In order to completely destroy mold spores, you need to find out and eliminate the cause of their possible appearance. Most often, mold occurs in damp, dark places where it is warm and which are poorly ventilated Nowadays, the scale of repair work taking place everywhere is grandiose. Thanks to the variety of building tools and materials, it is now available to everyone and can be performed in the shortest possible time. Sometimes there are unpleasant consequences of the repair, when mold stains appear on the walls and spoil the whole picture. Then the main task for the owners of the premises is getting rid of the pores of the mold. Read how to dry damp walls.
Why does mold appear
In order to completely destroy mold spores, you need to find out and eliminate the cause of their possible appearance. Most often, mold occurs in damp, dark places where it is warm and poorly ventilated. Sometimes dampness in a building can be caused by leaking pipes and a problem roof. When exposed to such favorable conditions, mold fungus quickly spreads indoors and destroys clothes, wallpaper, books and furniture upholstery.
Mold on the walls occurs due to high humidity or the use of low-quality blocks in the construction of a house. You can get rid of mold on the walls by providing good ventilation in the room and checking the insulation, because its poor quality provokes the development of fungus.

The simplest remedy for mold is antiseptic primer, which helps to get rid of spores and prevents their reappearance. Before applying the product, you must first remove the mold spores and allow the surface to dry. Then apply the primer evenly over a dry, clean surface using a spray gun or paintbrush for six hours. After that, the walls must be cleaned of dirt residues, dried and primed again. After a day, you can glue the wallpaper or apply paint. Mold in the bathroom washed off with soapy water or bleach, which is diluted with water in a ratio of one to eleven. The solution is applied with a cloth, sponge or soft brush to stains, and then washed off with warm water. Exhaust ventilation should be used regularly to reduce humidity in the bathroom, especially before showering.
V basement You can get rid of mold spores and a musty smell with bleach or bleach, which crumbles on the floor, and after a day is removed with a vacuum cleaner or a broom and thrown away.
Remove fungus from upholstery and clothing
not difficult. To do this, the thing is taken out in the sun, cleaned from mold with a stiff brush and left for airing. If after this the stain still remains, then it must be washed off with hot water with the addition of washing bleach.
Mold is removed from leather items and furniture with vodka or alcohol solution. First, the stain is wiped with a cloth previously moistened with the solution, then washed with clean water and dried.
Noticing mold indoors, it is necessary to immediately begin to fight with her, otherwise her spores can cause various diseases in households.
After getting rid of mold
you need to take the necessary measures to help prevent its reappearance. Among such activities, one can single out: timely repair of water pipes and taps, high-quality ventilation, airing the room, the use of special finishing materials that are resistant to water.
By following these simple guidelines, you can permanently get rid of mold spores and enjoy clean and fresh air in your home.