Finishing with Euro lining, its characteristics and differences, classification, types, properties and choice of material, technology of external and internal wall cladding. Euro lining is a natural material in the form of separate boards, intended for cladding walls and ceilings. It is versatile and can be used for both interior and exterior decoration of the house. Thanks to the design of its individual elements, the finished wood cladding not only has an attractive appearance, but also protects the structure from being blown from the street. And in creating a healthy microclimate in a room, it has practically no competitors among coatings made from other finishing materials. The simple technology of finishing the walls with eurolining allows you to do this work yourself.
Characteristics of euro lining for walls and its differences

Any wooden lining is made from edged boards, which are obtained after sawing round logs using special equipment. After drying, the board is milled on all four sides to create the required profile and lock connections. Finished products are sorted by types and classes, providing for the quality of the products received, and then packed in packs.
Euro lining is manufactured according to the European standard DIN 68126/86. It provides strict requirements for the geometric shape of the board, the quality of its surface treatment and the moisture content of the starting material. Unlike ordinary lining, its European counterpart is distinguished by a wider spike of the lock connection, which ensures reliable joining of the cladding elements.
In addition, the panels are equipped with ventilation ducts on the back side, which remove excess moisture, counteracting the formation of condensation at the joints of the boards with the elements of the sheathing. This protects the cladding from decay and the insulation from getting wet. The channels have an additional function: elimination of internal stresses of the material with a drop in humidity and air temperature. In addition, the lining has external differences: when installing the Europrofile board, a pattern is formed on the cladding.
Depending on the type of wood and profile, any lining can have a thickness of 12, 5-20 mm and a width of 95-135 mm. Classic euro lining has strictly defined characteristics and dimensions:
- board thickness - 12.5 mm;
- total width - 96 mm;
- working width excluding the spike - 88 mm;
- board length - from 1, 8 to 6 m;
- material moisture - 12 ± 2%;
- number of panels in one package - 10 pcs.
The surface of the Euro lining is made according to the Soft Line and Standard versions. The first version of the panel provides rounded board chamfers. The cost of panels depends on the type and type of their wood and ranges from 100 rubles / m2.
The main types of eurolining for walls
Like all lumber, eurolining is classified according to various criteria, the most important of which are profile types, panel sizes, varieties and types of wood. The first two parameters distinguish the lining from its domestic counterparts, they were mentioned above. Therefore, let us consider in more detail each of the remaining signs.
Classification of euro lining by wood type

The type of wood divides the lining into 4 classes: "extra", A, B, C. According to GOST 8242-88, this corresponds to domestic grades 1, 2, 3. The "extra" option is also present in the Russian version of the material. As the class of the product increases, more and more stringent requirements are imposed on it.
Extra grade boards exclude the presence of any defects in wood and fragments of the core of a tree trunk. Grade "A" also does not imply the inclusion of core elements, but allows the presence of one light knot for every one and a half meters of panel length on its front side, no more than two surface cracks and up to two resin pockets.
In class "B" products, the number of any knots per 1, 5 lm. panels, increases to 4 pieces, their diameter should not be more than 20 mm. The presence of no more than two surface cracks and up to 2 resin pockets is acceptable. The width of the cracks of the euro lining of grades A and B should not be more than 1 mm, and their length - more than 5 cm. The lining of grade "B" allows the presence of one spot on its surface with an area of up to 15 cm2 and minor injuries to the surface of the panels, no more than 3 mm in length.
The diameter of the captive knots of the "C" grade board should not exceed 25 mm. The presence of surface cracks with a length of not more than 5% of the entire length of the panel and the presence of up to two resin pockets up to 5 cm long and up to 5 mm wide are allowed. Allowable spot size - 15 cm2, but, in addition to it, there may be stripes or rare spots of blue on the board, the volume of which is limited to 5% of the area of the product. The size of individual small damages should not exceed 6 mm.
Types of lining by wood type

Euro lining is made of coniferous or deciduous wood. The first type of product includes panels made of cedar, larch, pine or spruce. The second, respectively - from linden, aspen, ash, alder, oak and other species.
Cladding made with planks of coniferous wood is extremely widespread. An exception to its use can sometimes be the premises of steam rooms and saunas, in which the high temperature causes the release of resinous substances from the wood.
The board starts to "stick", and the increased resin content in it can cause spontaneous combustion of the sheathing. Covering the walls of a sauna or bath with eurolining of hardwood is a better option. Such material perfectly retains heat, without burning the skin at all.
Euro lining made of a particular type of wood should be selected based on the functional purpose of the room and the expected loads on the coating. A fairly popular and democratic solution for cladding interior walls is the use of pine panels. Wood cladding naturally regulates the humidity in the room and creates a special atmosphere of comfort in it.
Features of the choice of euro lining for walls

