Laying brick partitions and their use, types and properties of the material, installation technology and its features. Brick partitions are a way of dividing the interior space of a room into parts with different functional purposes. It provides an excellent opportunity to equip your home to your liking. The material of the walls has high technical characteristics, which contribute to the durability of such structures.
Types and properties of bricks

To begin with, masonry, regardless of the width and height of the brick partitions, can be carried out with these products, regardless of their belonging to any type. The question is the economic feasibility of such a solution. Therefore, to select a material, it is necessary to know its classification, purpose and quality requirements.
Brick is classified according to the following parameters:
- Manufacturing method … There are two types of it - ceramic and silicate bricks. The first, in the classic version, consists almost entirely of clay and is fired at high temperatures in special ovens to acquire the required strength. The second is made by autoclave synthesis from one part of air lime, nine parts of quartz sand and additives. After creating the shape of the product by the method of semi-dry pressing, it is processed with steam in an autoclave at a pressure of 8-12 atm and a temperature of 170-200 ° C. If pigments are added to the composition of the working mixture of silicate bricks, it will acquire color.
- Appointment … According to this parameter, the brick is divided into three types: ordinary, stove and facing. Ordinary bricks are used for laying walls and partitions of buildings, facing bricks for decorating surfaces, and stove bricks for making hearths.
- Filling … This property determines the weight of the products. There is solid brick and brick with voids. Products of the second type are lighter, used for the construction of walls with improved thermal insulation, but have less strength than solid similar materials.
- Sizes … A typical ordinary clay brick has dimensions of 250x60x65 mm, and a silicate brick - 250 x 120 x 88 mm, in the production of masonry they are the most convenient and familiar. Modern manufacturers offer double and one-and-a-half bricks, as well as similar materials for the European standard - 250x60x65 mm.
Requirements for the quality of products are regulated by GOST. According to this document, errors in dimensions, for example, of clay bricks should not exceed 4 mm (+ or -) in length, 2 mm in thickness, and +3 mm in width. The curvature of the edges and edges of the products should not be higher than 3 mm. Also, overburning or underburning of bricks is not allowed.
All types of bricks have common advantages:
- Moisture resistance, which allows the material to be used for the construction of enclosing structures in rooms for any purpose.
- Strength ensuring durability and reliable operation of load-bearing walls and partitions.
- Good sound insulation of masonry up to 57 dB when installing partitions in? solid brick with an applied plaster layer.
Among the disadvantages, the main ones are the significant weight of the finished structure and the increased requirements for the base: it must be concrete or stone. In addition, brickwork cannot be classified as light work.
Despite these problems, brick partitions remain quite popular where high reliability and attractive appearance are required. The natural beauty of ceramic masonry is appropriate for many interior design styles.
Requirements for the installation of brick partitions

For the construction of partitions of various designs and sizes, there are certain rules that should be followed:
- Before making the partition, it is necessary to seal up all interpanel joints in the ceiling with cement mortar.
- In hot, windy or dry weather, the brick should be moistened before laying.
- Partitions longer than 3 m must be connected with an overlap.
- The connection of the partitions with the pillar is performed by releasing the shtraba from its array.
- The corners of the partitions should be made using templates made from planks. They are installed on a plumb line and spread between the ceiling and the floor. Corner bricks are installed with bandaging close to the template.
- Brick partitions must not be installed on the floor: plank floor, parquet. The collapse of the floor under the partition can cause it to sink.
- The use of hollow materials will help to reduce the load from the brick partition on the floor. However, their use is undesirable in rooms with high humidity - kitchens, bathrooms and bathrooms.
- With a brick partition thickness of more than 120 mm, it is not reinforced if the length of the masonry is less than 5 m, and its height is up to 3 m.
Partitions with a thickness of 65 mm are very unstable when raw. Therefore, they should be erected gradually at 1-1.5 m of their height per day, giving the parts of the structure time for the mortar to set and gain strength. Such partitions are made up to 3 m in length with a height of up to 2, 7 m and are usually used to separate storerooms, bathrooms and other small rooms.
Brick partition installation technology
The construction of a partition is one of the simplest types of work associated with laying bricks. There is no need to align the corners and constantly control them with a plumb line, you just need to carefully follow the markings. For laying the partition, you will need cement, sand, water, a building level, a cord, a hammer, a trowel and a container for mixing the solution.
Preparatory work before installing a brick partition

For the construction of the partition, you can use a mortar or a special dry masonry mixture, which can be bought ready-made. A common mortar consists of cement, sand and water. In addition to these components, clay, lime and additives are added to the masonry mixture, which give the binding material additional properties: plasticity, frost resistance, etc.
When buying a ready-made mixture, it is recommended to pay attention to its production time and suitability. The most durable and elastic mixtures of the brand 200-300. The ratio of sand and cement in mortars is 3: 1 or 4: 1. Dry mixes should not contain any large particles. Therefore, it is recommended to sift the sand before preparing the solution.
The mixture is brought to working condition by adding water and mixing the components in a special container. The composition must be homogeneous and plastic.
Before making a brick partition, it is necessary to mark its boundaries on the floor and walls by marking. The lines should be even, and it is recommended to control the vertical lines with a building level or a plumb line. A ceiling - a beam or a panel - can serve as a support for the partition.
In the basement, the pier is mounted on brick posts and concrete preparation. It is unacceptable to install it on a clean floor. The brick partition has a thickness of? or a quarter of a brick, with a greater thickness it is already a wall.
How to make a brick partition

