Positive and negative aspects of warming an attic with penofol, advice on choosing high-quality material, insulation options for the upper floor, technology for performing work. Insulation of an attic with penofol is a covering of the floor and roof of the upper floor with roll material to create a main or additional insulating layer. Due to the special structure, the canvas is very thin and retains the useful area of the room. Information on the main properties of the product and the rules for forming a protective shell on the technical floor is given in the article below.
Features of thermal insulation of the attic with penofol

In the cold season, up to 40% of the thermal energy can escape through the roof, so the upper floor is never left without insulation. One of the options for solving the problem is to use penofol insulation, a multilayer roll material based on foamed polystyrene foam with a foil coating.
It has unusual properties - it prevents heat leakage through convention, conduction and infrared radiation. Of great importance is the metal layer, which reflects 97% of the thermal energy. The rest of the insulators have only one of these properties.
The material is produced in several modifications, which differ in the placement of the metal shell on one or both sides and the presence of an adhesive composition. The product is sold in rolls with a length of 5 to 50 m and a width of 580 to 1200 mm, which allows you to select blanks of the required dimensions and avoid unnecessary waste. It is produced with a thickness of only 2-10 mm, but due to a wide range of protection, the insulation is able to replace thick insulators. There are also more massive panels, but they are inconvenient for installation.
In the attics of residential buildings, the product is most often used as an additional insulator, for example, with stone wool or foam. When creating an insulating layer, the following points must be taken into account:
- Technical floors of summer cottages and other buildings for temporary residence from the inside are sewn up only with penofol.
- The roof protects the room from moisture that can enter from above. If the roof leaks, the water will promote rotting of the wooden structures. Penofol is able to prevent moisture from lumber. It is laid directly under the roof covering, leaving a gap between the insulation and the cladding. Moisture is removed along with the circulating air through the technological holes in the cladding.
- The most effective insulating "pie" with the use of foam foam, in which on both sides of the product there are air gaps within 10 mm. They enhance the heat-insulating effect, therefore the installation of the product is carried out on the lathing. The number of air layers on the roof can be up to six, but usually two are made.
- Moisture can enter the slats and rafters from the inside. Moisture-laden air rises and condenses on a cold surface. To avoid unpleasant consequences, lumber is covered with a second row of products. In the case of a warm attic, the bottom sheets will protect the base layer from humid air.
Advantages and disadvantages of warming the attic with penofol

The material has earned its popularity due to its versatility and easy installation.
Experts note the following positive qualities of the product:
- Low weight, which makes it indispensable when working at height.
- Aluminum foil is water and vapor impermeable, so penofol does not lose its quality at high humidity. When installing it, additional waterproofing is not required.
- After warming, the house becomes quieter.
- It does not emit fumes that are harmful to humans. For its production, the same components are used as in the food industry.
- A 1 cm thick canvas can replace 8 cm thick mineral wool, so it is often laid in low attics.
- The product is sold in rolls, which makes it easy to install.
- Sheets are easy to cut.
- The material does not burn, it can be used in fire-hazardous buildings.
- Mice don't like him.
When working with penofol, you must remember about its disadvantages:
- The product is rarely used on its own. Its main purpose is to improve the characteristics of the main heat insulator.
- The material is soft, tears quickly.
- It cannot be covered with plaster.
Penofol attic insulation technology
The insulation technique for the upper floor depends on the purpose of the room. In cold attics, floors are covered, in warm ones - only the roof. When forming the "pie", it is necessary to lay the sheets correctly: the side with the foil should be directed up or down, depending on the task it is performing. Failure to follow the recommendations for the manufacture of an insulating layer will reduce the expected effect.
Select consumables

Use only high-quality samples to insulate the attic. Pay attention to factors such as:
- Products must comply with TU 224-056-4696843-98.
- The material is sold in rolls. The winding is tight, there are no distortions.
- There are no through holes, cuts and tears on the canvas.
- The product is sold in its original packaging made of plastic wrap. The edges are taped with tape.
- At the warehouse, penofol is stored in a pallet or on racks. The temperature regime of +20 degrees and humidity of 50-70% must be maintained.
- The workpieces are located at a distance of at least 1 m from the heating devices.
- The label contains basic information about the product: manufacturer, size, date of manufacture, warranty period (usually 1 year), thermophysical characteristics, applicability.
Penofol is produced in various modifications. The following models are suitable for the attic:
- Type "A" - the aluminum layer is placed on one side only. Mainly used in conjunction with other insulators.
- Type "B" - foil on both sides of the canvas. Can be used as an independent floor and roof insulation.
- Type "C" - one side has a sticky layer. Simplifies fixing the product to a flat surface.
For fixing to the plane, you can use universal or special adhesives that meet the following requirements:
- The products are intended for indoor use. The corresponding entry is made in the certificate of conformity and the degree of toxicity is given. In operated attics, it is allowed to use harmless substances, for example, "Universal" or "Express" adhesives.
- The tool performs its functions at large temperature drops, which is very important for technical floors.
- The solution contains antiseptic additives.
- Has a long service life.
- The composition contains no components that destroy the product.
- Welcon Easy-Mix PE-PP 45 belongs to special mixtures. It differs from universal analogs in its long service life and reliable attachment to any material. The disadvantages include a long curing time - more than 24 hours.
- For gluing penofol, you can also use 88 Luxe, Nairit-1 (88-Sh), Porolop-2 (88-P2), 88 Metal. They are sold in bags.
After fastening to the surface, the joints of the sheets must be closed with adhesive tape having the following characteristics:
- The product is reinforced metallized with an adhesive layer of more than 20 microns.
- The product is intended for sealing and thermal insulation.
- Scotch tape retains its function when exposed to water and dust.
- The tape is durable and wear-resistant.
- Does not lose quality at a temperature of -20 + 60 degrees.
Laying penofol in a cold attic

The composition of the insulating "pie" depends on the purpose of the upper floor.
If a building for temporary residence, (for example, a house at a summer cottage), penofol is used independently, therefore buy material of type "B" - with two-sided foil placement. When laying a type "A" product, the location of the metal layer on the surface must comply with the requirements of the thermal insulation technology.
Cold attics in residential buildings are being finalized in a combined way - penofol plus the main insulator. In this case, the product increases the effectiveness of the protective layer.
Roof insulation is performed as follows:
- Cover the outside of the rafters with the sheets of foil facing up. The joints should be located on the beams, overlapping is not allowed.
- Secure the panel with a stapler.
- Glue the connection with reinforced tape.
- Fill the slats with a height of 40-50 mm from above. Mount the lathing and roofing on them.
- From the side of the attic, cover the roof with a second sheet of foam foam and fix it in this position with a construction stapler, in which a gap of 10 mm will remain between both panels. The aluminum layer should point downwards.
- Seal the joints with reinforced tape.
- It is not necessary to sew up penofol from below with hard board material.
The product can be used as an independent floor insulation. In this case, a vapor barrier must be installed on the ceiling from the side of the room, which will not allow moist air to flow to the roof.
Modification of wooden floors is carried out in the following sequence:
- Cut the pieces of material so that they can be laid between the logs with an overlap of 10-15 cm on the beams, and the distance between the top and bottom sheet was 5-10 cm.
- Put the sheets between the logs on the floor with the foil down and fasten to the slats with a construction stapler, keeping the previous condition for laying the insulation.
- Cover the power beams with penofol in such a way that the joints fall on them. The aluminum layer should be at the bottom. Secure the canvas with a construction stapler to the beams.
- Glue the joints with reinforced tape. Install wooden decks for walking.
When insulating the concrete floors of the attic, first lay the foam foil down and seal the joints with adhesive tape. On top, mount a batten of rails with a height of 40-50 mm. Lay the second piece of cloth on the crate and secure it with a construction stapler. Glue the joints with tape.
Installation of penofol to create a warm attic

In this case, the insulation acts as an additional coating. The main heat insulator can be traditional materials - mineral wool, foam insulation, ecowool, etc.
When finalizing the roof, perform the following operations:
- Put a vapor barrier film on the outside of the rafters and fix it to the wooden structures with a stapler. Glue the joints with metallized tape.
- On top of the film, mount the lathing under the cladding.
- Install the roofing.
- From the inside, install mineral wool, penoizol, etc. between the rafters. and fix in a position where there is a gap of 10 mm between the insulator and the film.
- Under the main insulation, fix the foam foil downwards, leaving a gap of 10 mm.
- The sheet can be fixed with a construction stapler or planks.
- Glue the joints with reinforced tape.
Covering the floor in a warm attic is not recommended. Warm air from the lower rooms passes through it and increases the temperature in the room.
Bonding insulation to the pediment

Usually, in this way, the upper floors in buildings for temporary residence, for example, in summer cottages, are thermally insulated. The light weight of the product does not require the calculation of the strength of the connection. For work, it is recommended to choose a thick canvas.
Perform the operations in the following sequence:
- On the plastered surface, check the condition of the cement layer, remove the loose coating.
- If you find mold and mildew, scrape them off. Dry problem areas with a construction hairdryer. Treat the wall with an antiseptic.
- Remove oil stains with a solvent.
- Remove anything that could compromise the integrity of the penofol.
- Seal the cracks in the plaster with a cement-sand mortar.
- If the pediment is wooden, fill small gaps with caulk, large ones with tow and foam.
- Treat lumber with antiseptics and fire retardants.
- Apply a primer to the pediment that is compatible with the adhesive.
- Prepare the mixture according to the manufacturer's instructions. If there is a sticky layer, remove the protective tape.
- Cover the non-foil side completely with the solution and spread it evenly over the sheet. Check that there are no untreated areas at the edges.
- Let the mortar thicken for 1 minute to ensure good adhesion.
- Press the material to the surface and smooth it gently. Do not glue the pieces so that the edges are in the corners.
- Repeat the operation for the next piece. The sheets must only be stacked end-to-end.
How to insulate an attic with penofol - watch the video:

The work on warming the attic with penofol is quite difficult due to the presence of a metallized layer and the need to create gaps on both sides of the canvas. Deviation from installation technology leads to constant heat leakage, so take this task seriously.