Lifting body massage - indications, technique, reviews

Lifting body massage - indications, technique, reviews
Lifting body massage - indications, technique, reviews

What is a lifting body massage and why is it done? What are the indications and contraindications for the procedure? Real results and reviews of girls.

Lifting massage is a painless toning procedure aimed at tightening the forms, restoring skin tone and radiance. It is a gentle and highly effective alternative to radical plastic surgery methods. Thanks to the deep study of all layers of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles, it is possible to stimulate the production of collagen fibers and elastin, restore harmony and eliminate stagnation of fluids in the body.

What is a lifting body massage?

Body lifting massage
Body lifting massage

Body lifting massage is a technique that helps to solve numerous cosmetic problems. Gradually with growing up, and then as a person ages, his skin loses its tone and elasticity. Degenerative processes occur deeper - in fiber, in muscle tissue. Regular sports activities and a healthy lifestyle help to maintain youth and fit, however, they are not able to guarantee the elasticity of the body.

Especially in the absence of physical activity, muscle mass is lost, the skin sags. This massage is also called corrective or modeling, since it helps to strengthen the tissues, improves their nutrition. The influx of oxygen and valuable substances helps to restore tone.

While the technique may seem straightforward to describe, it is best to seek professional help if you want to achieve high results. Moreover, without experience and knowledge of anatomical features, there is a chance of harm! Lacking techniques and skills, you can worsen the condition of the skin, damage fragile capillaries.

If you perform the procedure in the salon, trusting the hands of an experienced master, the risks of injury to blood vessels and other harm to health or appearance are excluded. Usually, the procedure is painless, with the exception of areas with pronounced fibrosis of the subcutaneous tissue.

The effectiveness of the sessions is explained by the fact that the tissues experience a deeper impact than with classical massage. As a result, they are reduced and strengthened, all the processes taking place in them are getting better.

Prices for lifting face and body massage in salons are predetermined by the characteristics of the procedure and the amount of work of a specialist:

  • face massage - from 1600 rubles;
  • body massage - from 4000 rubles.

To achieve a pronounced effect and maintain it, you have to undergo a course of procedures. The number of sessions and the frequency of their implementation will be predetermined by a specialist, having studied the features of the physique and identifying problem areas. On average, it is enough to visit the salon at least 10 times.

Breaks are required between procedures - they are not done daily. Most often, sessions are repeated twice or three times a week.

Indications for lifting body massage

Fat deposits as an indication for lifting body massage
Fat deposits as an indication for lifting body massage

Basically, middle-aged women resort to this technique. Since the need for a pull-up effect arises as natural beauty fades.

You can safely make an appointment with a beautician if the following phenomena are observed:

  • swelling;
  • loss of skin smoothness;
  • body fat.

Massage helps fight cellulite, although it is not able to get rid of the "orange peel" completely. Rather, it is included in the set of measures that are taken to eliminate such a phenomenon.

If the muscles in the abdomen and buttocks, thighs and other areas sag, this is also a reason to visit a beauty salon. This is not a panacea for obesity and not an analogue of a pill of eternal youth, but the procedure contributes to the correction of body contours, especially if it is resorted to at the first bells, and not when the situation is running.

Although most often women about 30 years old come to the salons, the help of a specialist may be needed a little earlier. This is due to the specifics of the upper layers of the skin: it is difficult to maintain blood supply and lymph flow at the proper level. A decrease in metabolism begins very quickly, which leads to visual defects.

The technique makes the capillaries work more energetically, speeds up the metabolism. Therefore, it is possible to achieve a pull-up effect simultaneously with rejuvenation. The body requires special attention during the period of hormonal changes. For women, this is the time of pregnancy, breastfeeding and later, when the hormonal background changes again.

Stress worsens, unfavorable factors in the form of bad habits, poor or unbalanced nutrition are common reasons that make you think about lifting your body at a fairly young age.

Contraindications and harm

Skin disease as a contraindication to lifting massage
Skin disease as a contraindication to lifting massage

This technique is quite delicate. Its lightness and gentle nature can be easily appreciated, remembering that in order to achieve similar goals, people are ready to go under the surgeon's knife.

However, there are also contraindications to the procedure:

  • skin diseases;
  • inflammatory processes on the body;
  • injuries and fresh scars.

You will have to postpone the anti-aging measures if an acute infectious disease is in full swing. With an exacerbation of allergies, it is also better not to set such tasks. Also, experts recommend consulting your doctor if you have chronic diseases. Contraindications for lifting massage include cancer.

Even before the procedure, you should not resort to harsh methods of removing keratinized particles of the epidermis. You don't need to use scrubs to avoid damaging your skin.

How is lifting body massage done?

How do lifting body massage
How do lifting body massage

Several types of massage are combined under this name. Each technique contributes to the achievement of a common goal. Some experts bring their own movements, improving the technique.

In any case, the massage begins with the preparation of the body so that it takes the maximum out of the procedure. Although the benefits will be obvious without preliminary steps, it is still worth taking the simplest measures so that the result is obvious and persists for a long time.

The effect will be much better if you go to the hammam or bathhouse before visiting the salon. Exposure to vapors will help open cells, relax muscles, and activate blood circulation. But you can at least take a hot shower or warm bath.

The salon will perform peeling, removing dead skin cells and opening the pores. Thanks to this, the massage oil will more effectively penetrate the tissues, doing its job.

After preparing the body, massage begins - first with gentle strokes. They activate blood circulation, improve oxygen supply to cells. After the specialist proceeds to more active rubbing. It warms up the skin, prepares the tissues for deep processing.

Next, kneading occurs, in which different techniques can be used, but the general goal is to model the body through the effect on the subcutaneous tissue and muscles.

The final stage is the application of a cream or mask. This is necessary to consolidate the effect.

The whole process takes about an hour and a half, but the exact time is determined by the volume of the task assigned to the massage therapist.

Massage with a lifting effect is done according to the Spanish method. This is an effect on tissues in order to improve the structure of subcutaneous adipose tissue, to activate the nutrition of cells. Another technique helps to remove muscle clamps, improve blood and lymph flow. At the same time, the puffiness goes away.

The French technique is used to eliminate body laxity by accelerating the breakdown of fats. At the same time, the skin is tightened, its firmness and elasticity return.

The following techniques have modeling and corrective properties:

  • stone massage - impact with natural stones, hot or cold;
  • vacuum massage - the use of special silicone cans;
  • honey massage - working out the body using natural honey, which allows you to achieve shape correction and rejuvenation;
  • cooling massage - complements the effect of cold, which makes the body burn fat faster.

Although there are no special restrictions after a visit to the salon, it is necessary to take care of the skin in order to consolidate and maintain the effect. After the massage, under the upper layers of the epidermis, all processes are activated - the movement of blood and lymph, metabolism. Therefore, any masks, wraps are very relevant during this period.

An exception will be procedures that can injure the skin. It is better to wait at least 10 days with them.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists strongly recommend taking care of skin hydration between sessions. It is the lack of fluid that leads to its premature wilting.

Massage results

Body lifting massage results
Body lifting massage results

Although any massage is highly valued among salon procedures, when it comes to sculpting the body and tightening the skin, this technique is considered an order of magnitude more effective than similar ones.

The result can be assessed literally after the first procedure. There are several explanations for this:

  • Lifting massage allows the use of different techniques, a combination of the most effective methods of influencing problem areas and the body as a whole.
  • The specialist works through all layers of the epidermis, subcutaneous tissue, muscles.
  • Individual choice of the depth of tissue development, impact strength.

Professional performance with accurate knowledge of the anatomical structure of the body provides the strengthening of muscle fibers, increasing tone. During the work of the master, stagnation goes away, the movement of fluids in the body - blood, lymph - is normalized. Together with the activation of the blood supply, toxins are removed more efficiently. In the body, the processes of elastin and collagen production are triggered, due to which the cells are renewed, the appearance becomes fresher.

The result is expressed in tightening the skin, eliminating puffiness, and gradually reducing the volume. But it is equally important that at the same time the client feels an improvement in well-being in general. Despite the fact that the procedure is aimed at solving cosmetic problems, it promotes healing.

A skilled massage therapist will eliminate not only sagging skin and return life to the muscles: he can relieve spasms, clamps. After the procedure, sleep improves, the mood rises. The full course can lead to a general strengthening of health and immunity.

Real reviews of lifting massage

Body lifting massage reviews
Body lifting massage reviews

Although plastic surgeons are skeptical about gentle methods of body correction, the technique works, which can be understood from the reviews about lifting massage. Like other gentle techniques, it should be tried at a fairly young age, while the aging process is just beginning. The later you resort to the help of masseurs, the less pronounced the effect will be.

Lyudmila, 32 years old

Throughout her youth, until graduation, she went in for sports, did not complain about her figure, her skin. And then - marriage, a child … Somehow the energy level dropped imperceptibly, the skin became flabby, especially in those very problem areas. My husband gave me a massage course: a real pleasure plus a pleasant effect. Indeed, the volumes have slightly decreased, the body is more pleasant to the touch. Somehow more elastic, full of life. I also returned to the gym on this wave of energy!

Alena, 41 years old

In general, I like massages, I try to pamper myself more often. I came to such a procedure for the first time. While a couple of sessions - I liked it, the puffiness subsided, I can already see it. Nice enough. Let's see how it will be after the completion of the course.

Ekaterina, 37 years old

In my opinion, any girl should go through this procedure periodically! I have no special problems by nature, thanks to mom and dad for the genes. But all the same, you see how the skin becomes a little different from how it was in youth. The color has faded, some irregularities on the thighs, on the stomach, on the buttocks. Not that cellulite is straightforward - probably its harbingers. In general, I hurried to the salon - cool impressions! Straight younger, definitely worth doing.

How lifting body massage is done - watch the video:

If it is necessary to tidy up the arms and legs, abdomen and thighs, in general to give the outlines of the body beautiful shapes, you can and should use massage techniques with a lifting effect. Only the result of the procedures will be predetermined by the skill of a specialist - you need to meticulously choose a professional whom you can trust. Doing a lifting massage at home is risky without knowing the structural features of the human body.