Of course, cherries are best eaten raw. However, in order to enjoy its aroma and juiciness all year round, you need to cook compote for the winter. Since the berry season is in full swing, it is time to think about its reserves for future use.

Recipe content:
- Cooking features
- Delicious compote
- White cherry compote
- Yellow cherry compote
- Red cherry compote
- Simple sweet cherry compote
- Video recipes
Sweet cherry is the earliest berry that opens the fruit season. It contains vitamin C, carotene, niacin, iodine and other useful substances. Cherry season is in full swing, and if you have already gorged on juicy and aromatic berries, then it's time to take care of harvesting cherries for future use. If households love compotes, you have a pantry with reliable mezzanines, or a spacious cellar, then now is the hottest time. And it doesn't matter if you buy berries on the market or harvest from your site, in the winter, cherry compote will always come in handy.
Features of making cherry compote

- For canning, the cherry is removed from the tree when ripe and ripe.
- During the preparatory work, the berries are in cold clean water so that they do not darken.
- Compotes for the winter are brought only to a low boil. The fire is turned off, and the berries are left to infuse for several hours. This will completely preserve all the vitamins and nutrients of the drink.
- Compotes for the summer are cooked in advance, because during this time, the broth is saturated with fruit flavors and aromas. And the cherry itself is sufficiently saturated with sugar syrup. The average boiling time for compote is 15 minutes.
- Chilled compote is served, fruits are laid out in vases or in dishes for serving.
- It is better to store compotes in the refrigerator at t2-14 ° C. They can be frozen and kept in the freezer for 1 month.
- When cooking cherry compote, you need to correctly calculate the amount of sugar. Since the berry is rather sweet, less sugar should be added.
- A simple way to boil cherries is to pour the berries into pasteurized jars, pour boiling water over, stand, drain the water and boil the syrup from it. After the berries are in the jar, pour boiling syrup again and roll up.
- A difficult way of harvesting - the berries are poured with pre-cooked syrup, the jars are placed in a deep basin, filled with hot water and heated at t80-100 ° C.
- It is better to use water for compotes of good quality, spring or filtered, but not from the tap. Fresh berries are placed in boiling water, because you need a high temperature so that they give off juice and vitamins, and not destroy them.
- Sugar can be used white, brown, fruit, cane - the taste of the drink will be different. Honey is also allowed, which will be more aromatic and healthier.
Delicious cherry compote

Cherry compote can be cooked pitted, pitted, in sugar syrup, etc. This recipe is universal: cans do not explode, are stored for a long time at room temperature, citric acid is not added.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 78 kcal.
- Servings Per Container - 4 Liters
- Cooking time - 40 minutes, plus time for the cans to cool completely
- Cherry with seeds - 4 tbsp.
- Granulated sugar - 1, 5 tbsp.
- Water - 3 l
- Sort the berries, rinse and discard in a colander.
- Boil 3 liters of drinking filtered water in a saucepan.
- Sterilize the jars and fill with cherries.
- Pour boiling water over the berries to the very top, cover with sterilized lids and leave for 15 minutes.
- Drain water into a clean saucepan and add sugar. Leave the berries in the jar.
- Boil water until sugar crystals dissolve.
- Pour the resulting syrup into a jar with berries. If it is not enough, add boiling water to the top of the berries. cherries should be completely covered with water.
- Tighten the jars with metal lids.
- Turn the jar upside down, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave it to cool completely. Then put them away in your pantry or cellar.
White cherry compote

The white cherry has ripened, so you need to have time to prepare it for future use. So that in winter, after a delicious dinner, pour a glass of a wonderful drink along with berries.
- White cherry - 300 g
- Lemon juice - 1 tsp
- Drinking water - 1 l
- Sugar - 300 g
- Sort the cherries, wash and place in clean sterilized jars
- Boil the syrup with water, sugar and lemon juice to completely dissolve the sugar crystals.
- Pour the boiling syrup over the cherries and cover.
- Place a bowl with a wide bottom on the stove and place jars of compote in it.
- Fill the basin with water and heat up to 70 ° C to sterilize the compote.
- Sterilization time for cans: 0.5 L - 7 minutes, 1 L - 12 minutes, 3 L - 15 minutes.
- After a while, take out the jars and tighten the lids. Turn them over, wrap them in a warm blanket, and let stand until cooled completely.
Yellow cherry compote

A lot has already been said about the beneficial properties of sweet cherries. At the same time, the compote from the yellow cherry variety still perfectly helps children in the presence of "acetone".
- Yellow cherry - 200 g
- Water - 800 g
- Sugar - 100 g
- Sort the cherries, wash, if there are worms, fill with salted water for 1 hour and rinse again.
- Pour boiling water over the berries and fill sterilized jars with them.
- Pour sugar into the jar and pour boiling water up to the neck.
- Roll up sterilized lids, wrap with a warm blanket and leave indoors until completely cooled.
Red cherry compote

Compote is the best vitamins that are harvested in summer. And cherries are best suited for harvesting in the form of compote, rather than freezing or cooking jam.
- Red cherry - 500 g
- Sugar - 120 g
- Water - 2.5 l
- Wash cherries thoroughly from external contamination. Remove the ponytails, do not remove the bones.
- Place the cherries in jars and cover with boiling water. Leave it to cool to room temperature, about 4-5 hours.
- Pour the liquid from the cans into a saucepan and send to the stove. Boil.
- Pour sugar into jars with cherries and pour over boiled unsweetened compote.
- Roll up the cans, turn them upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave them in this position until they cool completely.
- Then put the jars in a dark place.
Simple cherry compote

For this type of compote, you can use any cherry: red, yellow, white, black, with dense pulp.
- Cherry - 0.5 kg
- Sugar - 1 tbsp.
- Citric acid - 0.5 tsp
- Water - 300 l
- Wash the jars with baking soda and sterilize over steam for 5 minutes.
- Peel the berries from the stalks, rinse and distribute to the jars. Determine the amount of cherries in the jar yourself if you wish.
- Pour sugar and citric acid into jars. The latter plays the role of a preservative and will not allow the preparation to explode, in addition, it will add sourness to the berry.
- Boil water and pour over the jars to the very top. Close with boiled lids.
- Turn the cans over and wrap them in a warm blanket.
- When the container has cooled down so that you can pick it up, hide the drink in the pantry. In a month, the compote will be ready.
Video recipes: