Lip masks from cracks

Lip masks from cracks
Lip masks from cracks

This article will tell you about one of the most delicate parts of our face - the lips. How to take care of them in order to preserve their beauty and naturalness. Lips are the most delicate and demanding part of the human body. She constantly falls under the harmful effects of various environmental factors. In winter, with severe frost and wind, the lips are often chapped and flaky. Summer, in its own way, is merciless to our lips, its hot air simply shamelessly takes away their natural moisture from the lips. All of these factors are the main cause of dry and damaged lips. First of all, to help them be attractive, you need to devote 20-30 minutes of your time at least 1-2 times a week, and the result will not keep you waiting. One of the most important lip care is various masks and it is about them that will be discussed further.

How to moisturize your lips at home?

Girl applies moisturizing lip balm
Girl applies moisturizing lip balm
  • The easiest way to moisturize your lips is to apply a few drops of honey to them and leave it until completely absorbed. Moreover, you can do this as many times a day as you like. After all, honey also perfectly vitaminizes the body, and also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  • If you are a lover of indoor plants, then surely there will be scarlet among them, and if not, then there will be a reason for you to plant it at your place. After all, its juice is excellent in the fight against dry skin of the lips, and even heals those cracks that have already formed.
  • Butter and ghee are also good helpers. Lubricate your lips with it several times a day, and they will shine with health.
  • It helps well with this problem, fresh apple puree with butter.
  • Another great weapon against cracks is carrot juice with fresh curd.
  • Flax seed infusion is also excellent for dry skin problems.

Cracked lip mask recipes

The girl applies a mask from cracks to her lips
The girl applies a mask from cracks to her lips
  • Sugar mask. In a small container, mix 3 teaspoons of powdered sugar with 1.5 teaspoons of honey (preferably liquid). Apply this mask on the lips, and after three minutes do a massage on the lips, and then simply wash off the mask with water.
  • Mask based on red rose petals. Thoroughly wash the petals of one rose, soak them in warm milk for several hours. After the specified time, get them out, knead them into porridge and make a mask. For 2 teaspoons of such porridge 1 tsp. honey. Apply it 2-3 times a day.
  • Castor oil mask. Mix 2 tsp. this oil, 2 tsp. glycerin and 5-7 drops of lime or lemon juice. This mask is applied only in the evening, and even better - before bedtime. In the morning, it remains only to remove its remnants with a cotton pad.
  • Sour cream mask. We take a teaspoon of sour cream, 3 drops of lemon juice and 4 drops of castor oil. We apply the mask once a day at a time convenient for you, but keep it for at least 20 minutes, only then can you rinse it off and the result will please you.
  • Triple action mask. It acts as a protector from cold, protects lips from drying out and heals painful cracks. It contains equal proportions of aloe juice, powdered sugar and peach oil. This mask is applied for 25 minutes. thick layer, then washed off with warm water.
  • Oatmeal mask. It includes 2 tsp. honey, 5-6 drops of lemon juice, 1 tsp. steamed oatmeal or flakes. It is applied in the evening 30 minutes before bedtime, immediately before bedtime it is washed off with warm water.
  • Mask based on gelatin, or in other words - collagen. Mask composition: 2 tsp. gelatin, 40 ml. hot water, 2 tbsp. kefir, 2 tsp. oat flour and your favorite moisturizer. Preparation of the mask: pour gelatin with water, wait until it melts, then add flour and kefir to it, mix thoroughly. Before applying the mask, you need to lubricate your lips with cream. After the mask is on your lips, try not to move your lips.
  • Exfoliating mask based on ripe apples. Ingredients: one apple, 80–90 grams of fresh milk,? tsp your favorite medicated oil. Method of preparation: peel the apple, then boil it in milk, after its readiness, heat it well and add butter. Apply to clean and dry lips for about half an hour. At the end of the procedure, wash off the mask.
  • Cottage cheese lip mask. Preparation: 2 tsp combine cottage cheese with 4 tsp. freshly squeezed carrot or pumpkin juice, mix everything thoroughly. Then add another 7-8 drops of wheat germ oil. Apply the mask, wait 30 minutes for its action, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • Hemp oil mask: Mix 14-15 drops of hemp oil with 8-9 drops of wax. Rub this mixture thoroughly. It is necessary to keep it warm and apply to previously cleansed lips at night. This mask perfectly nourishes the lips with vitamins and microelements.
  • Olive oil and kiwi mask. To make your lips silky, soft and moisturized, it may be enough to lubricate them with some kind of oil: calendula, wheat germ, olive or coconut oil. But a lip mask that contains oils and any additional ingredients will help the best. One of the quality masks is a mixture of a few drops of olive oil and kiwi pulp. This mixture should be applied to the lips and washed off after 15-20 minutes.

But this is not the whole list of masks for treating cracked lips. But the main thing is that now you know the most basic of them, and you yourself can cook them and please your lips. In order for the lips to breathe health and beauty, not so much is needed. Just a few minutes a day and you will never face the problem of cracked lips.

Effective recipes for masks against cracked lips in this video:
