Infrared ceiling, its design, the principle of operation of the film heater and advantages, installation and features of the system. As a result of infrared heating, the temperature of the ceiling and floor in the room becomes the same, which reduces energy consumption by up to 70%.
The main varieties of ceiling infrared heaters

By wavelength and temperature of radiation, infrared films on the ceiling are divided as follows:
- Low temperature … These are household heating systems that heat up to 100-600 degrees and emit infrared waves with a length of 5.6 microns to 100 microns.
- Medium temperature … Their temperature range is 600-1000 degrees, the wavelength is 2.5-5.6 microns.
- High temperature … The temperature range of such heaters is above 1000 degrees at a wavelength of 0.74-2.5 microns.
The installation of each type of these devices requires a certain ceiling height. For the first type of heaters, up to 3 m is needed, for the second - 3-6 m, and for the third type - more than 8 m.
Benefits of infrared ceiling heating

Compared to traditional types of space heating, infrared heating has several advantages:
- Such heating systems do not burn oxygen in rooms, unlike conventional electric radiators. It is the lack of oxygen that often causes discomfort for those present in the room, which is heated by outdated methods.
- The principle of operation of a warm infrared ceiling is not associated with the movement of air, which raises dust accumulated on surfaces, as happens when using fan heaters and similar devices.
- Warm ceilings save energy. This is due to the fact that the operation of a film IR heater consumes less electricity than, for example, a warm floor, which uses conventional thermoelements.
- Controlling the infrared ceiling is very simple: the room temperature is controlled using a special remote control.
- Heating the room is not accompanied by the release of harmful substances, so the installation of an infrared ceiling can be performed even in a nursery or bedroom.
- Installation of a ceiling heating system is simple, it can be done independently.
- Unlike hot water heating, a warm ceiling, once properly installed, does not require maintenance.
- The main advantage of an infrared ceiling is the ability to use its entire base surface, creating a main heating system with sufficient power reserve.
An increase in the efficiency of the heating film is achieved by the use of reflective thermal insulation, which ensures the lower direction of heat rays from the ceiling to the interior of the room.
Infrared ceiling mounting technology

Indoor installation of a warm ceiling provides for the masking of infrared film under the finishing: plastic panels, clapboard, gypsum board and other hemmed structures. Open mounting of the infrared ceiling heating element is also possible as an additional or temporary heating.
When installing infrared film, it is recommended to use quality products of the brands Power Plus, RexVa, Excel, Teplonog or Caleo.
The work should be done in the following order:
- Make a plan for the placement of the infrared heating system and determine the area of the ceiling area on which you plan to install the infrared film. Its placement for the implementation of the main heating should occupy 60-70% of the ceiling area. It is not recommended to locate electrical wiring running on its surface closer than 50 mm from the film. The wires must be separated from it with an insulating material that fills the ceiling space.
- Calculate the power of the future heating system, the number of thermostats required for it and check the power potential of the power network. Determination of the current strength is required to select the desired wire cross-section, determine the suitability of the existing wiring for power loads and select the appropriate thermostat model. With a wire section of 1.5 mm2 permissible current of copper wire is 16A, aluminum - 10A. Corresponding values for a cross section of 2.5 mm2 - 25A and 16A, with a section of 4.0 mm2 - 32A and 25A. The current value is determined by the formula: I = P / U, where P is the heater power, and U is the mains voltage.
- Attach thermal insulation with a thickness of 5 mm or more with a reflective layer to the ceiling. The insulation should be fixed, depending on the type of base, using dowels, screws or furniture brackets. The joints of insulation boards or mats must be sealed with tape. The heat-reflecting layer should cover 100% of the ceiling surface. The edges of its strips 10-30 mm long should be placed on the walls around the entire perimeter of the room. This will eliminate gaps at the joints of the ceiling and walls through which cold can flow from the street.
- Prepare the required amount of heating film according to the plan and cut it along the heating elements along special lines every 25 cm. The material cannot be cut along other lines. Each heating film has its own allowable cut length. This information can be obtained from the seller.
- Connect the electrical wires to the conductive copper busbars with contact clips. One half of the clip should be placed inside the heater and the other half on the copper bar outside. After making sure that the contact is reliable, it is necessary to isolate the cut lines of the strip located at the end of the heating film on both sides with bitumen tape.
- Prepare wires with a cross section of 1.5 mm2 according to the calculations of the current strength. The stripped wire should be connected to the lug and clamped with pliers. The connection of the wire with a copper bus and a ferrule must be insulated on both sides with bitumen tape. The connection of the strips through the thermostat to the network must be parallel, the same applies to the connection of the heater itself. The total maximum power of all thermal elements that are connected to one thermostat should not exceed its own power. With a heavy load on the network, it is recommended to connect the infrared ceiling with a separate wiring, equipped with a circuit breaker. In this case, the heating elements are connected to the thermostat through a magnetic starter - contactor.
- Attach the heating elements to the thermal insulation. They should be laid, avoiding contact of the contacts of adjacent strips. If the installation is done correctly, the inscriptions on the foil should be easy to read. The heating elements are fastened with a step of 250-500 mm using furniture nails, adhesive tape or dowels. There should be no air gap between the infrared film and the thermal insulation. The elements should be fastened on the sides through their transparent rim. Otherwise, a violation of the tightness of the heater and the integrity of the conductive elements as a whole are possible. Their fastening should not be located closer than 8 mm to the supply areas, including electrical copper busbars.
- Then you need to inspect the heating system, check the fastening of the wires and the reliability of the insulation.
- Measure the electrical resistance values of each strip of the IR film. After eliminating the possible causes of the short circuit, the system test should be repeated.
- Make a cutout in the thermal insulation for the temperature sensor and tape it under the heating element. Connect the sensor and heating elements to the thermostat.
- Turn on the heating on the thermostat and after a few minutes check the temperature of the film. It should radiate comfortable warmth and not be hot.
- Install the finishing coating of the infrared film ceiling: plasterboard sheets, lining, plastic panels, etc. It is recommended to leave an air gap of 10-150 mm between the coating and heating elements. When fixing drywall sheets close to the heater, a thermostat with a remote sensor is required. If there is a gap of several centimeters, you can use the device without an external sensor.
Rules for attaching infrared film to the ceiling

The rules below take into account some of the nuances of the infrared ceiling device:
- Infrared heating systems are categorically contraindicated to be installed on ceilings less than 2.3 m high. Before laying the heating film, complete all procedures for finishing the roof, installing the oven, plastering and laying the wires of the lighting system.
- Working with the film requires caution, since the material has a certain tensile strength when bent. During the installation of infrared film on the ceiling, it is necessary to provide for the protection of the material from accidental cuts and excessive pressure on it. Fastening is not recommended at temperatures below + 3 ° C.
- Fasteners of electrical equipment and air ducts should be located at a distance of more than 50 mm from the film, and wires and connecting leads should be at least 2.5 cm.
- Installation of the film in the ceiling, made of plasterboard sheets, also has its own characteristics. The ceiling material should not accumulate moisture. Therefore, the sheets for the suspended structure are selected waterproof. The thickness of the coating should not exceed the maximum value - 16 mm. If the ceiling slab is adjacent to an unheated attic, the ceiling should be insulated before installing the reflective film.
- The permissible value of the maximum current of the heating system is 10A or less.
Installation of infrared ceiling heaters is carried out by qualified specialists with a third and higher electrical safety approval group. How to make an infrared ceiling - watch the video:
[media = v = GhX3oHix440] The Warm Ceiling infrared system today is one of the most effective methods of heating any room. Subject to the installation rules, it will be able to serve, providing the house with comfortable heat for many years. Good luck!