Scientists have found that not all fats are harmful to the body. Find out how fat can help you improve your health and lose weight. Previously, a large number of different diseases were attributed to fats. However, thanks to modern research, it has been established that some of them are beneficial. It certainly sounds strange - eat fat to burn fat, but nevertheless it is. There are three groups of such fats, and each of them will be discussed today.
Omega-3 acids burn fat

Probably no nutritional website is complete without mentioning omega-3s. The history of research on these substances began with the indigenous people of Greenland, the Inuit. For obvious reasons, vegetables are practically not found in their diet, however, these people do not suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Soon, scientists were able to figure out that this is due to the omega-3 fats contained in fish.
For athletes, omega-3s are of even greater interest, as they can raise the anabolic background and have a stimulating effect on protein production in muscle tissues. The ability of omega-3 fats has also been proven to increase blood flow during exercise, which also has a good effect on the results of athletes. Well, the last feature of substances is the ability to inhibit the accumulation of fat cells in the body.
Sources of Omega-3s for Fat Burning

One of the staples for Inuit is whale oil, which is high in omega-3s. This substance also contains:
- In the following types of fish: anchovy, trout, coal fish, sardines, mackerel, herring, salmon, arctic char.
- In livestock products: meat of herbivores, milk and eggs.
- In walnuts, chia seeds, flax and canola seed oil. It should be noted, however, that the herbal products mentioned above contain omega-3 in the form of alpha-linoleic acid. This substance turns into its usual form, which the body assimilates, but the conversion process is rather slow.
Not everyone is able to eat fish often, but everyone can use fish oil. But there is one little secret here. When purchasing fish oil, you should pay attention to the nutritional label. It is desirable that the content of EPA and DHA in the preparation is at least 500 milligrams. In this case, it is enough to take the product once throughout the day to provide the body with omega-3 in full.
Anti-Fat Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Today, there is ample evidence of the great benefits of linoleic acid. The phrase "eat fats to burn fat" also applies to it, which has already been repeatedly proven by scientists. Linoleic acid can actively affect fat stores, slowing down their creation, blocking genes responsible for fat storage, and also increasing insulin sensitivity. Also, the substance actively burns fats and under the influence of power load.
Not so long ago, it was found that linoleic acid is able to accelerate the synthesis of testosterone. The subjects consumed 6 grams of the substance daily, which made it possible to significantly increase the level of the male hormone during the training. There is probably no need to talk about the anabolic properties of testosterone.
Sources of Linoleic Acid for Fat Burning

Most of all linoleic acid is found in dairy products and meat. The only negative point here is the specificity of modern animal husbandry and the food industry. For this reason, the content of the substance in the products has decreased.
But this applies only to those animals that ate compound feed. You can also get the required amount of linoleic acid thanks to food additives. You can start with a few grams of the substance, taking it twice during the day with meals. That being said, keep in mind that you will not be able to see results until a few weeks after you start taking the supplements.
Medium Chain Triglycerides - Fat Burners

American scientists have been able to prove that triglycerides, having a medium chain, can accelerate fat burning processes and improve the ratio of fat and muscle tissues.
This type of fat has the ability to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and in its original form enter the liver, where they are used as a source of energy. Due to this, they practically do not accumulate in fatty tissues.
Triglycerides of this type, in addition to the lack of the ability to accumulate in the body, also accelerate metabolic processes that burn fat. It is also worth noting the recently discovered feature of triglycerides, to increase insulin sensitivity.
Triglyceride Sources Burn Fat

Coconut and palm oils should be distinguished from food, according to the amount of triglycerides they contain. They can be successfully used as a substitute for the usual dietary fats. Refined MCT oil (the scientific name for medium chain triglycerides) is worth mentioning as a dietary supplement to increase triglycerides in the body. It is enough to take one to two teaspoons twice or thrice a day. This should be easy, as the oil can be a great salad dressing.
Of course, all of the above substances can be used and even need to be done to combat excess weight. However, it should be understood that a lot depends on your nutritional program. If the diet does not stand up to criticism, then you cannot get rid of those extra pounds in any way. If you intend to lose weight, then you should first review the nutrition program. Otherwise, no drug can help you. You are the builder of your body and everything is curled only from you. All supplements are nothing more than a tool to achieve this goal. So, eat healthy fats to burn fat, and eat right.
On the role of fats and the importance of eating them in this video:
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