Oils for problem skin - TOP-20

Oils for problem skin - TOP-20
Oils for problem skin - TOP-20

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Find out which oils are most useful for problem skin, how they affect the body, how they differ and whether they can do any harm. The benefits of almond, olive, tea, lemon and other oils. Oils for problem skin are the best that can be used from cosmetics. They almost never cause allergies, are suitable for completely different cases, ranging from age spots to acne, and can be used at absolutely any age. A huge range of these products allows you to choose the most suitable product for you and provide a decent facial.

The best oils for problem skin

The problematic dermis needs special care. For this, natural oils are great, which can cope with any imperfections of the epidermis, such as pigmentation, acne, post-acne. They are able to regulate the production of sebum and fight excess oiliness, as well as have an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. We present to your attention the TOP-20 best oils for problem skin.

Almond oil

Almond oil for problem skin
Almond oil for problem skin

The product is recommended for the care of dry skin, prone to keloid scars and acne. It is widely used to soothe, moisturize, eliminate peeling, regulate the water and lipid balance of the dermis. With its help, you can quickly cope with dermatitis, eczema, herpes. The product is very beneficial for chapped lips, bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Such a wide spectrum of action is due to its rich composition, which includes vitamins E, A, B, linoleic and other fatty acids. The oil does not cause allergies and has no contraindications.

Olive oil

In its composition, it is similar to almond. Based on this, the effect will be approximately the same: the skin will be properly moisturized, the process of its regeneration will accelerate, the color will improve, and irregularities will disappear. Thanks to him, you can eliminate inflammation, severe itching, irritation of the dermis.

The product restores blood circulation in tissues, removes toxins from them, tightens them, saturating them with moisture. It is very useful to use it to wash your face with acne and blackheads, age spots, moles and freckles.

In cosmetology, a raw product of the first pressing is used.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil for problem skin
Coconut oil for problem skin

This tool is actively used in various masks and creams for dry, flabby and flabby skin. It is indicated for acne, pimples, age spots. Its use allows you to protect the dermis from the damaging effects of sunlight and wind. Thanks to him, it becomes softer, more toned and elastic, it ceases to peel off due to the saturation of the tissues with moisture.

But you shouldn't get too carried away with this oil, because it clogs the pores, which will be difficult to clean later.

Peach oil

It is not very popular in cosmetology, although it is quite effective and inexpensive. It contains the most valuable acids for the skin - linoleic, oleic, stearic, palmitic, etc. Due to this, the product reliably resists aging processes, moisturizes the dermis, helps it recover faster after burns and violations of integrity, helps to get rid of acne and acne.

Given this, it is extremely useful for adolescents and the elderly, who most often suffer from age spots, various rashes and acne.

Grape seed oil

Grape seed oil for problem skin
Grape seed oil for problem skin

This oil is popular for its varied effects. It is capable of treating burns and preventing them, so it is useful to use it as a sunscreen. With plenty of vitamin E, steroids and phenols, it effectively removes age spots, dryness and itching, bruising, stretch marks and wrinkles.

The product is used for acne, dermatitis, urticaria. Its vibrant wound-healing properties help the skin recover faster from shaving cuts. It also soothes her and normalizes blood circulation. But above all, it is a powerful antioxidant that removes toxins from tissues and prevents them from aging.

Jojoba oil

The product is obtained from the fruits of simmondsia by pressing them without heat treatment. Its main exporters are Israel, the USA and Mexico. For the skin, it is valuable for the presence in the composition of amino acids, which resemble in their structure the "building" protein of the skin - collagen.

With this in mind, it is not surprising that it is recommended for the care of flabby and mature dermis. It can be used as a balm for chapped lips and as a moisturizing after-shave spray. Indications for its use are age and expression wrinkles, age spots, dryness, itching, pallor, oily sheen, lethargy of the skin.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil for problem skin
Tea tree oil for problem skin

The product is obtained by processing the leaves of this tree, at the output it has a pale yellow color and a strong, sweet aroma. It contains fatty acids, vitamins A, E, B, carotenoids.

It is known for its antihistamine properties, which reduce facial puffiness, and eliminate bags and dark circles under the eyes. This option is suitable for those who are worried about the pores, which ultimately clear and tighten. The tool has a bactericidal and sedative effect. The use of tea oil for problem skin of the face allows you to restore the work of the sebaceous glands, so it is most useful for those with oily skin.

Peppermint, Geranium and Lemon Oil

A mixture made on the basis of lemon, mint, geranium is called hydrophilic oil. It is intended for effective face cleansing from blackheads, makeup, age spots, acne, bags, dark circles. The product, when it gets on the skin, easily breaks down, binds and removes grease and any cosmetics, even waterproof ones. But it cannot penetrate deeply into the tissues, therefore it is ineffective for fighting wrinkles and oily sheen.

In fact, this is the same cleansing milk, only after using it, you may experience a feeling of stickiness or dryness on the face. It is also unpleasant that it clogs the pores.

Essential camphor oil

Camphor oil for problem skin
Camphor oil for problem skin

The product has a good mint aroma and is used for increased skin dryness, peeling, flabbiness, violations of integrity, age spots. It is effective for whitening the dermis, treating ulcers and bruises on the face, relieving inflammation, and preventing purulent acne. It is ideal for treating inflamed, acne-prone and acne-prone dermis.

It is recommended to pay attention to it if you need to find an effective sunscreen, antiseptic, soothing, regenerating oil. It is suitable for the normalization of the work of the sweat glands and a rejuvenating facial massage.

Patchouli essential oil

This tool will become a real helper for those with problem skin - too dry, fading, lethargic. It can be used equally effectively for acne, scars, pimples, pores, ugly color, dysfunction of the sweat glands. It is widely used in the treatment of acne, age spots and traces left from them.

Its scent is woody with hints of camphor. The product is easy to apply on the face, quickly absorbed and, if necessary, can be removed without any problems. After it, no unpleasant sensations remain.

Bergamot oil

Bergamot oil for problem skin
Bergamot oil for problem skin

It will be useful for the care of oily, sweaty skin affected by various acne, acne and rashes. The main effects of the product: narrowing the pores, restoring the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminating oily sheen, toning and brightening the dermis. In addition, the product is able to improve the complexion, smooth out wrinkles, and moisturize it.

It is an excellent remedy for cleansing and increasing skin turgor. This complex effect is explained by the presence of caprylic acid, myrcene, citropten, vitamin E in the oil.

Sandalwood oil

The product is the result of processing wet sandalwood bark shavings from the age of 30 years. It should be paid special attention to people over 25 years old, when the skin begins to age slowly due to a lack of collagen and moisture. This remedy helps to fill them, which also takes care of a beautiful complexion, elasticity, cleanliness and freshness of the dermis.

The use of this oil for problem skin is important for dermatitis and eczema. All this is a consequence of the rich composition, which contains both amino acids and various micro- and macroelements (iron, magnesium, iodine).

Jasmine essential oil

Jasmine oil for problem skin
Jasmine oil for problem skin

If you compare the price of all essential oils for problem skin, then this will be the most expensive. It helps well in the care of mature skin. Its use is justified in case of severe acne, violation of the integrity of the dermis, vascular pattern on the face, increased sweating and poor blood circulation in the tissues.

This product has a strong antioxidant, rejuvenating, cleansing and regenerating effect. Penetrating deep into the skin, it starts the processes of its renewal, removes toxins from it, narrows pores, improves the color of the dermis. The product is extremely useful for pregnant women and girls who, against the background of hormonal problems, are worried about a severe rash.

Cypress oil

Cypress oil is indicated for rosacea, dermatitis, acne, pimples. It works best on dry, moisture-deficient skin. This option helps when it is covered with age and expression wrinkles, age spots, signs of fatigue. It is relevant as a relaxing, tonic, soothing, emollient, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agent.

Regularly applying it, the elasticity and firmness of the skin will increase, and the complexion will improve. The high efficiency of the oil is easily explained by the presence of active components in its composition in the form of flavonoids, vitamins A, E, B3, B6, B9, L-ascorbic acid.

Frankincense oil

Frankincense oil for problem skin
Frankincense oil for problem skin

The product is universal in that it provides reliable care for both dry and oily skin. It helps with acne of various origins, acne and allergic rash, dermatitis. The product is especially useful in winter, when the dermis is negatively affected by wind and cold. In summer, the oil protects from ultraviolet radiation and prevents the dermis from aging prematurely.

It is no less valuable for warts, moles and papillomas, which can be eliminated. The product contains a lot of resins, acids, gums, amino acids, which endowed it with soothing, wound healing, rejuvenating, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ylang Ylang essential oil

It is simply a versatile oil suitable for all skin types. It can be used both for very oily and dehydrated, fading dermis. Thanks to him, the work of the sweat glands is normalized, the pores are narrowed, all acne disappears. The product is known for its vibrant moisturizing, softening, soothing, anti-aging properties.

Cosmetologists recommend using it for comedones, for shaving stubble for men and for eliminating burns after sunbathing. It gives the most striking effects as a scrub and tonic.

Do not use it if you are allergic to any essential oils, dermatitis and hives.

Rosemary essential oil

Rosemary oil for problem skin
Rosemary oil for problem skin

The product is obtained by evaporation of fresh flowers, shoots and leaves of the plant of the same name. The finished product has a pale yellow color and a light, pleasant aroma of spring grass. It is invaluable for cosmetology because it can be effectively used for the care of both oily and dry skin.

Even a sensitive type of dermis will not be a contraindication for this. As a result, it will shine beautifully, delight with cleanliness, smoothness, elasticity. Acne, comedones, boils after its application are significantly reduced in size and subsequently disappear completely.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus essential oil in cosmetology is not often used, and if it is used, it is mainly as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and improving blood circulation agent. That is why it is advised to include it in the care of delicate, sensitive, pale and impure skin that needs deep cleansing. Which one it will be - dry or oily - does not really matter.

This option is not suitable for violation of the integrity of the skin, allergies, dermatological diseases and inflammation, but he copes with herpes, boils and dark spots with a bang.

Lemon oil

Lemon oil for problem skin
Lemon oil for problem skin

This oil is the most potent of all in terms of antibacterial action. Based on this, it is recommended to use it primarily with a large number of acne, comedones, blackheads. It has the ability to dry out acne and accelerates its healing.

It is also worth adding it to your line of face care products because it is a highly effective product for narrowing pores, normalizing the work of sweat glands, whitening the skin, improving its elasticity and lightening. It protects the dermis from premature aging and smoothes fine wrinkles.

Orange essential oil

In terms of its effectiveness, this remedy can be compared with lemon ether. It also has a high activity against bacteria. It is widely used to cleanse and tone the skin.

Due to the content of vitamin C, the product improves blood circulation in the tissues, which helps to even out the complexion. It is no less effective for removing age spots. This oil is best suited for those with acne-prone dermis and blackheads.

It is not recommended to use it for those who have it light, because of the pronounced bleaching properties of the product. How to apply face oils - watch the video:

Considering the indications for the use of each of the described funds and the effects obtained with their help, almond has become the best oil for problem skin. All the others are pretty good too and will quickly find their place on your shelf.
