Apricot oil for face

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Apricot oil for face
Apricot oil for face

The article will tell you about the beneficial properties of apricot oil and its effects on the skin of the face - how to use it to achieve excellent results. For thousands of years, women have used the oil for cosmetic purposes. It was mined, as now, by cold pressing from the pits of the apricot fruit. It was in great demand, as it is now, because what could be better than cosmetics made from natural raw materials. The composition includes: vitamins (A, B, C, F), fatty acids, polyunsaturated acids, which give the health and full functioning of our facial skin cells. Accelerates the regeneration of skin cells, moisturizes and makes elastic, slows down aging, prevents the appearance of acne.

Apricot oil is used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases: kidney disease, gastritis, cough, constipation, allergies, stress, diabetes mellitus, it also improves metabolism, etc. The most common use is for cosmetic purposes, as it is suitable for everyone skin types. People with sensitive skin can safely use it, because it takes very gentle care of such skin, leaving it hydrated, silky and invulnerable to weather conditions.

Properties of apricot oil

  1. It helps slow down the aging process.
  2. Smoothes wrinkles.
  3. It helps well with dry skin with flaking, especially in winter, when it needs the most nutrition and hydration.
  4. With its antioxidant and beneficial properties, apricot oil improves complexion and tones it up.
  5. For those with problematic skin, using apricot oil is a great choice to give your skin a fresh and healthy look.

Apricot kernel oil is very oily in structure, but after use it leaves no residue and is quickly absorbed, therefore it is used for cosmetic purposes with other oils, which allows the skin to receive more vitamins and nutrients. It is used with jojoba oil, wheat germ, avocado, almond, grapefruit, lavender oil. Having great success in facial care, it is also used for other purposes, for example, a good result awaits you, using it to treat damaged hair, after application your hair will noticeably improve its color and appearance. If you are concerned about dandruff, then applying this ingredient by rubbing it into the scalp will quickly relieve the discomfort that dandruff has created.

Very often it is used for massage purposes, as it helps a good glide of the hands on the skin of the face and body, and also has a relaxing and soothing effect. The miraculous properties of apricot oil are so healing and harmless that it can be safely used even for babies. As you know, the skin of babies is very delicate and sensitive, therefore, when choosing cosmetics, you need to be very careful. Apricot kernel oil well heals baby's skin from diaper rash, perfectly moisturizes and nourishes it.

For women who are struggling with cellulite, this oil will help to put the figure in order very quickly without unnecessary harm to health, moreover, apricot fruits are also used for general body weight loss. And she ate deliciously, and at the same time brought benefits for her health.

Applying apricot oil to the face

Applying apricot oil to the face
Applying apricot oil to the face

Face masks using apricot oil:

  1. One large spoonful of apricot oil should be diluted with lemon or lavender essential oil, the mixture is applied to cotton wool soaked in warm water. We wipe the skin of the face, we try to do it away from the eyes.
  2. To prepare the mask, mix apricot oil with peach oil in a spoon-to-spoon ratio, add a couple of drops of mint essential oil, cleanse your face and wipe with the prepared composition.
  3. Mix a drop of chamomile essential fat with a spoonful of apricot oil and apply on the face for 30 minutes.
  4. Mix the apricot oil with lemon, mint and nerola oil, heat the mixture a little and apply it on the face.

When choosing a cosmetic product for yourself, be sure to try apricot oil for your face. After all, this gift of nature will make your skin soft and radiant with health, and will also help you in caring for your body and health. Try it and you will be very happy with the result!

Video with expert advice:

Peach Oil Mask: