Dried bananas

Dried bananas
Dried bananas

With dried bananas available, you can make breakfast cereals with them, use them for baking, take your child to school and take them to work for a light and healthy snack between meals.

Ready Dried Bananas
Ready Dried Bananas

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Banana is a popular tropical fruit that combines benefits with a pleasant sweet taste. It is customary to use it on its own, but in many recipes it is fried in batter or dough, added to charlotte and pies, made fruit salads and decorated with cakes. The addition of a banana gives the products a special flavor. And in order to preserve the taste and aroma of this delicious fruit for longer, bananas can be subjected to a drying process.

Dried bananas retain many nutritional properties, even after a long time. The fruit is dried by cutting it lengthwise, crosswise or in rings without the use of chemical processing. Dried bananas, like fresh ones, are a source of energy and vitality. In addition, dried bananas have excellent nutritional properties, they satisfy intense hunger well, while being absolutely healthy food. In addition, a huge plus of dried bananas is their low calorie content, 100 g contains only 96 Kcal. These dried bananas are a great alternative to chips, waffles, nuts and other snacks that both adults and children love.

It is worth saying that the harm of dried bananas is practically unknown. Excessive use of them can only cause disruptions in metabolism. For example, if you combine a banana with dairy products, you can gain weight. You also need to be more careful with dried bananas for diabetes, because they contain sucrose.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 390 kcal.
  • Servings - Any Amount
  • Cooking time - 1 hour


Bananas - any quantity

Step-by-step recipe for making dried bananas:

Banana washed, dried and cut into rings
Banana washed, dried and cut into rings

1. Wash the banana and pat dry with a paper towel. Cut it straight into the peel into rings 3-5 mm thick. Of course, the skin can be removed before slicing, but it will be more convenient to cut it evenly in the skin. Although the drying method can be different. The banana can be sliced in half, quartered, or dried whole.

Banana rings peeled
Banana rings peeled

2. Remove the peel from each banana ring. Remember that bananas will shrink significantly as they dry. Remember this when slicing.

Banana is laid out on a drying tray
Banana is laid out on a drying tray

3. Place the bananas on a baking sheet or wire shelf so that the slices do not touch each other. Heat the oven to 50-70 degrees and put a tray with fruit, while leaving the door slightly ajar so that steam can escape and air can enter. Dry the bananas for about an hour, turning them over several times. If you want to keep the banana pieces from fading, sprinkle them with orange or lemon juice. Store dried bananas in a paper bag or glass jar in a ventilated area without excess moisture.

See also a video recipe on how to cook banana chips.
