Homemade sea salt scrubs

Homemade sea salt scrubs
Homemade sea salt scrubs

Learn how to make homemade sea salt face scrubs. Useful properties of this tool and features of its use. Sea salt has a lot of positive qualities and is considered a unique product that nature gave to man. This product contains a large amount of valuable trace elements, vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the full functioning of the body. That is why it is recommended to periodically add a small amount of sea salt during cooking.

Composition and use of sea salt

Sea salt in a bowl on the table
Sea salt in a bowl on the table

Sea salt is extracted directly from sea water, therefore it contains a large number of rare and very valuable microelements. This product has excellent relaxing properties as it contains bromine. In addition, today for the human body, it is sea salt that is the only source of this substance.

Also, sea salt contains magnesium, thanks to which the full functioning of the nervous system is ensured. If there is a lack of this element in the body, insomnia begins to bother and the person becomes vulnerable to a variety of stressful situations. The composition of sea water contains a large amount of iodine, which is why this element is found in excess in sea salt. Iodine is important as it ensures the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. In the event that a deficiency of this element is formed in the body, there is a risk of developing hormonal imbalance, which in the future can provoke not only disruptions in the metabolic process, but also serious heart diseases.

Sea salt is rich in manganese, which strengthens the immune system. Also, the body receives copper and iron, which are directly involved in the process of hematopoiesis. Sea salt contains a large amount of rare trace elements, including selenium, which prevents the formation of cancer cells in the body. Scientists have found traces of silver, nickel, palladium and gold in sea salt.

It is due to its rich composition and content of valuable microelements that sea salt has a lot of positive properties and can become a real healing source. It can be used in the following cases:

  • severe intoxication of the body of varying degrees of complexity;
  • the presence of fungal diseases of the nails or skin;
  • diseases of the joints and spine;
  • diseases associated with the work of the upper respiratory tract;
  • various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Sea salt helps maintain beauty and youth, so today it is widely used in the field of cosmetology and helps to achieve amazing results. Baths with the addition of sea salt have a positive effect on the condition of the skin - intensive cleansing and restoration is carried out, the epidermis is tightened and becomes soft.

To restore and strengthen brittle and weakened nails, it is recommended to use a special healing bath. To prepare such a bath, you need to dissolve sea salt (1 teaspoon) in warm water (200 ml), iodine is introduced (1-2 drops). The finished solution is poured into a bowl into which a finger is dipped. The duration of this procedure is approximately 20-25 minutes. If you regularly carry out such cosmetic baths, in a few weeks a positive result will be noticeable - the nails become stronger and become healthy.

Sea salt has pronounced antibacterial and exfoliating properties, so it is recommended to add it to scrubs. It can be combined with honey, coffee and olive oil. Depending on the problem, the composition of the scrub will also be determined.

How to use the sea salt scrub?

Body scrub
Body scrub

To make a skin scrub, it is recommended to use only crushed salt, as too large particles can injure the epidermis. The scrub should only be applied to a cleansed and pre-warmed face. A warm compress can be used for this purpose. As a result, the skin becomes more receptive and the scrubbing procedure will greatly benefit - the cells receive the maximum amount of nutrients and trace elements contained in sea salt.

The scrub is applied to the prepared skin with light and gentle movements, massage is done for 4-6 minutes. It is important to remember that the skin around the eyes is very thin, so you should not process it, otherwise there is a risk of injury.

After completing the scrubbing procedure, you need to wash your face with cool, but not cold water. At the end, it is recommended to apply any moisturizing milk or light nourishing cream on the face.

It is recommended to use sea salt body scrub only after hygiene procedures. The composition is applied in small portions to the prepared and warmed skin, then a light massage is done for 6-12 minutes. You can massage the skin with your palms or use a washcloth for this. Problem areas are being worked out with special attention. Such a cleansing procedure should be carried out at least once a week. However, more frequent treatments can be performed to care for oily skin.

If the sea salt scrub will be used to treat sensitive and dry skin, this cosmetic procedure should be performed approximately every 10-15 days. After the end of the scrubbing, be sure to rinse the body with warm water and wipe it dry with a soft towel.

