Two types of wallpaper on the wall, types of combination, the advantages of pasting, the choice of materials, their combinations and layout options. Two types of wallpaper on the wall are an excellent design solution that allows you to transform any room, visually dividing it into zones. Thanks to this method of pasting, you can mask the flaws of the room or emphasize its advantages. At the same time, the wallpaper can have different colors, textures and patterns, and the future result of the work can be estimated in advance by rolling two rolls side by side on the wall.
Types of combined wall decoration with wallpaper

The combination of two types of wallpaper on the wall can be vertical, horizontal, inset and patchwork. The version of the vertical division of the wallpaper is great, for example, for the living room. For him, material is often selected that has different patterns and colors, but the same width, texture and, most importantly, thickness. Design solutions can use a contrasting version with different colors or monochrome, which involves pasting the walls with wallpaper similar in shade.
With horizontal division, you can combine wallpapers of different thicknesses. For example, make the lower part of the wall embossed, and paste over its top with lighter textile wallpaper. In such cases, the joint between different types of wallpaper is upholstered with a decorative border.
Wallpaper inserts are designed to emphasize a certain area in the room, for example, you can paste over a corner in a nursery with one wallpaper color.
A patchwork combination of wallpaper implies the use of one background, but different patterns. Such pasting begins with patches, and already the main color is adjusted to them.
The advantages of wall decoration with wallpaper of two types

Using the above-described types of wall-papering of two types, you can get various effects of room decoration.
Vertical stripes of wallpaper visually enlarge the room. If it has high ceilings, which is primarily typical for the private sector and "Stalinok" apartments, it is possible to divide the walls with wallpaper in a horizontal direction so that the level of structures is not too conspicuous, especially in the presence of low furniture.
A visual increase in the space of a room can be achieved by pasting its corners with a darker material compared to the general background.
In addition, such a design is quite economical. Often, many stores arrange a sale of leftover material at discounted prices. Therefore, the composite bonding process can reduce the final cost of the repair without compromising its quality.
The choice of two types of wallpaper for wall decoration

Before buying wallpaper, you should calculate their number and plan possible options for combining canvases on the walls. First of all, you should take into account the features of the room: it is cold or warm, large or small, light or dark. Using options for combining wallpaper for wall decoration, you must follow certain rules. They take into account the height of ceilings, lighting and dimensions of the room, as well as the texture of the material. Let's consider them in more detail.
Ceiling height
This parameter of the room affects the choice of wallpaper pattern, and also largely determines their color and texture. When the height of the room is less than 2.5 m, canvases of soft texture and light colors are used. You can visually raise the ceilings by combining the main light background with a subtle pattern or texture and vertical stripes in the form of canvases of a different color, which can be located on two or three walls. Ceilings over three meters high require a completely different approach. Here the canvases should have a large pattern stretched across the width. You can divide the walls horizontally by using different wallpaper colors for the lower and upper parts of the structures. This technique is considered a classic, so that such a design looks decent, you should try very hard when choosing patterns and shades of paintings.
Room dimensions
In rooms of large areas, pasting walls can be done with wallpaper that has dark shades, which visually reduce the space. If dark monochromatic walls are undesirable, you can pick up wallpaper with a large light pattern with a floral theme, geometric shapes or abstraction.
In small rooms, the opposite is true: light colors are used. Wallpapers are selected with a medium-sized texture and not clearly expressed small patterns.
The geometric shape of the room for pasting walls with wallpaper of two types is also of great importance. In a long and narrow room, lighter wallpaper should be glued to short walls, and some of them should be wound around the corner. In this case, the difference in the size of the room will not be so noticeable.
There is another method used if the entrance to a narrow room is located in one of its long walls. In this case, the middle part of the opposite wall is highlighted with wallpaper of a different color, and the corners are pasted over with canvases intended for the short sides of the room.
Selection of texture
Combined wallpapering requires a careful approach to the selection of material thickness and texture. It is recommended to use the same type of canvases in combinations. With their angular docking, you can not pay special attention to the texture and thickness of the wallpaper. But if the joining of the canvases takes place on a common wall, then the transition will be emphasized by the difference in their thickness.
If, nevertheless, a decision has been made to glue different types of wallpaper, then for this you should use a suitable glue. For example, non-woven wallpaper is glued on one composition, and paper - on another. A way out of this situation can be the purchase of a universal glue, it is on sale.
Room lighting
If the room is light or its interior seems too monotonous, it is not at all necessary to glue dark wallpaper on absolutely all walls. One of them, located opposite the window, can be darkened a little, and the rest can be left light. As a result, there will be no oppressive atmosphere created by a dark background, and the light will not become so intrusive.
This trick can work in reverse as well. For a dark room, it is enough to stick light wallpaper on the wall opposite to the window. It will be much brighter.
The design style of the room must be chosen based on its functional purpose. Only after that you can select the colors of the wallpaper and decide on the method of decorating the walls with wallpaper of two types. Combined canvases must be in harmony with the interior and furniture of the room. The selection of wallpapers for the best combination is recommended when purchasing them. To do this, you just need to attach the canvases to each other and determine their suitability for the intended wall decoration. If any wallpaper rolls are available at home and you need to pick up a pair for them, for example, for patches or inserts, then a piece of canvas should be taken with you to the store for a sample.
Wallpapers of the same texture, but of different colors, are most often combined with each other. Combinations of monochromatic materials with a pattern from the same collection are also popular. In addition, combinations of canvases differing in texture and color are possible.
Options for pasting walls with wallpaper of two types
There are several techniques for combining wallpaper on the walls, which can be used both in its pure form and in all kinds of variations. It is important to have a good idea of the desired effect here.
Vertical finishing