To choose a lining for the walls in relation to a particular room, you need to know its types and properties. More on this below:
- Pine lining … It is easy to process and flawless in terms of decorative properties. Its diffused wood grain allows the gaze to relax on the paneling surfaces. Particularly noteworthy are products made of Scandinavian pine. The pattern of its wood, formed by annual rings, has an excellent decorative effect. It is due to the fact that the rings of trees growing in northern latitudes have an increased density and have almost the same "summer" and "winter" thickness. Coniferous board, due to the content of phytoncides in it, has an antimicrobial and disinfectant effect.
- Larch lining … This is, without exaggeration, a unique and elite material. Siberian larch is very durable and has an enviable resistance to the effects of many pests. Therefore, lumber made from its wood practically does not rot, has an amazing durability and retain its original appearance for decades. Larch lining does not deform even with very significant temperature drops. This allows it to be used for exterior cladding of houses.
- Euro lining from Canadian cedar … Its wood is an excellent resonator of heat and a unique antiseptic. It successfully counteracts woodworms and fungal bacteria, is resistant to temperature fluctuations. Cedar wood contains essential oils that have a positive effect on the respiratory tract and cardiovascular activity of the human body. The scent of the upholstery, made from Canadian cedar, relieves fatigue and soothes. The material is used to decorate elite saunas and respectable premises. It has a dense, beautiful texture of a coffee shade.
- Siberian cedar lining … It also ranks among the elite materials for its health benefits. The cladding does not emit resin until the air temperature reaches +140 degrees, it is resistant to decay and is extremely durable. Eurolining wall cladding made of Siberian cedar demonstrates the maximum number of its possibilities in the bathhouse, sauna or children's room. The wood can have a flesh-colored, yellowish-red or light pink color, while the sapwood of the tree differs little from its core. The boards have a pleasant characteristic aroma and a homogeneous structure, which makes it easier to work with them. The material is well polished and bends.
- Linden Euro lining … Linden wood of 70-80 years old is used for its production. The average age of trees is 150 years, although lindens and older are found in nature - 800 and 1000 years. The wood is soft, easy to work and almost free of knots. The material is distinguished by its light weight, high strength, resistance to temperature fluctuations and an exceptional healing effect. In addition, linden serves as an excellent energy donor and promotes longevity. The length and cost of linden boards are interdependent parameters. Euro lining with a length of 0, 7-1, 7 m is almost 1, 4 times cheaper than boards with a length of 2-3 m. Therefore, using shorter panels for wall cladding, you can not only increase the possibility of improvisation, but also save an impressive amount of money.
- Black alder lining … This material is unique in its mechanical and decorative qualities. Its wood has a light coffee, chocolate color with marble veins, giving the wall covering originality and noble sophistication. An important advantage of black alder is its moisture resistance. This property makes it possible to successfully use panels made of alder as wall cladding for baths, saunas and other rooms in which temperature conditions and high humidity are of particular importance. In addition to them, alder panels are used for cladding the walls of unheated summer cottages, balconies, attics and terraces due to the increased resistance of alder wood to decay. The tree has a homogeneous soft structure, the board is perfectly cut, practically free of cracks, does not darken over the years, does not deform, has a low density and high hygroscopicity. Fragments of a covering made of alder look great in combination with euro lining made of light types of linden, aspen or Abasha wood.
- Euro lining … The decorativeness and quality of oak wood have long become common nouns. The unique durability and texture, high strength and density of oak wood make it possible to classify panels made from it as elite materials. In addition to the above, oak wood is highly resistant to decay. The choice of oak Euro lining is a sound investment in a durable and sophisticated finish. In this case, the cost of the material pays off many times over the period of its operation.
When choosing panels of any of the above types, you should adhere to certain rules:
- The tree rings of wood should not protrude beyond the surface of the board - this feature of the structure can lead to the product breaking.
- The edges of the lining should be as flat as possible.
- When choosing a certain grade of material, you need to make sure that the number of knots on the board meets the requirements.
- The number and size of cracks in the panels above the permissible limits are a sign of over-dried wood.
- When considering the offer of sellers to buy products, you need to pay attention to the correspondence of the texture and color of the panels to the selected type of wood.
After choosing the euro lining of the desired type and quality class, you can start wall cladding.
Wall cladding with eurolining
Before fixing the lining to the wall, it is necessary to treat its inner side with an antiseptic solution. This will guarantee that after the installation of the cladding, fungal deposits, mold and wood-boring bugs will not appear under it, which have a detrimental effect on the wood.
Finishing with eurolining of external walls

Wooden panels are a universal material. It can be used for both interior wall cladding and exterior facade cladding. The arrangement of the lining on the walls can be horizontal or vertical. In both cases, the assembly of the board requires the manufacture of a frame.
Its elements are wooden blocks of various cross-sections, most often its dimensions are 30x60 mm. The fixing of the bars to the walls is carried out using pads or metal hangers, which are used to mount profiles for gypsum plasterboard sheets. Fixing the lining to the frame is carried out by means of thin nails or clamps. For exterior finishing of facades, you should use material of grade A, B or C. If you plan to treat the boards with colorless varnish, it is better to choose the top grade "A" or the first "B" lining, since such boards do not have knots falling out. The work on cladding the facade with wooden panels includes three stages: marking the walls, installing the frame and attaching the facing material to it.
The most common option is vertical paneling as it visually increases the height of the walls, although other cladding arrangements can be used. For example, there used to be a fashion for herringbone wall cladding. This method provides significant savings in material, since it allows the use of cuttings of panels with a length of 50-100 cm. In the case of vertical arrangement of panels, their recommended width should be more than 80 mm, since after painting the cladding with narrow strips can visually become similar to a palisade.
The outer cladding has its own characteristics, since the facade of the building, in addition to windows and doors, usually has various niches and protrusions. They need to be taken into account, but it will be better if at least the platbands are removed from the wall openings before facing.
The work on the installation of the frame should begin with the installation of corner bars on all walls of the house so that two racks are located at each of the corners. For their fastening, you need to use lining from a board or timber, since it will be problematic to fix metal suspensions at the corners of the walls. After checking the verticality of the racks using a level or plumb line, fix them with 100-150 mm screws or nails.
Horizontal and vertical battens are also installed near window and door openings. In order for the future cladding to have a flat plane, you need to pull the cord along the bottom and top of the walls on each side of the house as a guide. After installing the bars near the openings and projections, you can install the main lathing guides in increments of 50-70 cm.
Reliable fastening of the Euro lining to the wall is carried out by means of internal or external installation. The first method involves the hidden fastening of the boards to the frame using clamps or thin nails driven into the grooves of the panels. The second method consists in fixing the material with screws, which are screwed into the outer surface of the board and, passing through it, are fixed in the lathing bars. When using this method, place the screws in the same line of fastening of adjacent planks.
If there is a need for thermal insulation of the walls, before the installation of the lining, the insulation, covered with insulating films on both sides, is located in the cells of the frame. When cladding, this design requires ventilation gaps in the top and bottom of the cover to allow air to circulate behind it. Gaps are masked by decorative strips.
Interior wall decoration with eurolining

As with siding, corner posts and horizontal rails are required here. For interior decoration, Euro-lining of class "extra", A or B is used. It is fastened with thin nails or clamps. The cladding frame is made of bars with a section of 30x50 mm.
Laying Euro lining on internal walls eliminates the need for surface finishing. The high price of these boards is to some extent compensated by their small thickness, which makes it possible to cover a large area with the same amount of material.
At the stage of manufacturing the sheathing frame, you need to take care of the location of the future electrical wiring. It is necessary to do everything possible to exclude its broach from the outside of the cladding, since an open cable can spoil a good impression of it. Wires laid under the sheathing in a metal corrugation will be an excellent solution to this issue.
Before sheathing the walls of a sauna or bath with Euro lining, special attention should be paid to the ventilation system. She should perform a comfortable air exchange of the entire room. Only after completing the preliminary stages of work, you can proceed with the installation of panels.
The frame of the inner lining is made in the same way as described above. Installation of panels begins from the corner of the room, is carried out slowly, board to board with the constant use of a building level and a wooden hammer. If there is a sharp drop in the level of humidity in the room, the cladding can turn into a "house". A gap of 1-2 mm in the thorn-groove connection will allow you to insure against such a problem.
Euro lining panels should be nailed to the frame in the grooves of the locking joints or in places that will then be covered with a plinth or corner. Such fasteners hide the protruding heads of nails, which give the cladding a not entirely aesthetic look.
When installing panels made of larch wood, special attention and care must be taken. Larch is strong but fragile. It is for this reason that a screwdriver should be used when working with cladding. An excellent mounting option is special brackets. After finishing the cladding, you can paint the walls of the Euro lining with varnish or other protective compounds.
How to sheathe walls with clapboard - look at the video:

Sheathing a room with wood paneling does not take as much time as it might seem at first glance. After mounting the frame and several planks, the hand will already be "full", and the work will go faster. But after creating such beauty, the desire to spend as much time as possible in a warm and cozy room will be irresistible. Good luck!