How to burn fat while maintaining muscle and strength in bodybuilding?

How to burn fat while maintaining muscle and strength in bodybuilding?
How to burn fat while maintaining muscle and strength in bodybuilding?

It is important to maintain muscle mass while drying. Lyle MacDonald developed a nutrition and training scheme. Learn how to burn fat and gain lean muscle mass. Lyle McDonald is known for his nutritional programs to burn fat efficiently and quickly while preserving muscle mass. Today we will be talking about his Ultimate Diet 2.0. In this article, you will learn how to burn fat while maintaining muscle and strength in bodybuilding.

It must be said right away that this nutrition and training program is intended for athletes whose training experience is at least six months. In addition, there are requirements for the percentage of fat mass. For men, this figure should not exceed 15 percent, and for girls - 22.

Simply put, before using the Ultimate Diet 2.0, you must first get rid of excess fat mass. If you cannot do four sessions in a week, then this program is also not suitable for you.

Ultimate Diet 2.0 Fat Burning Diagram

Lyle MacDonald's Ultimate Diet 2.0
Lyle MacDonald's Ultimate Diet 2.0

Ultimate Diet 2.0 is a cyclical nutrition program with a minimum time interval of a week. Three days of each cycle have serious limitations, one each is transitional and unloading, and there are also two supporting days. As we said above. During the week, you need to do four workouts.

Monday and Tuesday

These days, the maintenance calorie content of the diet should be halved, but at the same time it should not be less than 1200. If necessary, cardio should be included in the training. To make it easier for you to understand, here's a calculation. For example, the calorie content of your daily diet is 2600. This figure should be halved and the result is 1300. Thus, you need to burn 300 calories using cardio training.

On these days, you need to consume no more than 20 percent carbohydrates of the total calories. At the same time, the ideal option would be to reduce the use of this nutrient to 50 grams. The amount of protein compounds in the diet should be between 2 and 3.3 grams per kilo of dry body weight, and the remaining calories should be from fat.

Supplements include flax seed oil or fish oil, vitamin E, zinc and calcium. To improve sleep patterns, you can consume 2 to 10 grams of glutamine before going to bed. This supplement should be included in the total caloric content of the diet and refer to protein compounds. Take 200 milligrams of caffeine or 1 to 3 grams of caffeinated L-tyrosine before starting your class. Also, ECA or Clenbuterol can be used instead of these supplements.

During training, the working weight of the sports equipment should be about 60 percent of the repetitive maximum. For each muscle group, 10 to 12 sets of 15-20 repetitions each should be performed. On the first day, you can work on the upper half of the body, and on the second, on the lower half. An option is also possible with training on Monday muscles of the chest, shoulders and triceps, and on the second - the legs, biceps and back. Remember cardio as well if you need to burn excess calories.


Food on this day remains unchanged. No strength training and no cardio on demand.

Thursday and Friday

These days there is a transition from a low-carb diet to a loading phase.

During the day, we eat in the same way as in the previous days, but at the same time the calorie content of the diet is reduced to 75 percent. Minutes 60 before the start of the training, you need to take 15 grams of protein supplements and 15 to 30 grams of carbohydrates.

Starting on Thursday night for 24 hours (Friday night), you should consume 2.3 grams of protein for every kilogram of dry weight, up to 1 gram of fat and 12 to 16 grams of carbohydrates.

Before starting a workout session, consume five grams of Creatine, Caffeine, and L-Tyrosine. ECA should not be consumed these days. You can also use 20 to 600 milligrams of alpha lipoic acid to increase glycogen stores.

Try doing a cardio workout on Thursday morning. A strength training session should be held in the evening. For each muscle group, perform 2 to 4 sets with 6-12 reps each. Working weights should be between 70 and 85 percent of the RMA.

Saturday and Sunday

In the morning, you should check how the carbohydrate load went. If high swelling was found, then next week it will be necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates or sucrose and glucose taken.

Eat a good meal about 2 or 3 hours before your workout. 30 minutes before training, you should consume 30 grams of carbohydrates and 15 grams of protein supplements. The total calorie intake on these days will be slightly less than the maintenance dose. Take in 2.3 grams of protein compounds, 4 to 5 grams of carbohydrates per kilo of dry weight. The amount of fat during this period should be 50 grams. On Sunday, the number of carbohydrates in the diet should be reduced to 2-3 grams.

On Saturday you have to do a heavy whole body workout. Since its duration will be long, two sessions can be held (morning and evening). For each muscle group, do 3 to 6 sets of 3-6 reps each. Working weights should be large, and the rest pause between pairs is about 12 seconds. You can also use supersets and don't forget to warm up.

As you may have noticed, this program, proposed by Lyle MacDonald, is quite complex. In addition, it is difficult to classify it as a nutritional program. This is due to the fact that you have to be on the verge of ketosis for a couple of days, and then consume a large amount of carbohydrates. However, the Ultimate Diet 2.0 program works and you can effectively burn fat while maintaining muscle mass and physical performance. However, remember that this program is only suitable for those athletes who have sufficient training experience and do not have a large fat mass.

For more information on the Ultimate Diet 2.0 program, watch this video:
