Find out how to independently remove mold on the walls, which means to use for this purpose, and which ones are better to refuse. Probably, everyone has come across mold on the walls, which manifests itself in ugly black stains or green spots and has a very unaesthetic appearance. But few people know that you need to get rid of this misfortune when the first signs appear, since it is very dangerous to human health. That is why it will be useful for every housewife to know effective tools and methods that will help to quickly solve this problem.
Mold is a microorganism that spores are found in almost every home. But it is not always possible to detect it with the naked eye, so in some cases it may be necessary to use special equipment. When the most favorable conditions for mold appear, its intensive development begins, and the problem can become more widespread.
Traces of this microorganism can be found in the most unexpected places - for example, mold often grows on wood, concrete, protein glue, wood filler, paper, linen and food. Mold growth occurs in any area with high humidity.
The causes of mold

Before you start looking for methods that will help you get rid of mold once and for all, you need to accurately establish the reasons that provoke its appearance:
- Mold is a dangerous microorganism that can get inside the apartment on shoes, food, outerwear, animal hair, etc.
- After the particles of the microorganism enter the nutrient medium, intensive reproduction of spores begins and this process sometimes occurs at an astronomical speed, therefore, in the near future, you can notice a fungus on wood, fabric, paper or houseplants.
- The ideal climate for mold growth is high air humidity (approximately 50–70%), as well as with poor room ventilation. Most often, mold appears in the toilet, kitchen and bathroom, after which it can spread throughout the apartment.
- As a rule, mold develops in apartments on the first and last floors of high-rise buildings, because in this case there is a damp basement with not very good waterproofing or poor insulation of the roof.
Experts identify several main reasons that can provoke the appearance of a fungus in the room:
- Improper circulation of air flows, resulting in stagnation of air in the room.
- Increased humidity in the room, which can be triggered by the frequent use of humidifiers, the presence of a large number of flower pots in the room, constant drying of wet clothes, etc.
- Use in the construction of drywall, since this material is one of the main reasons for the development and further spread of mold throughout the apartment.
Before starting the fight against mold, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause that could cause its appearance. If it is not eliminated, ugly spots of fungus will soon appear again on the walls or furniture.
How to remove mold from walls?

It is important to remember that only an integrated approach will help to completely get rid of mold. It will not be enough just to clean the walls or get rid of old furniture, because you need to completely remove all toxic spores:
- Mechanical cleaning of all surfaces affected by the fungus is performed, all stains and black spots are removed.
- In areas where there was a fungus, treatment is carried out with a special agent that destroys mold spores.
- We must try to completely get rid of things on the surface of which there is a fungus, because even after removing it, over time, mold can appear again.
- It is important to regularly ventilate the premises to ensure proper air circulation.
- The general level of humidity in the apartment decreases.
Effective remedies for removing black mold from walls

Today there is a fairly large number of the most diverse, effective and quite affordable means that will help you quickly get rid of the fungus.

Almost every housewife is familiar with such an active substance as sodium hypochlorite. This agent is not very aggressive and less toxic, unlike a special primer, while it is dangerous for the fungus and its spores. The simplest bleach will help get rid of almost all types of mold in your apartment.
This product is useful for treating floors, glass and tiles. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a mixture of bleach and water (the components are taken in a ratio of 1:10).
Consider the fact that bleach is corrosive, which is why it can discolor colored items. During the treatment of surfaces on which fungal spores have appeared, it is necessary to use protective equipment so that the chemical solution does not get on the skin, otherwise you can get a serious burn. During operation, it is necessary to open the windows in the room to ensure effective ventilation.
Table vinegar

Vinegar is a weak acid solution that can neutralize about 80% of various types of mold. This product is less toxic than bleach, but it leaves an unpleasant specific scent that will take some time to get rid of.
To remove fungus from the walls, it is necessary to treat with vinegar all areas where traces of mold have been noticed. To make it convenient to work, you can pour the product into a spray bottle, after which all infected surfaces are processed.
After an hour and a half, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse all the treated areas with plenty of clean water and ventilate the room to remove the pungent vinegar smell.
As a preventive measure, in order to prevent the reappearance of mold, it is necessary to treat the infected surfaces with vinegar every 7-10 days.
Hydrogen peroxide

This tool has antifungal and antibacterial action, which is why it is ideal for combating fungus. Today, you can buy 3% hydrogen peroxide at any pharmacy. This drug is not only effective, but also completely safe, so it will not harm your health and will not leave an unpleasant odor.
All areas where traces of mold have been noticed should be thoroughly washed with hydrogen peroxide. Then you need to wait 10-15 minutes and clean the surfaces with a stiff brush.
Before using hydrogen peroxide, it is important to remember that this product has the same effect as bleach, so it can lighten treated areas and is not recommended for use on painted surfaces.

This tool perfectly removes traces of fungus, and is also suitable for processing non-porous glass or tile surfaces. But it is not recommended to use it for cleaning porous materials from mold.
To remove the fungus, it is necessary to mix equal amounts of water and ammonia, after which the composition is poured into a spray bottle, and the foci of the fungus are treated. After a few hours, all treated areas are rinsed with clean water.
If ammonia is used, it is necessary to work in a special protective mask, as unpleasant sore throat and severe headache may appear. It is strictly forbidden to mix bleach with ammonia, as the resulting composition will emit poisonous gas and there is a risk of serious poisoning, which in the most severe cases is fatal.
Baking soda

Baking soda is one of the most effective and completely safe mold removers. There are no aggressive substances in its composition, therefore, this method will not harm health and can be used at any time, as well as as a prevention of the re-development of the fungus.
First you need to prepare a cleaning composition - water (1 tbsp) and baking soda (1 tsp) are mixed. All problem areas are treated with the resulting mixture, after which the soda does not have to be washed off with water. The resulting layer will be an excellent protection against the re-formation of fungus.

This is one of the most popular and effective folk remedies that helps to get rid of the fungus on the walls in a relatively short period of time. Borax has pronounced herbicidal, insecticidal and fungicidal properties.
It is a natural mold inhibitor, so an aqueous solution of borax helps to quickly get rid of mold and remove ugly black stains from walls and furniture.
Before applying the borax solution to the infected area, it is necessary to treat it with a vacuum cleaner brush. Next, borax (1 tbsp.) Is mixed with water (2, 5 l). The resulting solution is wiped off the infected area and the treated area is blotted with a dry cloth, as it is imperative to remove excess moisture.
The borax solution does not have to be rinsed off the wall or furniture, as once it dries, it creates a protective film that prevents mold from reoccurring.
Copper sulfate

A solution of copper sulfate can be used to remove mold from the walls in the bathroom. To prepare it, copper sulfate (100 g) is taken and dissolved in water (10 l). Before using this product, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it can leave a light blue tint on the treated surface.
Laundry soap

You can use this tool if the mold problem has not become global in nature and has not spread to large surfaces. To combat the fungus, it is necessary to use a solution of laundry soap, which contains alkali.
Tea tree oil

To remove mild molds, tea tree essential oil can be used. 2 tsp dissolves in 2 glasses of water. oil, after which the resulting composition is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the infected areas. After this product dries, a thin protective film forms on the treated surface, which does not need to be washed off.
Grapefruit Seed Extract

Cool water is drawn into a glass, after which the extract of grapefruit seeds is dissolved in it (about 10-15 drops of a disinfectant will be needed). The resulting composition is poured into a spray bottle, and all contaminated surfaces are treated. This solution does not need to be washed off, as after drying, a protective film forms, which will prevent the reappearance of the fungus.
Regardless of what kind of product will be used to combat mold, in order to completely get rid of it, it is necessary to take appropriate measures when the first signs of fungus appear.
How to remove mold from walls, learn from this video: