

It is simply impossible to pass by a tree with sweet berries! Mulberry is good for health, which is why children love it very much. But not all of us know enough about the berry to understand what wonderful beneficial properties it has. The content of the article:

  • Interesting Facts
  • Chemical composition and calorie content
  • Useful properties of mulberry
  • Harm and contraindications

Mulberry (mulberry tree) is a plant of the Mulberry family. There are 16 types of mulberry known in the world. The mulberry tree can be found in the center of Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, southern Kazakhstan, Georgia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine, where black and white berries are widespread. If the black mulberry tree has dark bark and black or cherry fruits, then the white one has lighter branches and pinkish-red fruits.

Interesting facts about mulberry

The homeland of the white mulberry is considered to be eastern China, and the black one is Southwest Asia. For four thousand years in China, it was grown mainly to feed the leaves of the silkworm.

By the way, the tree got its name precisely because of the silkworm caterpillar, the pupa of which is entwined from silk thread. Therefore, the mulberry tree is called mulberry. The existence of silk could not have been guessed if it were not for one fact: according to legend, Princess Xi Ling Shi once sat in the shade of a mulberry, and a silkworm cocoon accidentally fell into a cup of tea. The princess saw how the cocoon began to unravel in the cup, and its thin and strong threads began to sparkle in the rays of the sun.

There are other legends as well. So, according to the Bible, Jesus Christ once hid in the shade of a mulberry tree, and this mulberry can still be found in Jericho.

In the East, it is called the "tree of life", considering it sacred. In the same place, mulberry bark is used to create amulets and charms. And in North Cyprus, there is a tradition to this day: every year residents hold a silkworm festival, which is revered and extolled.

But most of all, the tree is valued for its delicious, juicy and healthy berries. They are fleshy, composed of small drupes. In length reach 2-3 cm, color can be from white to dark purple. Mulberry lives up to 200, sometimes up to 300-500 years. One large tree is capable of producing up to 200 kg, less often up to 500-600 kg of fruit. The only negative is that it is difficult to remove stains from it, and this is typical for black berries. However, this does not pose much harm, given the incredible health benefits.

It is eaten mostly fresh - this is a delicious delicacy that children and adults adore, it is also seedless. Housewives prepare sweet dumplings from mulberries, filling for pies, close jars of juices, compotes, and cook delicious jelly. The fruits even make vodka-mulberry and wine. In the Caucasus, they prepare the dish bekmes (dushab) - this is fruit molasses, which tastes like honey. First, squeeze the juice, then boil it over low heat and get a sweet thick mask. Berries are also added for a sweet taste to pita bread, candied fruits are made from them, and flour is made from dry mulberries. Many people ask: "Which berries are sweeter, white-pink or dark-purple?" Usually pink berries are sweeter than their darker counterparts.

Mulberry composition: vitamins, minerals and calories

Calorie content of mulberry
Calorie content of mulberry

Contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, choline and vitamin K (find out which foods contain vitamin K). Of the microelements it contains: selenium, zinc, sodium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. In terms of potassium content (190-210 mg), along with black currant (350-400 mg), mulberry takes an honorable place among other fruit and berry crops. The leaves contain riboflavin, thiamine, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, beta-sitosterol.

Calorie content of mulberry

per 100 g - 52 kcal:

  • Proteins - 0.7 g
  • Fat - 0, 0 g
  • Carbohydrates - 13.6 g

Useful properties of mulberry

Useful properties of mulberry, benefits
Useful properties of mulberry, benefits

Due to its high potassium content, mulberry is a good diuretic, anti-inflammatory and choleretic agent. This product must be included in the diet for hypokalemia. The fruits will show all their beneficial properties for edema of cardiac and renal origin, inflammation of a different nature, biliary dyskinesia.

According to research, the constant use of fresh red berries helps to improve the state of shortness of breath and heart pain, and white berries - to normalize the nervous system. They are absolutely harmless to the figure due to their low calorie content and are used in weight loss: they normalize metabolism, increase sweating, cleanse the intestines. If we talk about dried mulberry, then it is even sweeter, but its calorie content does not exceed 50 kcal. In cosmetology, various masks for hair, face, hand skin are prepared from it.

In case of intestinal disorders, it is recommended to eat unripe fruits in the form of infusion or fresh. And with constipation, on the contrary, ripe mulberry, which has a laxative effect, helps. Thanks to such a useful property as a bactericidal effect, the infusion from it serves as an excellent way to treat stomatitis and sore throat (rinsing). Currently, mulberry is actively used to treat gastrointestinal diseases: enterocolitis, gastritis.

Mulberry harm and contraindications

Despite the obvious health benefits, these gifts of nature can harm the body, which is typical for almost any product. You should not use too much for hypertension, since in the heat they can cause an increase in blood pressure. Mulberry is harmful, or rather contraindicated for diabetics, and too many berries cause diarrhea.
