Wall primer: selection and preparation

Wall primer: selection and preparation
Wall primer: selection and preparation

A primer for walls, the purpose of preparatory mixtures, classification by composition, field of application, recipes for cooking at home. A primer for walls is a solution used for interior decoration, which serves as the basis for applying a finishing coating. It is subdivided into several varieties, while the basis for the classification is such parameters as the processed material, the type of finishing material, the composition of the primer solution and its functions.

Appointment of a primer for walls

Antifungal primer
Antifungal primer

A primer in any repair is an indispensable material, because thanks to its use, you can achieve the best quality of finishing work, extend the life of pasted wallpaper, applied paint, etc.

To better understand what a wall primer is for, we give a list of its main functions as a base mixture for the preliminary preparation of the vertical surfaces of a room before finishing:

  • Increase in adhesion, which allows the finishing material to better adhere to the wall surface, avoiding peeling.
  • Some primers are capable of making concrete, wood, drywall or other substrate more durable, as a result of which the strengthening of the base material prolongs its durability.
  • When applying mixtures to the wall, it is dust-free and surface leveling. Therefore, glue and paint lay down more evenly, while their consumption is reduced.
  • Protection against the development of bacteria, fungus and mold. This is especially true for rooms with high humidity, for external walls, for corners adjacent to the corners of basements.
  • After using some types of primer solutions, a thin film is formed on the surface of the walls, as a result of which its absorbent properties are leveled or significantly reduced, the porosity of the base material is regulated.
  • The formation of a film leads to an increase in moisture resistance.
  • Some primers protect metal elements from corrosion.

Options for choosing a primer for walls

Primer concrete-contact
Primer concrete-contact

What parameters can affect the choice of a primer for walls:

  1. View of the main wall material … For example, drywall, concrete, plaster, wood.
  2. Type of finishing material … For the best possible result, the base coat and finish must match. A win-win option is to choose a pre-mix and finishing material from the same manufacturer.
  3. Room humidity level … In case of high dampness, attention should be paid to antibacterial and antifungal treatment. Not all primers contain the substances necessary for these measures.
  4. Composition … Read carefully the composition and the designated area of application of the preparation solution. Some species contain harmful substances. In such cases, the manufacturer supplements the instructions with requirements for the conditions of use: the use of protective equipment during processing, mandatory ventilation of the room. For residential applications, it is better to choose a water-based primer.
  5. Manufacturer … Give preference to trusted, well-established manufacturers, for example, Tikkurila (Finland), Jobi (Germany), Knauf (Germany), Bergauf (Russia).

Let's describe some of the names of the demanded primers with a brief description:

  • Knauf Tiefengrund is a ready-to-use mortar that dries quickly, hardens the surface and improves adhesion.
  • Bergauf Tiefgrunt is a fairly economical deep-penetrating mixture, acrylic water-based, used as a universal product.
  • Feidal Tiefgrund LF is a concentrated primer used for the preparation of plasterboard walls, plastered, brick and other mineral materials.
  • Tikkurila Otex is an adhesive composition, dries quickly, has an alkyd base, is applicable to problematic surfaces, can be tinted.
  • Tikkurila Luya - an insulating compound, mainly applied to walls in damp rooms, has an anti-fungal component.
  • Tikkurila Euro Primer - a strengthening concentrate, dries up in 1, 5 hours, has water-repellent, anti-fungal properties, is used both in dry rooms and in rooms with high humidity, is the basis for Tikkurila paints.
  • Jobi TIEFGRUND is an acrylic based primer used for plaster, drywall, concrete, brick, penetrates deeply, strengthens and improves adhesion.
  • Ceresit CT 17 is a universal primer.

The seller in a large specialized store, where many manufacturers are represented and there is a wide range of preparatory mixtures, will help you decide which soil to choose.

The main types of primers for walls

Different types of wall primers can perform the functions described above in different combinations. The mechanism of action, the base material, and also the composition are used as the basis for differentiating the preparatory mixtures into types.

Types of wall primers according to the mechanism of action

Deep penetration primer
Deep penetration primer

Each primer has its own mechanism of action, so a special effect can be achieved. Let us consider in more detail the effect of preparatory mixtures on the wall material:

  1. Deep penetrating impregnation … It is used for drywall, aerated concrete, aerated concrete, brick and plastered walls, which are characterized as porous, loose or weak substrates. It has a strengthening effect, increases adhesion, reduces porosity and absorbency, therefore paint consumption is significantly reduced. A suitable finish is putty, painting, heavy wallpaper. Best not to use on poorly absorbent surfaces.
  2. Adhesive solutions … This type is designed to improve the adhesion of finishing materials to the wall surface. It is applied to materials that are characterized by low moisture absorption, high density, for example, PVC plastic, glass, steel, tiles.
  3. Antifungal mixtures … Their use is designed to combat fungal spores and mold, to prevent their appearance. It is recommended to treat the surface of the walls in the bathroom, kitchen with an antifungal primer, where the humidity is high, and therefore there is already or, possibly, a harmful microorganism will appear. Porous and weak surfaces that are prone to destruction are subject to processing.
  4. Insulating primer … With its help, a vapor-permeable film appears on the processed material, which is able to maximally isolate the base from the finish. For example, treatment with this primer is possible to change from oil paint to water-based paint, while the finishing material is significantly saved, because the surface becomes smooth. Sealants mask felt-tip marks, nicotine stains or rusty streaks.
  5. Universal formulations … This option has insulating and deep-penetrating properties. It immediately performs the function of strengthening the base material and creating a resistant film that regulates adhesion and water permeability.

Classification of primers for walls by composition

Acrylic primer
Acrylic primer

The composition of the primer for walls can include both natural and synthetic substances. Depending on the base used, the following types are distinguished:

  • PVA based … Has a lot of disadvantages. The formed film does not allow air vapor to pass through, peels off quickly.
  • Acrylic wall primer … It is a representative of universal primers. It is recommended to use it on walls made of any material in order to improve adhesion and strengthen the base. However, metal surface treatment is fraught with corrosion. Significant advantages: safety, odorless, high drying speed. Water-based solutions are applicable for painting with emulsion water-borne paints and enamels.
  • Alkyd primer solutions … They can be based on phosphate or zinc chromate. If the first option is mainly famous only for its anti-corrosion properties and is used before painting with an alkyd mixture, then the second is more versatile, because increases the adhesion of almost any material. The use of an alkyd primer is ideal for treating wooden walls, but it can also be used on glass, tiles, fiberglass, steel. However, it is not recommended to apply on mineral substrates, drywall. The period of complete drying is quite long: up to 15 hours.
  • Mineral soils … It is often based on cement as a binding element, sometimes gypsum or lime. It is used for the primary treatment of walls made of bricks, plaster, concrete, expanded clay concrete or gas silicate blocks or other mineral material. They level the surface by filling small pores, therefore they are often used before gluing wallpaper. Drying times have a wide range (from 2 to 48 hours) and depend on the composition.

In addition to the main component, the composition of pretreatment mixtures most often includes substances that can form a film on the surface (resins, various types of glue, bitumen, oils), drying accelerators, pigments, etc.

Both ready-made solutions and concentrates are on sale, which must be diluted with water or some other solvent.

Types of wall primers by base material

Wood primer
Wood primer

Primers can also be classified according to the material to which they can be applied. For example, there are the following types:

  1. For mineral bases … This includes concrete, gypsum, brick, stone, plaster, etc.
  2. By wood … The primer is designed to improve adhesion, harden, protect from rot, moisture, fungus.
  3. For metal … Pre-treatment before finishing provides the metal with anti-corrosion properties and improves adhesion.
  4. Glass and plastic … The main vocation of the primer is to improve adhesion, because these materials do not absorb moisture, so there is a high probability of the fragility of the finish.

Before buying a primer for walls, be sure to explain to the seller what material the walls are made of, in what condition they are and what type of finishing will be used.

Useful tips for choosing wall primers

Wall primer roller
Wall primer roller

So that saving money on the purchase of special soil does not result in low quality repair work and a reduced service life of finishing materials, listen to the following recommendations:

  • When diluting concentrated primers, follow the manufacturer's instructions, carefully observing the proportions indicated in it, so that the declared consumption of the primer for the walls is maintained. The actual decrease in this indicator is possible if the wall material is very porous and, therefore, absorbs a lot of mortar.
  • For the treatment of wooden surfaces, it is not recommended to make the primer yourself, because for such a capricious building material, the preparatory mixtures have a complex composition on an acrylic, alkyd base with the use of antiseptic agents.
  • Instead of PVA glue for priming walls, you can use any other glue that will be applied to wallpaper. After dilution, it is immediately applied to the wall, and wallpaper is glued on top of it.
  • Avoid mixing primers from different manufacturers. Despite the common scope and purpose, they have a different composition, so it is difficult to predict what chemical reactions will occur when mixing and what result it will bring.
  • Some soils can be tinted. This is very convenient when you need to paint the walls, while there is a significant saving in finishing material. In this case, use colourants from the same company and with the same base as the primer.

How to make a wall primer

Crushed soap for making a primer
Crushed soap for making a primer

The easiest, but not the cheapest option is to use ready-made primers. Concentrates are slightly cheaper in terms of the area to be treated. But the soil for the walls can be made independently. We will describe several ways how to make a primer for walls.

To harden the main surface of the walls, prepare a strengthening composition. The necessary components and their volume are as follows: copper sulfate - 1 unit, bone carpenter's glue - 5 parts, laundry soap (60%) - 2 parts.

The manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  1. Grind the soap with a kitchen grater.
  2. Boil clean water in an enamel container.
  3. Add soap powder and on the lowest heat, dilute it in water until smooth, stirring constantly with a wooden stick.
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients.
  5. The resulting mixture should be cooked over low heat for half an hour. Remember to stir it so that the solution is free of lumps.
  6. After the specified time has elapsed, the mixture must be drained immediately. For this, you can use a sieve or several layers of gauze.
  7. The hardening primer will be ready to use when it has cooled completely.

To avoid peeling of the finishing coating from the walls, the appearance of yellow spots on the wallpaper, do not use pure PVA glue as a primer. It will be more reliable to make a deep-penetrating strengthening solution with its use. Main components: PVA glue (1 part), water (8 parts), a little cement.

The cooking process is quite simple and provides for the elementary mixing of components without cooking. Finally, the solution must be filtered. Do not use this primer later than a day after production.

How to choose a primer for walls - watch the video:

Knowing the types of preparatory solutions and their area of application, it will not be difficult to determine which primer is best for the walls, it is only necessary to take into account the type of material being processed, the level of humidity in the room and the type of finishing material.
