How to freeze strawberries correctly?

How to freeze strawberries correctly?
How to freeze strawberries correctly?

Step-by-step procedure with photos for freezing strawberries for the winter.

How to properly freeze strawberries for the winter
How to properly freeze strawberries for the winter

Now the coveted period of time has come when strawberries grow. It is June, the first month of summer, that already gives a portion of the vitamin that is contained in these fruits. Read about the beneficial properties and calorie content of strawberries. Only one strawberry month a year, but you want to eat it in the fall, and in the winter, and for this you need to properly freeze the fruits for the winter. I will help you with this, because the procedure is not complicated and does not take much time. The main thing is to have a fridge freezer with a quick freeze function.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 32 kcal.
  • Servings - Any Amount
  • Cooking time - 1 hour


  • Strawberries, large and ripe
  • Plastic bags for storage
  • Lining cling film

Step-by-step procedure: how to freeze strawberries for the winter

How to properly freeze strawberries step 1
How to properly freeze strawberries step 1

1. Buy freshly picked, ripe and preferably medium-sized strawberries. Pour into a colander (it is better to take a plastic or aluminum one like I have, I do not advise iron, the berries will oxidize in it) and rinse well under a stream of running lukewarm water. Let the water drain well for 5-10 minutes.

2. Next, prepare something for unfolding the fruit so that it glides perfectly and dries. For this purpose, it is advisable to take any cutting board made of wood (only after strawberries can stains remain), you can spread it out on the table. I settled on a wooden board, red spots are not terrible.

How to properly freeze strawberries step 2
How to properly freeze strawberries step 2

Now you need to select whole and undamaged fruits and tear off the sepals from them, spread them at a distance from each other, as in my photo. Let stand for 1–1.5 hours so that they dry well.

3. While the strawberries are drying, prepare the following utensils for further freezing the fruits: it can be several large and flat plates or plastic cutting boards (but not wood). For example, I have a low top plastic shelf in the freezer, and I used it to freeze strawberries.

How to properly freeze strawberries step 4
How to properly freeze strawberries step 4

4. On plates or plastic cutting boards, it is imperative to spread cling film so that the strawberries do not leave marks and it is easier to remove them when they freeze. Now we transfer the dried berries to this dish and lay out in the same order from each other so that they do not stick together when freezing.

How to properly freeze strawberries step 5
How to properly freeze strawberries step 5

5. Put the strawberries in the freezer and turn on the "Super Freeze" instant freeze on the refrigerator. Keep in the chamber for up to 3 hours.

How to properly freeze strawberries step 6
How to properly freeze strawberries step 6

6. At the next stage, remove the frozen fruits from the freezer, tear them off the cling film (there should be absolutely no problems) and pour them into prepared plastic bags for storage. The frozen berries will not stick together in a heap now, there is no need to be afraid. Put them back in the freezer in the bag. And when the cold weather comes and you want to remember the taste of strawberries, you will always have them at home at any time of the year.

As you can see, it is not difficult to properly freeze strawberries for the winter, so do not be lazy and do it so that later in the winter you will please your household with the berries of passion!
