Coriander and the main components of its composition. Useful properties of the product and precautions for its use. Interesting information about seeds. The use of spices in cooking in the manufacture of delicious dishes. The sounded spice is a universal remedy in the fight and prevention of many diseases. However, you should be extremely careful when using any spice.
Harm and contraindications to the use of coriander

Despite all its useful properties, such a spice has a number of restrictions on its use:
- Weak nervous system … Even a completely healthy person needs to eat 4 g of coriander seeds per day. Exceeding the sounded norm leads to overexcitation of the nervous system, after which the individual's sleep-wake regime is disturbed.
- Pregnancy … Doctors for expectant mothers who love spices are advised to minimize the use of coriander seeds. Ideally, while carrying a child, you need to completely abandon them.
- Thrombophlebitis … Superficial and deep veins sometimes become inflamed, after which they become blocked. It is during this period that it is dangerous to use coriander as an addition to the main dish.
- Heart problems … First of all, we are talking about ischemic heart disease (coronary heart disease). With ischemia, there is a weakening of blood circulation in a specific area of the sounded organ. Therefore, adding coriander seeds to your diet is prohibited.
- Chronic gastrointestinal diseases … In the form of prevention of such pathologies, this product can be used. However, even with the existing problem in the form of gastritis (with high acidity), stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers, the seeds cannot be consumed.
Contraindications of coriander are minor, but it is not recommended to abuse it. People who care about their health always consult a gastroenterologist before taking any seasoning.
Coriander recipes

At home, it's really possible to cook various goodies with coriander, which will not be inferior to restaurant masterpieces:
- Korean salad … 300 g of processed chicken ventricles are dipped in hot water, which is then brought to a boil. 50 g of parsley roots are added to the liquid, which are then boiled for 1-1, 5 hours. It is necessary to cool them without removing them from such a vegetable broth in order to avoid browning. It also contains 80 g of boiled beets and 1 chopped carrot, which were marinated with coriander and lemon juice for an hour. 250 g of Chinese cabbage is cut into the dish where the salad will be placed. The vegetable is salted, sprinkled with vinegar and left to marinate for 15 minutes. Chilled chicken ventricles, carrots and beets are added to the cabbage. The dish is supplemented with 3 g of paprika and infused for 2 hours.
- Seafood salad … 800 g of small octopuses (moscardini) are peeled, after which their head and cartilage are removed. The resulting carcasses are mixed with 2 cloves of chopped garlic and 50 ml of olive oil (you can replace it with sunflower oil). Marinate octopuses for 2 hours. After that, the seafood is lightly fried and laid out in a salad bowl. 1 piece is added to it. chopped bell pepper, 1 tbsp. chili sauce, 2 tsp. chopped coriander seeds and 2 tbsp. lemon juice.
- Chili sauce … Many recipes contain this component, which can actually be prepared at home. 12 pieces of dried chili are kneaded with half a glass of hot olive oil (you can replace it with any vegetable oil). After that, the pounded vegetables are mixed with 3 pcs. chopped onions and 1.5 cups of blended walnuts.2 tablespoons are added to the resulting mass. crackers, 0.5 tsp. coriander, 1 tsp. cumin, a pinch of ground coffee, 100 ml of lemon juice, 0.5 cups of olive oil and 50 ml of pomegranate juice.
- Black Sea fish soup … 1.5 kg of fish (it is advisable to use an assortment of gobies, pike perch, mullet and flounder) are cut into pieces. 3-4 pieces are placed in boiling salted water. diced potatoes, 2 tablespoons millet or semolina, 1 pc. chopped parsley root and 2 pcs. onions in half rings. The sounded ingredients are boiled for 10-15 minutes, and then coriander seeds, black and allspice peas are added to them. Then fish platter is sent to the dish, 2 pcs. chopped bell pepper, 3 pcs. small tomatoes with a cross cut on the side, a pinch of salt and one bay leaf. After 15 minutes, the Black Sea fish soup is ready.
- Original kebab … Coriander recipes often include meat in them. For this dish, 6 courgettes (zucchini) are stewed for 5-10 minutes in chicken broth. Then the top is cut off and the pulp is removed with a teaspoon. The caps and stems of 130 g of champignons are separated so that the base of the mushroom is then chopped. From 150 g of tomatoes, the tops are removed in order to then remove the seeds from the fruit. To prepare the filling, 250 g of minced pork are mixed, 1 pc. chopped onion, 1 tbsp. coriander, 1/4 tsp cumin, 1 egg, a pinch of salt, pepper and chopped mushroom legs. The dish is cooked either on the fire or on the grill. Mushroom caps, tomatoes and zucchini stuffed with meat mixture are strung on skewers. The dish is ready after 10-15 minutes by turning over and pouring olive oil over the ingredients.
- Potato tortillas … At night, mix 150 ml of yogurt, 1 tbsp. sugar, 125 ml of water and 100 g of premium wheat flour. The base for the tortillas is covered with a cloth and placed in a warm place to ferment. After the souring process is completed, 200 g of coarse flour, 1 tsp of salt and 4 tablespoons of salt are combined in a separate bowl. melted butter. The dough left overnight is added to the resulting mass, after which the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, rolled into a ball and left in this state for an hour. For the preparation of the filling 4 pcs. potatoes are boiled, peeled and kneaded. 0.5 tsp are fried in a small frying pan in ghee. cumin, 1 tsp. grated fresh ginger, 0.5 tsp. ground hot red pepper and 1 tsp. coriander seeds. Potatoes are added to the resulting mixture of seasonings and 1.5 tsp. lemon juice. The filling is wrapped in a dough (diameter 15 cm), after which the base is carefully rolled out to a flat cake and fried like ordinary pies.
- Gingerbread … A favorite delicacy of Yorkshire housewives is prepared quite simply. To do this, you need to melt 250 g of molasses (you can replace it with sugar syrup) in a saucepan with 50 g of ghee. After that, the resulting mass is mixed with 0.5 kg of flour, 3 tsp. ginger, 0.5 tsp. ground coriander, cumin and cinnamon seeds. The kneaded dough comes off in pieces and fits tightly into the molds. Figures are placed on a baking sheet greased with butter and decorated with raisins. Baking time is 20 minutes.
Interesting facts about coriander

In various countries, this spice was appreciated at its true worth. In ancient Egypt, coriander was used during religious rituals. When Pharaoh Ramses II was buried, the seeds of this particular plant were placed in his tomb.
In China, many love potions were made from coriander. At the same time, the inhabitants of the sounded country considered such a drink an elixir of youth and an opportunity to achieve immortality.
In Rome, from these seeds, a means was made to stimulate appetite and restore strength before setting off on a long journey.
The famous ancient Greek philosopher and healer Hippocrates, with the help of a sound agent, healed hysteria. His students also used coriander to fight skin diseases and as an antiseptic during childbirth.
In France in the 19th century, the famous phytotherapist A. Leclerc considered the described spice to be the best way to restore the state of the intestines after typhoid.
At the moment, coriander is used to solve many problems. It is used with vinegar to keep meat fresh in the heat. The oil, which is extracted from coriander seeds, is used as a flavoring in the manufacture of some medicines. Watch a video about coriander:

The described spice is worthy of being in the arsenal of both a professional chef and a simple housewife. If there are no contraindications for the use of coriander, then it is capable of making a culinary masterpiece from an ordinary dish.