Correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers - indications, filling, reviews

Correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers - indications, filling, reviews
Correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers - indications, filling, reviews

What is eyebrow wrinkle correction with fillers, what is the price of the procedure? Its description and features, benefits, indications and contraindications for carrying out. Progress, results and feedback.

The glabellar wrinkle is a skin fold that appears one of the first in a person. It can be the result of both age-related changes and active facial expressions. Her presence on his face greatly spoils his expression and makes him look older. These furrows give it a serious, sometimes even vicious look. One of the safest, simplest and most affordable ways to correct this cosmetic defect is contour correction with fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

The cost of correcting glabellar wrinkles with fillers

The cost of the procedure varies depending on the amount of hyaluronic acid used. Usually it requires at least 0.5 ml, but the more pronounced the wrinkles, the more this amount should be.

In Ukraine, it is possible to correct the glabellar wrinkle for an average of 750 hryvnia

A drug Volume, ml Price, UAH.
Belotero Intense 1 300-450
Belotero balance 1 7000-7500
Evanthia 20 medium 1, 2 4500
Evanthia 25 superior 1, 2 4900
Juvederm 2 0, 55 4300
Juvederm 3 1 6500
Juvederm 4 1 7000
Juvederm Volift 0, 55 5000
Neuramis light 1 3800
Neuramis Volume 1 4700
Using the cannula - 450

In Russia, the minimum price for correcting eyebrow wrinkles with fillers is about 2,000 rubles

A drug Volume, ml price, rub.
Belotero Intense 1 800-1000
Belotero Balance 1 16000-17500
Evanthia 20 medium 1, 2 10000-11000
Evanthia 25 superior 1, 2 12000-13000
Juvederm 2 0, 55 9000-10000
Juvederm 3 1 15000-16000
Juvederm 4 1 16000-17000
Juvederm Volift 0, 55 11000-13000
Neuramis light 1 8000-9000
Neuramis Volume 1 10500-12000
Using the cannula - 1200-1500

Note! In different clinics, the cost of drugs may differ by 10-20%.

The cost of correcting glabellar wrinkles with fillers consists of the cost of a sterile cannula and a certain amount of hyaluronic acid. Cosmetologist services are often paid separately, as for the consultation of a specialist.

Description of the procedure for correcting glabellar wrinkles with fillers

Eyebrow wrinkle correction procedure with fillers
Eyebrow wrinkle correction procedure with fillers

Correction of glabellar wrinkles involves the use of hyaluronic acid-based preparations for this. This component can be of both plant and animal origin. The filler is sold in syringes of 0.5-1.5 ml and can be purchased directly from a beautician or at a pharmacy or online store.

Important! The doctor must print the hyaluronate in front of the patient.

Such a correction is called contour plasty and is suitable for people of any age, starting from the age of 18. It can be performed by both women and men.

Most often, one visit to the beautician is enough to obtain the desired result, but in some cases it may be necessary to undergo a course of 2-3 procedures with an interval of several days.

The drugs used have a short-term effect, they dissolve 3-12 months after they are injected under the skin. The procedure lasts about half an hour and is performed in any major cosmetic center. This does not require hospitalization; an outpatient clinic is also sufficient. It is considered completely safe, painless and atraumatic.

Note! Quite popular are drugs from Belotero, Evanthia, Juvederm and Neuramis.

Benefits of correcting glabellar wrinkles with fillers

Facial skin after correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers
Facial skin after correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers

After 25 years, the skin begins to fade due to a decrease in the content of substances such as elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid in the tissues. As a result, ugly wrinkles appear on the face, and primarily they form on the forehead and between the eyebrows. The introduction of fillers into the skin allows you to tighten the sagging areas, make the skin more elastic and smooth.

The benefits of fillers are as follows:

  • Moisturizing the skin … Hyaluronic acid fills it with moisture, preventing it from drying out, irritating and flaking. This makes it easier to care for her, simplifies the selection of cosmetics and reduces the number of necessary procedures. As a result, a person's face looks younger, more beautiful and healthier.
  • Stimulates the production of elastin and collagen … These are one of the main components of the human skin, they must be present in the tissues. Without them, it cannot be sufficiently elastic and smooth; it quickly fades with aging.
  • Acceleration of tissue healing … Thanks to this effect, wounds on the face, obtained, for example, as a result of scratching acne, heal faster. It does this by enhancing the production of collagen and elastin, which make the skin more resistant to negative environmental influences.
  • Cell recovery … This process, thanks to the correction with fillers, takes place in a shorter time, which allows you to rejuvenate the skin. This is possible due to the penetration of hyaluronic acid into the tissues, which has antioxidant and regenerative properties.
  • Removal of toxins … Fillers help cleanse tissues from them, which has a beneficial effect on the appearance. As a result, the number of wrinkles on the face decreases, they are smoothed out and become not so deep.
  • Change in complexion … It takes on a natural, healthy, beige or pinkish tint. The person no longer looks tired and sickly.

The introduction of a filler into the glabellar wrinkle contributes to the formation of an invisible mesh framework that maintains skin elasticity, creates a clear turgor and provides a natural lifting effect. This is due to the development of microfibrosis at the level of intradermal layers and as a result of the breakdown of hyaluronic acid in the tissues.

Contraindications to the correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers

High fever in a girl
High fever in a girl

Before you remove the glabellar wrinkle, you need to find out all the contraindications to this. Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to the procedure, even if there is a pronounced fold. It is undesirable to carry out it during menstruation, since the body at this time is more sensitive to injections and there is a possibility of severe painful sensations.

Important! Contouring is best done in the cool season - in early spring or autumn, in winter, since in summer the filler can dissolve faster.

The absolute contraindications, which are worth knowing about before getting rid of the glabellar wrinkles with fillers, include:

  • Pregnancy … It is not recommended to inject hyaluronate at any time, it can negatively affect the development of the fetus and the health of the mother both in the first or second and in the third trimester. In this case, the likelihood of an allergy to the components of the drug increases.
  • Lactation … Unwillingness to postpone filler correction can lead to a baby's refusal of breast milk and premature stopping of breastfeeding. In turn, problems with women's health (mastopathy) and difficulties in a baby with weight gain will become possible.
  • Impaired blood clotting … This condition is called hemophilia and is not very common. But if it occurs, then when fillers are injected into the skin, bleeding may open. In this case, it will be quite difficult to stop it without the help of specialists, which can create a threatening health situation.
  • Diabetes … This contraindication is associated with poor tissue healing in people with high blood glucose levels. To a greater extent, it concerns patients with the first type of diabetes, that is, insulin-dependent, although in some cases it is also relevant for the second type. The disease is very widespread among both young and old people. In the presence of such a problem, there is a possibility of the appearance of scars on the face, which can only be removed with laser therapy.
  • Dermatological diseases in acute form … Among them it is necessary to highlight eczema, urticaria, psoriasis, dermatitis. If present, eyebrow wrinkle contouring with fillers can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin and overall health.
  • Heat … This procedure should not be carried out with any type of fever, especially if it is caused by influenza, hepatitis, HIV, syphilis and other infectious and viral diseases.
  • Severe illnesses … First of all, here we are talking about oncology - tumor damage to internal organs: liver, stomach, intestines, etc. In this case, the growth of neoplasms can accelerate, which will lead to an exacerbation of the situation.

The list of absolute contraindications for the correction of glabellar wrinkles with hyaluronic acid also includes allergic reactions to the components of the drugs used, their individual intolerance, other recently performed cosmetic procedures - photo-removal of wrinkles, deep and middle peeling, laser resurfacing.

Relative contraindications include treatment with antibiotics and other drugs

All possible contraindications should be identified at a doctor's appointment, after consulting with him. Health problems must be reported to the doctor in advance; to confirm the patient's readiness for the procedure, it may be necessary to undergo an allergy test to filler components.

How is eyebrow wrinkle correction done with fillers?

How to correct glabellar wrinkles with fillers
How to correct glabellar wrinkles with fillers

Since this procedure is painless, light local anesthesia is sufficient for its implementation. In total, it lasts from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the depth of the wrinkle between the eyebrows. It is carried out on a couch in the supine position of the patient. In this case, the head can be raised. The doctor works with sterile instruments, wearing gloves, to avoid infection.

