Activated charcoal for weight loss: scientific opinion

Activated charcoal for weight loss: scientific opinion
Activated charcoal for weight loss: scientific opinion

Find out the main positive qualities of activated charcoal and how to take it on your diet to enhance the process of burning excess weight. There is also an opinion that activated carbon is capable of producing a rejuvenating effect on the body. In addition, it is noted for its ability to restore the balance of lipoprotein compounds, improve the well-being of people with diabetes and slow down the formation of stones in the urinary and gall bladders.

It remains for us to list the indications for the use of activated carbon in this matter:

  • Poisoning with industrial, medicinal and other types of poisons.
  • Intoxication after radiation and chemotherapy.
  • Salmonellosis, diarrhea and dysentery.
  • Great flatulence.
  • Gout.
  • Various ailments caused by the processes of decay or fermentation in the intestinal tract.

In addition, activated carbon can be prescribed as an additional agent in the treatment of allergies, asthma and disorders of the kidneys with the liver.

Is there any benefit from using activated charcoal during weight loss?

Activated carbon and measuring tape
Activated carbon and measuring tape

There is no doubt that the drug is an effective drug. It is much more interesting to find out the scientific opinion on the use of activated carbon for weight loss. Everything here is ambiguous and the disputes between scientists continue to this day. This is not surprising, because the results of using black pills for weight loss are very contradictory, as is the approach to this issue.

In order to be able to draw conclusions about the benefits of activated carbon for fighting obesity, it is necessary to study all the processes occurring in the body after taking the drug:

  1. Bloating is observed and the stomach is drawn in at the same time. If a person suffers from flatulence, he can quickly lose weight by one size and even more. However, the amount of fat reserves in the body will remain the same.
  2. Excess fluid is actively absorbed and utilized, resulting in temporary weight loss.
  3. After the disposal of various harmful substances, the work of the digestive system improves. This does not directly affect the processes of lipolysis, but metabolic processes are normalized and this can cause the loss of a couple of kilos with a large body weight.
  4. The drug is able to absorb some of the fats in food, but this does not have a serious effect on the energy value of the diet. It should also be noted that you cannot take activated carbon for a long time.
  5. Appetite is somewhat suppressed, although this does not always happen. There are many reviews on the net from people who have not experienced this effect.

Considering all of the above, we can safely say that it is inappropriate to use activated carbon as the only means of fighting excess weight. Weight gain occurs primarily not due to the presence of toxins in the intestinal tract, but from an excess amount of food. The sorbent is not capable of blocking calories and does not affect the lipolysis processes. If you adhere to a low-calorie nutrition program, then, in principle, you can use the drug.

If you have already begun to study the scientific opinion on the use of activated carbon for weight loss, then you have a general idea of the advisability of this solution. We have also just contributed to the discussion of this issue. However, there are often "charcoal" dietary nutrition programs on the web that make fantastic promises. However, no scientist is able to accurately predict the rate of weight loss.

The rate of weight loss depends on a large number of factors, among which the main ones should be noted:

  1. Individual characteristics of the human body, for example, the presence of one or another ailment.
  2. Lifestyle - if you show sufficient physical activity and eat right, then it will be much easier to achieve your goals.
  3. Degree of motivation and interest in the results - if you are determined to lose weight, you can solve this problem.

We have analyzed a large number of reviews and we can say with complete confidence that the drug can only help you as an aid.

How to use activated charcoal for weight loss?

Slender girl and activated charcoal tablets
Slender girl and activated charcoal tablets

We said at the beginning of the article that today, many methods have been created for using the drug during the period of weight loss. However, the best results can be obtained using the following scheme:

  1. Before using the sorbent, make sure there are no contraindications.
  2. The maximum course duration is ten days. After that, you need to pause for at least a week. Remember that activated charcoal in large quantities can disrupt the digestive system.
  3. Be sure to follow the recommended dosages.
  4. It is necessary to drink additional water, since the liquid on the course is disposed of quickly enough.
  5. Be sure to monitor your diet, while avoiding spicy, salty and spicy foods.
  6. It is recommended to take micronutrient complexes on the course. However, here the opinions of experts differ and some of them believe that it is better to use vitamins after a course of coal.
  7. If you are taking other medications in parallel, then you need to use them two or even three hours before activated charcoal.

We have already said that the best results can be obtained when using the sorbent against the background of low-calorie nutrition programs. In this case, do not forget about the importance of physical activity for weight loss. If we talk about the scientific opinion on the use of activated carbon for weight loss, then there is no unequivocal opinion. Some experts in the field of proper nutrition believe that the drug can be used in recommended dosages, in short courses. As a result, harmful substances will be removed from the body.

At the same time, some scientists are confident in the uselessness of coal for weight loss. This is due to the lack of direct impact on lipolysis processes. If a person eats properly, then a large amount of harmful substances does not accumulate in the body, and they can be disposed of without your help. If a person does not have health problems, then the body can easily utilize those toxins that are formed during weight loss, even if they could enter the bloodstream.

We will not accept either side, because for sure, the truth is somewhere in between. Our task was to convey to you the available scientific opinion on the use of activated carbon for weight loss. The decision on the advisability of using this medication is up to you.

For more information on the use of activated carbon for weight loss, see the video below:
