Find out the features of making homemade cosmetic body scrubs and how to use them. To maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, it is necessary to take care of it regularly. The epidermis takes part in the process of cleansing the body, therefore it must be protected from the effects of various external factors. It is on the skin that poor nutrition and lifestyle are reflected - for example, rashes, cellulite, stretch marks and inflammation appear. That is why the body must be constantly and carefully looked after.
How to use a body scrub?

Proper care is based on timely and regular cleansing of the surface of the skin, not only from dirt, but also dead cells. Taking a bath or shower will not be enough for this, as additional use of a scrub is required.
Today, on the shelves of cosmetic stores, you can find a fairly large number of a wide variety of products designed to cleanse the skin, while they are designed to care for different types of skin.
However, off-the-shelf products can be quite expensive, but they are not always effective. Therefore, most girls make their own scrubs at home using simple ingredients. The advantages of such products include the fact that they do not contain harmful fragrances, stabilizers and preservatives.
Thanks to the self-made body scrubs, you can know exactly what will be the reaction of the skin to the product. Regardless of which type of scrub is used, it should not be applied more than twice a week. As a result of cleansing the epidermis from accumulated dirt and particles of dead cells, metabolic processes are activated, pores open, excess sebum is removed, and the body surface becomes smooth and silky. The use of scrubs helps to improve skin tone, remove signs of stretch marks and other minor irregularities in the body.
It is useful to use the scrub after a hot bath or shower, when the skin is well warmed up and the pores are opened, due to which their cleansing occurs much faster. The product is applied to the skin, after which a light massage is performed for several minutes. The remains of the scrub are washed off with plenty of warm water. Do not rub your skin too hard, as this can damage it or provoke inflammation.
Contraindications to the use of scrubs

Like any other cosmetic product, the use of scrubs has certain contraindications, which include:
- Inflammation, scratches, wounds and other damage to the integrity of the skin.
- During pregnancy, since during this period the female body is very vulnerable and can show an unpredictable reaction even to the simplest cosmetic procedure. Therefore, it is advised to refrain from using a scrub prior to childbirth.
- In the presence of allergies or skin hypersensitivity to individual components that make up the scrub. Before using a new cosmetic product, if you have a tendency to allergies, it is imperative to conduct a sensitivity test.
- With a fresh sunburn (sunbathing on the beach or visiting the solarium).
- The presence of pronounced venous nodes.
- If there is a bright vascular network, as these are the first signs of problems with veins and it is strictly forbidden to perform scrubbing on these areas.
Coffee body scrubs

Today there are a large number of different recipes for body scrubs, but the most effective and useful are coffee.
Coffee scrub
For body skin care, the ideal remedy is a simple coffee scrub that you can easily and quickly prepare yourself at home.
You need to take the coffee grounds that remain at the bottom of the cup and mix with vegetable oil or sour cream (1 tsp).
The resulting composition is applied to the skin and a gentle massage is performed for 10-12 minutes. In this case, all movements should be light and smooth, so as not to accidentally injure the epidermis.
If the scrub contains sour cream, this product will have a softer effect on the skin.
Ground natural coffee is one of the effective and natural remedies that will help you get rid of the ugly manifestations of cellulite quickly and without harm to your health. Even if you have not had to deal with the ugly "orange peel", such scrubs can be used as an effective preventive measure of its appearance.
Thanks to the regular use of coffee scrubs, the skin becomes perfectly smooth, restores firmness and elasticity.
Coffee scrub with shower gel
To make such a scrub, you need to take coarse or medium ground coffee - 1 tsp. coffee is mixed with 10 g of any shower gel.
Before using this type of scrub, it must be thoroughly moved, after which it can be applied to the skin.
An excellent choice would be a shower gel with a scent of cinnamon or lemon, as these scents are harmoniously combined with coffee.
Coffee honey scrub
Ground coffee (1 tsp) is mixed with natural liquid honey (1 tbsp), then olive oil (1 tsp) is added. All components are well mixed, as the result should be a composition of a homogeneous consistency.
This type of coffee scrub can be used not only for body skin care, but also for the face. After such a cleansing procedure, the epidermis is freed from dead particles, while the cells are saturated with useful substances, and intense hydration is provided.
Coffee scrub with yogurt
This type of scrub is recommended to be used to combat the manifestations of cellulite, as it activates the process of splitting subcutaneous fat deposits.
To prepare it, you need to use only natural yogurt, which should not contain artificial colors or flavors. Kefir will be an excellent substitute for yogurt.
It is necessary to mix natural yogurt (2 tablespoons) with ground coffee (2 tablespoons). Then cognac is introduced (1 tbsp. L.). All components are well mixed, after which a homogeneous composition is applied to damp skin. To see a positive result, such cosmetic procedures must be systematic.
Anti-stretch mark coffee scrub
A wide variety of remedies can be used to combat unsightly stretch marks, but a coffee scrub is the most effective. Thanks to its regular use, stretch marks become less noticeable and soon disappear completely.
To prepare such a scrub, you need to take natural apple cider vinegar 5%, preferably homemade (1 tablespoon) and mix with ground coffee (1 tablespoon).
The resulting composition is applied to damp skin and a gentle massage is performed for several minutes. To enhance the positive effect of the scrub, it is necessary to create a thermal effect - the problem areas are wrapped with a layer of plastic wrap.
Sugar body scrubs

Sugar body scrubs are no less effective and will not take long to prepare. For this purpose, you can use any type of sugar, but it is not recommended to use a product that has very small or large particles. It is important that the sugar does not dissolve during cooking, since it is its grains that cleanse the skin of dead cell particles.
Sugar and vitamin scrub
To prepare such a scrub, take olive oil (0.5 tbsp.) And mix with sugar (1 tbsp.). Then an oil solution of vitamins E and A (2 tsp) is added. All components are mixed until the product acquires a uniform consistency.
The finished sugar scrub can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. Instead of olive oil, you can add peach or almond oil. If desired, the scrub can contain a few drops of rose, eucalyptus or lavender essential oils to give the product a pleasant scent.
Scrub with sugar and cocoa
This type of scrub perfectly cleanses the surface of the skin and has an effective emollient effect, restoring softness and silkiness to the body.
To prepare a scrub, granulated sugar (2 tablespoons) and cocoa (1 tablespoon) are taken. The composition is mixed with sour cream (2 tablespoons). The result should be a thick, pasty mass.
Scrub with sugar and oatmeal
This type of scrub is recommended for dry skin care. To prepare it, take oatmeal and grind it with a blender or coffee grinder until it becomes flour.
You can also use ready-made oatmeal. Oat flour (1 tbsp. L.) Is taken and mixed with the same amount of vegetable oil, then granulated sugar (2 tbsp. L.) Is introduced.
The resulting composition has a mild effect, therefore it is ideal for both body and face skin care.
Popular scrub recipes

Today there is a fairly large number of a wide variety of recipes for making homemade scrubs, which have an amazing effect and help saturate the skin with a mass of nutrients and gently cleanse from keratinized particles.
Scrub with salt and natural coffee
Natural ground coffee (medium grinding) and sea salt are taken in equal proportions, then a little olive oil (1 tablespoon) is added. All components are thoroughly mixed until the composition acquires a uniform consistency.
Scrub with olive oil and cinnamon
This tool has a pronounced antioxidant effect, helps to accelerate the metabolic process in the skin, while the epidermis is cleansed of dead particles.
To prepare such a scrub, ground cinnamon (2 tsp) and salt (1 tsp) are taken. A little olive oil (1 tsp) and a pinch of black pepper (only coarse grinding) are added.
Mustard scrub
To prepare such a scrub, you will need to take mustard powder (1 tbsp.), Water (1 tbsp. L.), Liquid honey (1 tbsp. L.), Granulated sugar (1 tbsp. L.), Olive oil (1 tbsp. L.). l.).
Mustard powder is mixed with warm water, then all the other ingredients are gradually introduced. The resulting composition is applied to warm and damp skin. It is advisable to carry out the scrubbing procedure after taking a hot bath or shower.
After applying a scrub to the skin, a gentle massage is performed for 11-13 minutes, until the skin warms up. To obtain an anti-cellulite effect, it is necessary, after applying the scrub, to wrap the problem areas with polyethylene. At the end of the procedure, the remains of the scrub are washed off with plenty of warm water, but without the use of detergent.
Regardless of which type of scrub is chosen, in order to maintain the beauty and health of the skin, it must be applied regularly - at least 2 times a week.
How to make a homemade body scrub, see this video:
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