After preparing the solution and applying the markings, you can proceed with the installation of the masonry. First of all, it is necessary to lay a leveling layer of mortar on the base, which will eliminate support defects and determine the zero level of the masonry.
Then you should lay the bricks of the first row of the future partition. This stage of work is very important. The reliability and appearance of the planned structure depends on its high-quality performance. Therefore, the laying of the first row should be controlled by the rule, plumb line and level.
All subsequent rows must be laid with a slight offset so that all vertical seams of the lower row are projected onto the middle of the overlying bricks. The laying of each next row should be started by securing and tightening the mooring cord, which can be used to orient yourself when leveling the bricks.
Minor masonry defects can be eliminated before the mortar sets. This is done with a flat bar and a hammer. After completing several rows of masonry, the lath is applied to the section of the finished partition and tapping is performed on it with a pick or hammer. The process continues until full adherence of the slats to the masonry plane is achieved. This operation is repeated, changing the position of the instrument clockwise. If, when installing a brick partition, it is planned to make a door or window opening in it, then during the laying process, its size should be periodically checked using a tape measure. The verticality of the slopes of the opening is controlled by a plumb line or level. These actions contribute to the trouble-free installation of a window or door frame into a finished partition.
Concrete beams, wooden beams or metal profiles of suitable size can be used as lintels over openings. To install the boxes on each side of the openings, wooden corks treated with an antiseptic are embedded in the masonry. Their size is usually 125 mm.
Often, during the installation of partitions, the top of the masonry does not reach the ceiling surface by 2-5 cm. This gap can be filled with pieces of brick and mortar. Another option is to soak the tow in a gypsum solution and compact it in the crevices. When solidified, the gypsum expands and very tightly connects the surfaces of the ceiling and the top of the partition.
How to strengthen a brick partition

Close attention in the process of masonry requires the binding of the partition to the load-bearing walls and strengthening its strength by means of reinforcement. The rigidity of the abutments is achieved by using anchors, which must be placed in the load-bearing wall every 5-6 rows of masonry.
Alternatively, you can use the perforated metal mounting strip. It looks like a corner, one shelf of which is fixed on the supporting wall with dowels, and the other is located between two rows of masonry. This is how a connection appears that connects the partition and the walls with each other, while the supporting structure does not experience any load on the partition.
You can increase the strength of the partition by reinforcing it. Wire mesh with a thickness of 4 mm or individual metal rods with a diameter of 6-8 mm are used as reinforcement. Laying these elements into the partition should be carried out both in the vertical direction and in the horizontal direction, forming a frame when they intersect.
The cell size should be 525x525 mm. The total diameter at the intersection of the reinforcement should be less than the seam width and have a 5 mm margin, providing a layer of protection for the metal parts. Short masonry of partitions made of bricks with a length of less than 1.5 m is sufficient to be reinforced in a horizontal section.
Finishing brick partitions

A self-made brick partition can be plastered, and then pasted over with wallpaper or painted with a regular or textured composition.
If its surface is not flat enough, it is never too late to eliminate this defect by finishing the partition with plasterboard sheets, which can be attached to it with glue or pre-installing a metal frame.
Many people like the natural look of brick walls. Some of them are guided by economic considerations, while others find the masonry really romantic. The natural texture of brick decorates the room and gives it a special expressiveness.
The surface of the partition can be painted in the desired color or the brick can be varnished. Partitions made of silicate bricks and covered with white thick paint look beautiful. They evolve from a conventional design to a modern and stylish design.
Light-colored furniture, monochrome photographs and paintings look great against the background of natural brickwork. Decorative monochromatic objects such as candles and vases, placed on shelves or in niches, add a special elegance to the room.
With the right accessories, shades and well-organized lighting, clay brickwork fills the room with comfort and coziness. However, in striving for everything natural, it is important not to overdo it: you should not leave all brick walls and partitions in their natural form, since a basement may appear instead of a spectacular interior.
Brick lintels

Usually, a door or window opening is equipped with a lintel made of concrete, metal or wood. If the partition is not plastered, then such an element will look inconspicuous on it. Therefore, in such cases, lintels are made of selected bricks and are divided into three main types:
- Privates … The height of their masonry is 6-9 rows. Installation is carried out in accordance with all the rules for its dressing. For the manufacture of an ordinary lintel, a special formwork is required. Reinforcement and concrete mix are laid at its bottom. After the base is ready, brickwork is made.
- Wedge … In such lintels, the arrangement of the bricks forms V-shaped seams. The width of the wedge is 5 mm at the bottom and up to 25 mm at the top. Masonry is also carried out using formwork. The work is carried out simultaneously from both sides of the lintel with a gradual approach to its center.
- Arched … The formwork for such lintels is made in the form of a template provided by the design. Standard clinker bricks are used for masonry. The sequence of their installation is similar to the manufacture of a wedge lintel.
How to make a brick partition - watch the video:

As a result, it should be noted that brick partitions are the optimal solution for zoning a room. Their material is durable, moisture resistant and capable of withstanding fairly heavy loads, and the variety of shades and sizes of bricks allows you to adequately decorate any interior.