It is not recommended to use a sea salt scrub in the presence of various types of inflammatory processes on the skin, as well as dermatitis and various types of damage (for example, cuts, wounds, burns, scratches, etc.). This type of scrub is strictly prohibited for acne. Scrubs containing sea salt should be used with extreme caution to care for sensitive and very dry skin and should be discarded when the first signs of irritation appear. The ideal option in this case would be to use cosmetics that contain egg yolk, cream or sour cream.

How to make a sea salt scrub?

Salt scrub recipe
Salt scrub recipe

Today, a large number of preparations of various homemade sea salt scrubs are known. Taking into account your own skin type, the ingredients will be selected:

  • To care for oily skin, it is useful to add cosmetic clay or citrus juice to the scrub.
  • For dry skin care, it is recommended to add vegetable oil, sour cream with a high percentage of fat, egg yolk to the scrubs.

You can find the perfect composition for your skin by testing. Homemade scrubs with sea salt should be prepared immediately before use and the finished composition should be stored for some time, but not more than 2 weeks. If the scrub will be stored for a long time, perishable food should not be added during its preparation.

The following components can be added to the composition of scrubs with sea salt:

  • Olive oil - nourishes and moisturizes the skin, does not provoke an allergic reaction, except in cases of individual intolerance.
  • Grape seed oil - provides gentle care for problem and oily skin, improves complexion, tightens pores.
  • Almond oil - recommended for aging and aging skin, heals and softens very dry skin.
  • Peach seed oil - thanks to its light texture, it is quickly absorbed into the skin and is suitable for the care of sensitive skin.

If the scrub will be used to care for dry skin, it is recommended to add various fermented milk products to its composition - for example, sour cream, natural yogurt or kefir. After using such a product, the skin tightens and returns elasticity. Also, fermented milk products have a slight whitening effect.

You can add a few drops of essential oil or grated orange peel to the finished scrub. This ingredient will give your skin a light and pleasant scent.

Scrub for problem and oily skin

Scrub with sea salt effectively cleanses pores, restores smoothness and elasticity to the skin. However, this remedy is prohibited for use in the presence of inflammatory processes and acne.

In a coffee grinder, sea salt is crushed (1 tsp) and fresh lemon juice is introduced (1–2 tsp). All components are thoroughly mixed, and natural yogurt or kefir (1 tbsp) is introduced into the gruel.

The scrub is completely ready to use, but cannot be stored. A small amount of the product is applied to cleansed skin and a gentle massage is performed, with particular attention to the area with comedones. After a few minutes, you need to rinse off the remnants of the product and blot the skin with a soft towel.

Toning scrub

This product is ideal for treating normal and problem skin, it has a strong lifting effect and evens out the complexion. Due to the content of olive oil in the mask, the skin becomes velvety and soft.

To prepare the mask, you will need to take chopped sea salt (1 tsp), grapefruit or orange pulp (1 tbsp), olive oil (1 tsp). All components are mixed, and the resulting composition is applied to the face, a light massage is done for several minutes, then you need to wash with plenty of cool water.

Scrub with sea salt and cosmetic clay

This tool has a tightening and cleansing effect, the elasticity and firmness of the skin returns. Any kind of cosmetic clay can be used.

To prepare the scrub, take egg yolk, liquid honey (1 tsp), dry clay powder (1 tsp) and fine sea salt (1 tsp). All components are mixed, and the resulting composition is applied to previously cleansed skin. A light massage is done and the scrub is washed off with warm water.

Blackhead scrub with sea salt

To prepare this cosmetic cleanser, take sour cream or kefir (1 tbsp), baking soda (1 tsp) and fine sea salt (1 tsp). All the ingredients are mixed, and the resulting composition is applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face, a light massage is done and special attention is paid to problem areas. After 5-6 minutes, you need to wash with cool water.

Moisturizing Sea Salt Scrub

The scrub is made from natural honey (0.5 tbsp. L.), Oil (0.5 tbsp. L.) And sea salt (2 tbsp. L.). All ingredients are mixed, and the finished composition is applied to damp skin for 4-6 minutes, after which you need to wash with warm water.

It is honey that has a moisturizing effect and saturates the skin with a large amount of nutrients and elements, while simultaneously cleansing the pores from dirt and sebum. Homemade sea salt scrubs can help solve a variety of cosmetic problems, and can also be used as an effective preventative for the formation of blackheads. However, only natural ingredients can be used to prepare this type of scrub.

Making a sea salt body scrub in this video: