This article talks about aerobic sports and how to get rid of extra pounds with the help of aerobics. The content of the article:
- Aerobic sports
- Fat burning rules
- Effective weight loss complexes
In fact, the calorie content of food is very important. The human body either gains weight, or supports it, or maybe it loses - it all depends on the calorie content of the food that he eats.
If, as a result of the difference between the calories received and burned, the indicator turns out to be greater than zero, this means that the person has recovered. If this number is equal to zero, then the weight is on one unchanged value. In the case when the difference between the received and burned calories is less than zero, there is a lack of calories - you are losing weight.
All this suggests that you need to keep track of how many calories you ate per day. This needs to be done only the first time, and then you yourself will know how much you need to eat and what products to achieve the desired result. Given the calorie content of food, you can quickly and without discomfort achieve the goal of losing weight.
Aerobic sports

- Swimming - here, during training and performances, the muscles of both the upper and lower parts of the body are involved. During swimming, the joints are not overloaded, there is no need to maintain their own weight. Therefore, the likelihood of injury to the skeleton and muscles is reduced to zero.
- Skiing - this is the most perfect type of aerobic motor activity. Many muscles are involved here. As a result, the degree of aerobic fitness increases. The effect of such activities is further enhanced by the additional mass - equipment and clothing. Special simulators that simulate skiing help to actively burn extra calories, which means you can quickly lose the hated kilograms of weight.
- Training apparatusimitating stair climbing - almost every modern gym has such an active assistant in the fight against excess weight. During training on the training assistants, the muscles of important parts of the body are involved - we are talking about the back, buttocks and legs. As a result, it becomes possible to provide an impressive level of energy consumption in a short period of time.
- Dancing aerobic direction - at such trainings, you perform rhythmic movements to a fairly fast melody. To increase the intensity of the loads, benches are used. Their height ranges from fifteen to thirty centimeters. When combined with other workouts, these aerobic activities will help to get rid of fat accumulation.
- Circular training strength orientation - a combination of aerobics and strength exercises. Here, you alternately train on different simulator assistants for 15–20 seconds. If the classes are structured correctly, then you can quickly notice positive results from the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Muscle tone is strengthened and increased, a sufficient amount of calories is burned.
- Jumping rope - an intense type of physical activity, which can become a real help in losing weight.
- Running in place, on a mini-trampoline - this type of aerobic activity should be used in the initial phase of training. Later, intense activities are more appropriate.
- Aqua aerobics - exercises are performed in water. Exercise helps to reduce weight, provided an integrated approach to this goal.
What is the main and most vital effect of this type of activity? The answer is quite simple - increasing muscle strength.
Fat burning rules

The first and most important thing to do is create a calorie deficit. Most of those who want to lose weight pay attention only to weight loss. But in the same weight, you can look completely different. So, a man weighing 90 kilograms with ten percent of subcutaneous fat will look much more impressive than one who has the same weight, and the percentage is twice as much.
The human body is not capable of both building and supporting muscles at the same time, and even using them as fuel. Trying to survive in difficult conditions, our body is trying with all its might to build muscle mass and become stronger - for this, heavy loads are successful during training in a hard mode. It turns out that power loads for the body are a real stimulus for muscle growth.
Effective weight loss complexes
- Slimming diet. If every day the indicator of consumed kilocalories is reduced by about one hundred units, then in a year you can irrevocably lose from 4.5 kg of body fat. But the body, most likely, will feel that there is less fat, and will engage in metabolism - it will slow down. In addition, a slowdown in metabolism will be observed due to the fact that you will lose most of the muscle, and not the body fat itself. As soon as you finish eating according to the rules of the diet, the weight will return again, and maybe even in excess.
- A erobic loads. It is important here to consume fewer calories than are burned, otherwise, even with impressive workouts, fat will gain, and not disappear. For half an hour of aerobics, you can actually use up 200 kilocalories more than if you had not started sports training. In order to reduce the calorie content of your diet as much as possible, you should lower 100 calories every day.
- Aerobic and power loads. In fact, you cannot combine a whole week with aerobics and strength training. The fact is that aerobics is not very effective in burning those extra calories. In addition, excessive aerobic training is a major barrier to recovery from high strength strength training. If you still insist on aerobic training, then let it be training no more than half an hour a week at 60-70% of your ideal heart rate in terms of frequency. Exceeding these limits, you run the risk of bringing your body to the breakdown of muscle tissue - it will go to develop energy reserves.
- Power training. When there is a lack of strength training and there are not enough kilocalories in the body, the weight begins to decrease due to the fact that fat deposits are burned. If you use a little muscle here, then it will be just perfect - 1 kg of muscle can burn two hundred kilocalories per day. If you consume fewer calories than you expend, then in a year it becomes possible to burn twenty kilograms of fat with every kilogram of muscle gain. Half an hour of training a week is enough to achieve impressive results.

Strength training is the surest way to success. It is best to do one high-intensity set of basic exercises - squats, deadlifts, bench and bench press, push-ups and pull-ups.
It is appropriate to cut calories by five hundred per day. As a result, fat will be burned at a rate of about a pound per week. For a year with such exercises, you can easily lose 23 kilograms, while increasing strength. The number of repetitions of the exercises should be added, increasing this indicator with each lesson.
How many calories can you burn with aerobic exercise?
The bike is most effective in fat burning. By turning the pedals, you can burn from 500 to 1000 kilocalories per hour. Step aerobics and swimming will "lighten" you by 800 kilocalories, and aerobic dancing - by 600-800.
Brisk walking is a great cardio workout that has an intense impact on the legs and abdomen, as well as the thighs. In an hour of walking, you will get rid of about 360 kilocalories.
By controlling calories, you can achieve an ideal figure at any age, not gain weight and stay always in shape. The main thing is to approach this issue correctly. On the way to success, it is imperative to consult with a specialist from the very beginning, and, of course, with your coach. Only a doctor will be able to prepare the correct program for getting rid of excess weight, and only a trainer will prescribe the correct set of exercises to achieve the desired.
Fat Burning Exercise Videos: