in any dishes where you use fresh feathers.

See also the video recipe on how to freeze green onions and arrows.