Thermal insulation of a bath with polystyrene foam

Thermal insulation of a bath with polystyrene foam
Thermal insulation of a bath with polystyrene foam

There is a lot of debate about the safety of using foam for warming a bath. Where this material can be used effectively, you can find out from our recommendations. And step-by-step instructions will help you understand the technological processes and perform them yourself. Content:

  1. Features of insulation
  2. Insulation technology

    • Foundation
    • Floor
    • Walls
    • Ceiling

One of the most inexpensive modern synthetic insulation materials is foam. The structure of the material is represented by microscopic air bubbles in a thin polystyrene shell. It is used for thermal insulation of walls, floors and ceilings in a bath.

Features of bath insulation with foam

Polyfoam for bath insulation
Polyfoam for bath insulation

In addition to high heat-insulating characteristics, among the main advantages of this insulation are:

  • Durability … Under conditions of constant exposure to an aggressive environment, the material serves for about 20 years. At normal temperature and humidity, the service life is almost 50 years.
  • Moisture resistance … Polyfoam practically does not absorb moisture.
  • Structure stability … The insulation can withstand temperature drops from -60 to +95 degrees, without collapsing and without emitting toxic substances.
  • Biological neutrality … In addition to the field of thermal insulation, it is even used in the food industry and the production of children's toys.
  • Relative cheapness … This material has a low price compared to other synthetic heat insulators.
  • Light weight … Due to this, it is widely used to insulate the ceiling of a bath.

In addition, the foam does not require additional processing, is easy to cut, quickly installed, and does not rot.

However, with so many advantages, this material has a significant drawback - it burns, releasing toxic substances. Many manufacturers add special non-combustible polymers to it and claim that such foam melts and does not support the combustion process. Judging by the technical characteristics of such foam, the melting temperature of the insulation is about 95 degrees, and spontaneous combustion is more than 490 degrees.

If we talk about the level of heat saving of foam in bath rooms, then a standard 6-cm layer of insulation can replace 10 cm of mineral wool, 20 cm of wood, 0.5 meters of foam concrete, 0.8 meters of brickwork, 2 meters of concrete. Due to these characteristics, the material is very popular for the external thermal insulation of the bath.

It is necessary to buy polystyrene from well-known and trusted manufacturers. Cheap and uncertified material may contain toxic substances.

Technology of thermal insulation of a bath with polystyrene foam

If you decide to use this material for thermal insulation, then you need to take care of high-quality ventilation of the room in advance. Polyfoam absolutely does not allow steam and air to pass through. Also note that it is strictly forbidden for them to insulate the steam room from the inside due to exposure to high temperatures. It is often used to insulate brick baths, since the tree itself has high thermal insulation characteristics and at the same time "breathes".

Instructions for insulating the basement of a bath with foam

The scheme of insulation of the basement of the bath with polystyrene foam
The scheme of insulation of the basement of the bath with polystyrene foam

Polyfoam is the optimal material for thermal insulation of the strip foundation of a brick bath on clay soils. We carry out work in the following sequence:

  1. We remove a layer of soil around the base to the depth of freezing.
  2. We prepare a mixture of molten bitumen and gasoline in equal parts.
  3. We clean the walls and open them with the prepared solution. You can also use a primer.
  4. After drying, apply liquid rubber to the surface with a brush or melt roll bitumen with a torch. This is necessary for waterproofing.
  5. We fix the foam plates from the bottom up, fixing them with bitumen-polymer mastic.
  6. The joints between the elements are also additionally lubricated with adhesive.
  7. After full foam coating, we apply a second waterproofing layer.
  8. We make a protective wall from bricks, boards or geotextiles. It will protect the insulation from the severity of the soil.
  9. We install the blind area.

Please note that polyurethane or other glue that does not include toluene, acetone and gasoline can be used to mount the foam plates.

Rules for floor insulation in a bath with foam plastic

Thermal insulation with foam plastic floor in the bath
Thermal insulation with foam plastic floor in the bath

This material is not used for thermal insulation between the logs in the bath due to high temperatures. They can only be safely insulated with a dirt floor under a cement screed.

In the process, we adhere to the following instructions:

  • We level and compact the soil.
  • Fill in fine gravel with a layer of about 10 cm and tamp it carefully.
  • On top we make a mound of sand of the same thickness and compact the layer.
  • We lay a waterproofing film. You can even use polyethylene for this.
  • We install foam plates with a thickness of about 20 cm, fastening them with polyurethane glue without solvents or bitumen-polymer mastic.
  • We re-lay a double layer of waterproofing.
  • We pour concrete with an admixture of foam crumbs or expanded clay with a layer of 5 cm.
  • After complete drying, we lay a mesh of metal reinforcement.
  • Fill in a second 5 cm layer of concrete with a slope towards the drain and wait for it to dry.
  • We lay the floorboards.

Such a flooring will save heat as efficiently as possible and will not succumb to the aggressive effects of moisture.

The specifics of the insulation of the walls of the bath with polystyrene foam

The scheme of insulation of the walls of the bath outside with foam
The scheme of insulation of the walls of the bath outside with foam

It is strictly forbidden to insulate the walls inside the steam room with this material for several reasons: the insulation does not withstand high temperatures, due to air tightness, the dew point shifts, which leads to the formation of condensation in the room. However, polystyrene is suitable for external insulation of walls of brick structures.

Work is carried out in the following order:

  1. We attach the corner brackets to the wall.
  2. Insert 6-8 cm thick foam plates between the corners.
  3. We glue the sheets together with a special adhesive solution.
  4. We cover thoroughly on top with waterproofing mastic. Also for this you can use plate and roll materials.
  5. We mount special guides at the corners.
  6. We fasten the galvanized crate to the corners.
  7. We install the cladding.

Since this material is easily damaged by mechanical stress, the insulation of the bath outside with foam plastic must necessarily be accompanied by high-quality waterproofing and installation of a protective cover.

The material is also used for thermal insulation of internal partitions in the bath. However, they cannot insulate the walls bordering the steam room or washing compartment.

Features of ceiling insulation in a bath with polystyrene foam

Ceiling insulation scheme in a bath
Ceiling insulation scheme in a bath

It is known that the highest temperature in the bath is under the ceiling. Therefore, it is forbidden to use this material for its thermal insulation. The only possible insulation option is to lay the foam sheets as a second layer of the insulating “pie”. For example, on top of a rammed mound of clay or expanded clay. However, even in this case, a lot of attention must be paid to vapor protection and ventilation. For these reasons, it is better to replace the foam with a safer heat insulator.

How to insulate a bath with foam - watch the video:

Correct use of foam for bath insulation will allow you to minimize energy losses up to 70%. Acting according to the instructions given, you can independently perform thermal insulation of the foundation, floor and walls in a brick bath as efficiently as possible.
