Indications and contraindications for the use of an activated carbon and gelatin mask. Main beneficial properties.
The activated charcoal and gelatin mask is a unique cosmetic blend that can transform oily, tired, aging skin. It helps to get rid of acne, comedones, fine wrinkles, early signs of aging of the dermis. The tool can be made at home, spending a little time, effort and money.
Useful properties of gelatin

Gelatin is a powder made from boiled bones, cartilage, and animal veins. It contains a protein that is responsible for the elasticity of human skin. Moreover, collagen molecules are in a split state, which allows them to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.
Collagen works well with many substances. So, a face mask with gelatin and activated carbon allows you to achieve an even greater cosmetic result. After all, these components complement and reinforce each other's actions. In addition, you can add banana or avocado pulp, boiled oatmeal, cream, cottage cheese, egg to it.
Collagen for a mask with charcoal and gelatin can be made by yourself:
- Rinse the beef or pork legs well.
- Leave them in water overnight.
- In the morning, scrub them with water, bringing to an amber shine.
- Put the shanks in a saucepan, fill with water so that it covers them by three fingers.
- Simmer them for 4-5 hours.
- Do not salt!
- Remove from heat, cover with a warm cloth or towel.
- After cooling, remove the shanks, strain the water.
At home, it is difficult to convert a viscous collagen liquid into a powdery state. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend pouring jellied meat into small portioned containers, freezing them and defrosting them as needed.
The benefits of activated carbon

Activated carbon is obtained by burning coniferous and deciduous wood: pine, poplar, birch. Its main component is hydrocarbon. It has absorbing properties, that is, it draws in toxins, dirt, grease. This useful "magnet" helps to cleanse the skin, hair and even teeth.
The other ingredients of activated carbon (oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen) have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory function in a gelatin and charcoal mask. They stop inflammation in the skin, prevent the growth of acne, and their increase in size.
But the excessive use of activated carbon leads to dehydration of the skin, since together with the fat, the hydrocarbon pulls out water molecules. To prevent this process, gelatin is added to the mask with charcoal. The jelly-like substance creates a film effect that protects against overdrying.
Important! A mask with gelatin and activated carbon is used in cosmetology to improve the health of not only the skin, but also the hair. The components of the product envelop each hair, remove dirt and nourish it with useful collagen. At the same time, the oily skin is normalized, redness and itching disappear.
Indications for the use of a mask with gelatin and charcoal

A mask made of gelatin and activated charcoal helps to fight the following skin problems:
- Old scars from wounds and scratches. Glycine is a part of gelatin. This substance accelerates cell metabolism, promotes rapid skin renewal. As a result, the scars become smaller and soon become invisible.
- Acne … Alanine is a part of activated carbon. The substance has antiseptic and mild antibacterial properties. As a result, acne stops spreading over the face, shrinks and disappears.
- Black spots … The gelatinous charcoal mask has a viscous dense texture. When applied to the face, it forms a film that sticks to itself all the "extra" substances. They leave the skin along with the used cosmetic mixture.
- Early signs of aging … Gelatin replenishes collagen deficiencies in the skin. As a result, it becomes firm, firm, healthy and radiant. The tone of the skin increases, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, age spots brighten.
If other components are added to the gelatinous mask (lemon juice, banana pulp, grated cottage cheese), the cosmetic product has useful qualities associated with the properties of the new ingredient.
Contraindications to the use of a mask with gelatin and charcoal

Do not start the procedure for applying a mask with gelatin and charcoal if you are waiting for an important call or are busy with household chores. To obtain a cosmetic effect, you need to lie down, relax mimic wrinkles, do not talk or turn your head.
In addition, make sure that there are no contraindications to the use of a mask with gelatin and charcoal:
- Couperose … This is the name of the network of small blood vessels protruding from the skin. Under the influence of the greenhouse effect, the capillaries are filled with blood, they become darker and more voluminous.
- Allergy … Some people have extremely sensitive facial skin prone to allergic reactions. The components that make up the mask are perceived by it as irritants. Allergy is manifested by itching, rash, peeling of the epidermis.
- Fresh scratches … Violation of the integrity of the skin is a strict contraindication to applying a gelatin mask. If the mixture enters the wound, it causes an inflammatory reaction, which is manifested by pain, redness, swelling.
Note! If pain, itching, burning occurs, urgently remove the gelatinous film, wash yourself with warm water, apply a soothing cream to the skin.
What is a mask with activated carbon and gelatin - watch the video:

Using a mask with activated charcoal and gelatin is a great way to take care of the skin, restore its youthfulness, freshness, improve complexion, get rid of old scars and acne.