How to do eyelid blepharoplasty: indications, price, reviews

How to do eyelid blepharoplasty: indications, price, reviews
How to do eyelid blepharoplasty: indications, price, reviews

What is blepharoplasty, what is the cost of the procedure? Varieties of surgery, indications and contraindications for plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids, the sequence of the procedure, reviews. Eyelid surgery becomes especially important in adulthood (after 40), when aesthetic imperfections become too noticeable - ptosis, muscle flabbiness, excess adipose tissue.

Contraindications to eyelid blepharoplasty

Diabetes mellitus disease
Diabetes mellitus disease

Like any other surgical operation, eyelid blepharoplasty has certain contraindications.

The procedure is prohibited in the presence of such pathologies:

  • Diabetes;
  • Dry eye syndrome;
  • High arterial, intracranial and intraocular pressure;
  • Various serious eye diseases - glaucoma, retinal detachment, cataract, keratitis, blepharitis;
  • Infectious diseases of the cornea;
  • Blood clotting problems;
  • The presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • Myopathy;
  • Acute infectious diseases or acute chronic;
  • Anemia;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • Dermatological ailments;
  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It is also not recommended to do blepharoplasty during pregnancy, during lactation or menstruation. It should be noted that during eyelid surgery, only the upper, subcutaneous layer is affected. Blepharoplasty cannot harm the organs of vision.

How to do eyelid blepharoplasty?

Applying a bandage on the eyelids
Applying a bandage on the eyelids

Blepharoplasty takes place in several stages. A preliminary consultation with several specialized specialists is required. The expected effect of the procedure is discussed directly with the plastic surgeon. Also, the doctor must assess the position of the eyebrows and the presence of "paint" bags in order to decide whether there is a need to resort to a combined operation. Before blepharoplasty, the doctor also evaluates the level of elasticity of the epidermis, especially in the lower eyelid. Patients who have low skin elasticity may be prescribed cantopexy, a procedure that helps to avoid ptosis and drooping of the eyelids.

Preoperative preparation also includes a set of examinations, analyzes, consultation with an anesthesiologist. Different types of anesthesia can be used for blepharoplasty. In classical plastic surgery, as a rule, local anesthesia is prescribed, since it does not pose a threat of serious complications. Already a few hours after the procedure, under local anesthesia, the patient can leave the hospital. With transconjunctival plasty or with intervention, general anesthesia is prescribed in both eyelids at once. Whichever type of anesthesia is used, it is recommended not to drink alcoholic beverages or smoke the day before the operation. It is also important to tell your doctor about any medications you took in the 24 hours before your blepharoplasty. Immediately before the operation, the plastic surgeon will carry out certain preparatory actions: he will mark and mark the operated areas, disinfect the skin, and make anesthetic injections. The average duration of the blepharoplasty procedure is 20-40 minutes. The operation goes like this:

  1. A protective plate is applied to the eye;
  2. Incisions are made from the outside and inside of the eyelid;
  3. Fatty tissue is removed or redistributed;
  4. Skin flaps are excised if necessary;
  5. Stitches and a bandage are applied.

If necessary, accompanying aesthetic correction procedures are performed immediately after blepharoplasty.

Result and complications of eyelid blepharoplasty

Swelling in the eye area after surgery
Swelling in the eye area after surgery

3-5 hours after the operation, the bandage is removed from the eyes, if there were no complications. As a rule, you can leave the clinic immediately afterwards. The stitches are removed after 5-6 days. In the vast majority of cases, there are no scars after blepharoplasty.

Swelling in the eye area may persist for one to two weeks after surgery. This reaction is within the normal range. Usually, postoperative rehabilitation proceeds without complications if the patient follows all the surgeon's recommendations:

  • Contact lenses should not be worn for a week after surgery. You can use glasses instead.
  • Temperature changes should be avoided for two to three weeks after blepharoplasty.
  • Do not exercise for 14-21 days after surgery.
  • It is recommended to sleep on a high pillow to prevent excessive swelling of the eyelids.
  • Head movements should be limited in the first week after surgery.
  • You can use decorative cosmetics on the seventh to tenth day.
  • For a month after blepharoplasty, you cannot go outside in direct sunlight without high-quality sunglasses.

During the rehabilitation period, hygienic care of the eyelid area should also be performed to avoid the formation of crusts.

Often, after blepharoplasty, there is a slight decrease in the sensitivity of the epidermis in the area of eyelash growth. This phenomenon is short-term and usually disappears on the fifth or seventh day after the plastic surgery.

As a rule, you can evaluate the result of blepharoplasty six months later. If corrective work is required, then it is carried out precisely in these terms. On average, the effect of the operation lasts for seven to ten years. Complications after this procedure are rare. Puffiness is not considered a complication. The presence of edema for more than 14 days is considered a cause for concern. Then you should definitely see a doctor. Hematomas can form after surgery both under the skin and behind the eyeball. They should also be reported to the beautician.

The most common complication after blepharoplasty is infection and suture dehiscence. However, as a rule, this is not caused by the unprofessionalism of the doctor, but by the negligence of the patient who does not follow the rules of postoperative skin care.

If initially the skin had a low tone or too much epidermis has been removed from the lower eyelid, then ectropion may be noted. This is a pathology in which the lower eyelid is pulled down. Most often, such a deficiency goes away on its own within 6 months. If this does not happen, then a second surgical correction may be required.

A plastic surgeon's mistake should be considered a situation when the patient is not able to close his eyes tightly. As a result of this defect, they can dry out and become inflamed. To avoid such a nuisance, you should not contact dubious specialists without proper work experience and good reviews.

Real reviews of eyelid blepharoplasty

Reviews of eyelid blepharoplasty
Reviews of eyelid blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is a fairly common plastic surgery. Many women resort to it to solve aesthetic imperfections, usually age-related. Reviews of the procedure are mostly positive.

Svetlana, 38 years old

From birth, I had an overhanging upper eyelid, like my father. Even in children's photos, it was noticeable. With age, the problem only worsened. I began to think about my impending centuries when I began to paint. Eyeshadow and eyeliner didn’t go down at all, mixed under the upper eyelid into a "mess". I had to constantly wipe my eyes, and within an hour after applying decorative cosmetics, I usually had only mascara on them. In the future, I only limited myself to it. I never dreamed about blepharoplasty, I believed that any plastic surgery is too expensive. But somehow I came across an advertisement for a cosmetic clinic, looked at the prices and was very surprised that blepharoplasty cost about 10 thousand rubles. I got fired up with the idea and six months later I had an operation on my upper eyelids. It was done under general anesthesia. After the procedure, I looked pretty good: the swelling was small, everything was neat, no blood and "dismembered", as I was afraid. Later, there were small bruises and swelling, but nothing critical. Within a week, I applied light makeup and went out. And a month later I was already enjoying my new eyes with might and main! Wonderful feeling and great result!

Marina, 45 years old

By nature, there were hanging eyelids, and over the years they began to sink even lower. The look became gloomy, gloomy. I decided on an operation - blepharoplasty. I prepared in advance, went through all the tests, took a vacation, bought dark glasses. I underwent plastic surgery under local anesthesia. The feeling is not pleasant, when you don't feel anything, but you hear how your skin is cut off. The whole procedure lasted about 20 minutes. There was almost no edema immediately after the operation. He appeared in the evening and then for four days was strong enough. Four days later, the stitches were removed. The bruises disappeared slowly, but after a month I surprised everyone with my new look. Six months later, I thought that nothing really changed after blepharoplasty. Then I looked at the old photos and realized that I was just so used to myself new that I did not remember the old one. Of course, there are some very noticeable changes! Very happy with the procedure and would recommend to anyone who hesitates! Alma, 24 years old

I have an Asian eye shape, and in general, this is not a problem. The difficulty is that my eyelashes grew downward and constantly dug into the white of the eye. For years I had to pull out my eyelashes with tweezers in the most "uncomfortable" places. Of course, there was no question of any beauty. The main thing is to avoid conjunctivitis and eye inflammation, which I had very often due to eyelashes. I decided to have an operation on the upper eyelids. They operated on me for a long time - more than an hour. Mainly due to the fact that I was very afraid, could not calm down, I was shaking. I reassured myself that I would have new beautiful eyes and I had to be patient. I returned home and was horrified - my eyes were so swollen that they almost did not open. The edema subsided slowly over the course of four days. I smeared with all sorts of absorbable ointments, washed my eyes, and gradually they "opened". New, beautiful eyes! There was no limit to my happiness! There are no scars left, all traces of the operation are completely gone. I forgot what conjunctivitis is, inflammation, everything is just great! And why did I suffer for so long before deciding on blepharoplasty ?!

Photos before and after blepharoplasty

Before and after blepharoplasty
Before and after blepharoplasty
Before and after eyelid blepharoplasty
Before and after eyelid blepharoplasty
Photos before and after plastic surgery of the eyelids
Photos before and after plastic surgery of the eyelids

What is blepharoplasty - see the video:

Blepharoplasty is a procedure for plastic correction of the upper and lower eyelids. A low-traumatic operation, which is very popular among men and women who want to ["open" the eyes, eliminate age-related changes, change the Asian cut. As a rule, after blepharoplasty, no scars remain, and complications are extremely rare if the doctor's recommendations are followed.