Here is an example of the procedure:

  1. The doctor consults the patient, examines the problem area, the size and depth of the wrinkle.
  2. At this stage, points are put in the area where you need to inject the drug.
  3. A plastic cap, gown and shoe covers are put on the patient.
  4. The face in the affected area is lubricated with an anesthetic cream.
  5. The skin is treated with antiseptic agents to eliminate the likelihood of infection.
  6. A filler is drawn into a syringe and gently injected under the skin.
  7. The doctor evaluates the result and injects the remaining drug.
  8. After filling the fold with gel, it is manipulated with fingers to smooth the skin.

In conclusion, the beautician advises the patient on facial care, after which you can go home. If necessary, after a few days, you may need to contact a specialist to assess the result of filling the glabellar wrinkles with fillers and to re-introduce them in case of an unsatisfactory result.

Results of eyebrow wrinkle correction with fillers

Girl's face after correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers
Girl's face after correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers

The effect is noticeable immediately after the end of the procedure, the skin fold between the eyebrows is smoothed out, becomes invisible to others and no longer spoils the face with its unaesthetic appearance. This result lasts an average of 3-12 months. This period can be increased by proper facial care, quitting smoking and alcohol, in the case of eating healthy food with an abundance of fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs.

Rehabilitation after correction of glabellar wrinkles takes place rather quickly, within 5 days maximum. At this time, a slight tingling sensation and redness may disturb, but burning, inflammation and swelling indicate complications.

Side effects after eyebrow contouring are extremely rare. Basically, they occur in the case of incompetence and inexperience of the doctor. In this situation, you need to immediately contact a specialist for help.

In the first weeks after the correction, you need to smile less, laugh and wrinkle your forehead. This can lead to the activation of premature resorption of the drug and sagging of the skin, as a result of which the procedure will need to be repeated. It is also worth using decorative and caring cosmetics to a minimum, do not sunbathe in the sun and do not go to the bathhouse for 7 days.

Reviews on the use of fillers to correct glabellar wrinkles

Girl's face after applying fillers
Girl's face after applying fillers

Most of the reviews on the correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers have a positive connotation. It is extremely rare to find negative statements regarding this procedure, they are mainly associated with contacting non-professionals and cheap clinics, as well as a desire to save money.

Elizabeth, 39 years old

After giving birth, I somehow aged dramatically, a lot of wrinkles appeared on my face, and one fold generally drove me crazy - between the eyebrows, it was so deep that I nevertheless decided to do the contouring of this area with hyaluronic acid. The procedure was painless and lasted no more than 30 minutes. For correction, I turned to a large cosmetology center, an experienced doctor worked with me. There was no rehabilitation as such after the correction, there were no side effects. The result persisted for about a year, after which I injected hyaluronic acid once more. Having looked at the photo of my face before and after the correction of the glabellar wrinkle, I can say that the result is excellent.

Inna, 41 years old

Compared to botox, I like the filling of the glabellar wrinkle with a filler based on hyuloronate much more. Injections are not painful, the fold is smoothed out almost completely and for a long time. It was not very large for me, so the consumption of the gel turned out to be small, it's good that I managed to save money on its purchase. The doctor coped with his task quickly, there are no complaints about him. But after the end of the procedure, a slight swelling appeared, which disappeared in just 2-3 days. In general, I am satisfied with the result, but it is a pity that it does not last forever, soon I will have to do it all over again.

Victoria, 52 years old

The glabellar wrinkle was very visible before the procedure, but after correction its depth decreased. True, for this I had to do several injections of an expensive drug. Thank goodness he helped fix the problem the first time. No special preparation for visiting a beautician was required, I just refused other similar procedures. But in facial care after I managed to fill the glabellar wrinkle, I had to make some adjustments, but I do not see anything critical in this.

Photos before and after correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers

Before and after eyebrow wrinkle correction
Before and after eyebrow wrinkle correction
Before and after correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers
Before and after correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers
Face before and after correction of glabellar wrinkles
Face before and after correction of glabellar wrinkles

How to correct glabellar wrinkles with fillers - watch the video:

There is nothing difficult in removing the glabellar wrinkle with hyaluronic acid. The question here is only in the cost of services, since the drugs for this correction are quite expensive. If you choose a good specialist, the result will delight you for a long time and will exceed all expectations.