Vertical stripes that visually increase the height of the room are not necessarily in the correct order. One wall may have striped wallpaper, while the rest may be colored or subtle pattern. But this decision is not always made. Vertical stripes can be distributed over different walls, and they can be duplicated at regular intervals.
Stripes may vary in pattern and color. This combination requires the same texture of the wallpaper. In this case, it is most convenient to use one collection of products. It can have 2-3 single-color backgrounds and various patterns. It is very difficult to compose wallpapers of different textures.
There is an interesting vertical combination technique that allows you to visually increase the height of the room: one of the stripes is placed on the ceiling, the border of the transition becomes indistinct, which gives a feeling of increasing space.
Horizontal pasting

This technique is a design classic. It has been used for a long time, but with today's variety of textures and colors of wallpaper, it has acquired a completely new quality. Horizontal subdivisions are often used in small rooms with high ceilings.
It can be a horizontal strip encircling the room, which is often located at the height of the window sills. In addition, such a strip is carried out in cases where the plane needs to be divided into three parts, while the border can be in the upper or lower third of the wall.
There are violations of this rule: sometimes the strip is made at eye level and decorated with decorative elements. This technique is often used when decorating hallways and corridors.
The division zone can be at the top. The lower part of the walls is traditionally decorated with dark colors, and the upper part with light ones.
Zoning of premises

Canvases of different colors, glued to the walls of one room, can conditionally divide it into functional areas, for example, relaxation and dining room.
A similar principle applies in the children's room. Here, gluing walls with two types of wallpaper can serve when dividing a room into zones for games, a table or a bed.
With this combination of wallpaper, the use of canvases of different textures is allowed, but the separation of their sections by moldings is almost never used. They try to do the docking in the corners of the room or select the wallpaper in such a way that the joints are not particularly noticeable.
Wallpaper in the form of a panel

These types of wallpapers have existed for a very long time. Once this material was made only of fabric, was framed, was insanely expensive and was available to wealthy people. From that time to the present day, such interior design has already become a classic. Embossed wallpaper, textured and silk-screen printing are now used for inserts.
If the style of the room allows, wallpaper elements of a different color are placed in a frame made of molding. This performance fits well with classics, country styles or Provence.
In the modern Art Nouveau style, a similar panel can be made too. In this case, the frame is made of material cut from the wallpaper.
Another option is to paste over the wall in the niche. In this case, the selection of texture and pattern is made according to the style, and the wallpaper is used from the same collection.
The selection of wallpaper can be carried out by a professional decorator, using his experience or flair. It is much more difficult for amateurs to do this.
Highlighting sections of walls with wallpaper

This technique uses the color accents of the material, it is applied on two principles. One of them is designed to distract attention from an unsightly interior element, such as curved walls. So that such a defect is not striking, the opposite wall is pasted over with canvases of a different color so that they immediately attract the eye.
Another technique involves highlighting the location of any piece of furniture. In bedrooms, this is usually a bed or an opposite wall. In kitchens, a table is often allocated, thus denoting the eating area. Partly this can be called zoning, partly - an accent.
Ordinary apartments do not have high ceilings, so the emphasis on their walls can be expressed in a vertical stripe. In a high room, accentuation can be done with a horizontal wide strip or any part of the wall.
Some rooms have niches or various protrusions of the walls, which the owners often try to disguise. But this is not worth doing. If such areas are highlighted with wallpaper of a completely different color, you can get an excellent design that will give the room individuality.
How to glue two types of wallpaper - look at the video:

By skillfully combining and using many contrasts of wallpaper, you can easily beat the flaws of any room in its geometry, ceiling height, size, and also divide the room into functional zones. Thanks to the huge assortment of wallpapers, it is very pleasant and easy to create an interesting design for your home. Good luck!